Wednesday, January 27, 2016

When Obama Is Gone, National Repairs Must Start

Next January (2017), the long nightmare known as the Obama Administration will presumably be over. Obviously, we do not know yet who will take over the American Presidency, (or even which Party or ideology they will be of) but we do know that they will have a monumental task at hand - that of fixing a very broken United States of America. National repairs must start.

Our once great nation has become the laughing stock of the world. Through illegal immigration and legal loopholes, we invite, harbor, and encourage evil human beings, feed and shelter them, while allowing our own veterans and less fortunate true Americans to starve and go homeless. National repairs must start.

Furthermore, we have de-evolved from an almost completely Capitalistic free economy to a system that is 35% Socialist. The very economical system that had long made America the envy of all of mankind has been severely corrupted. (Obamacare alone is the most-costly and greatest folly in economic history.) National repairs must start.

In fact, a minimal of 48% of the United States population now receives some form of transfer payments or Welfare. (It pays to have children and then NOT to work these days; it is a real money-making operation.) We do this despite an almost $18 TRILLION DOLLAR national debt, which is itself both a tragedy and a nightmare. National repairs must start.

America is a nation that overtaxes hard-working and successful Americans, while enabling and even encouraging those that do not work to remain in their current states and dependent on State Governments and especially the Federal Government. (Democrats like to keep the poor and minorities of all types dependent upon them, for their votes. It is legal BRIBERY.) National repairs must start.

What are our other problems? Many are social. How about renewed racial tensions between Blacks and Whites? Immigrants and Illegal Immigrants versus traditional American Citizens? Law Enforcement versus Minorities? I think you get the general idea. National repairs must start.

The Obama administration has divided our nation and set it back into the 50s or early 60s. We are now Conservative against Liberal in almost every town and neighborhood. National repairs must start.

Our current government supports the mass murder of innocent unborn babies, homosexuality, Islam, immorality, and Socialism, while trying to eradicate even the mention of GOD and CHRISTIANITY that we were founded upon. National repairs must start.

The next administration certainly faces multiple problems, on political, international, social, and economical levels - and more, when Obama is gone. We are very near the point of no return. As a nation, we had better elect a solid, moral, and Capitalistic leader that is freindly with God and Christianity. If not, we are done...

Jimmy Hall is owner of Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) and develops business plans, resumes, website material/seo, blogs, letters,  press releases,  proposals, papers, and other forms of written product.

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