Sincere Smiling/Smiling - A Tool.
Note that when I say the word "smiling," I mean genuine and sincere expressions of happiness - NOT the false looks presented by fake tv preachers or questionable or insincere characters trying to move you to some form of action. (The fact that they purposely try and appear happy to viewers actually proves my point!) Why? The smile is a tool. Please read-on for the benefits of smiling.
Benefits Of Smiling
It is a great thing to smile often because a smile makes people like you, and completely disarms them should they have something against you. A really pleasant face is a nice thing to look at.
Another positive aspect about smiling is that people like happy people, and also assume that they are more honest than folks that are stern or dismal. Would you rather be around a constantly serious-minded person, or someone that generally expresses happiness unless the situation calls for mourning or comfort?
Public Benefits Of Smiling
Think about politicians and elections. Do you vote for the mean and sad guy, or the happy and content one? Remember the 1996 Presidential Election? Bob Dole had all the right ideas and policies, yet Bill Clinton won due to his charm, smile, and likeability. "Slick Willy" has a nice smile, and has always known how to use it. Yes, Bill knows and regularly reaps the benefits of smiling,
The 2008 Election, Obama versus McCain, worked the same way. Mr. Obama's smile and energetic youth was a positive contrast to the serious and older-acting Mr. McCain. The results spoke for themselves, much to the regret and dismay of many Christians and other Conservatives.
Smile For Relationships
What about meeting people, relationships, and associates and clients? The same exact principle works. The top pick-up line of all-time is "Hi." The demeanor and appearance of the speaker makes all the difference of a favorable or unfavorable response - and ongoing relationships of some kind. (Many people can even tell if the person on the other end of a phone line is smiling or frowning!)
When I was a younger Christian, my idea of a Christian Scholar and "holy guy" was to always be serious-minded and speak of the sad or bad things going-on, so as NOT to seem flippant. After about 2 months, the people of my new church assemby actually avoided me in the hallway, as if I was a real-life "Debbie Downer!" You know what? I WAS, and did not realize it for quite a while!
I hope that this piece about the blessing of a smile will be useful to you. God bless...
~ Jimmy Hall is the owner of JIMMY HALL WRITING SERVCES (404-580-1501), and specializes in writing business plans, web content, resumes, letters, blog pieces, and other necessary written material.
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