Christian Salvation actually means to have been saved from sin by the act of being "BORN-AGAIN," (becoming a Christian, "Christ-like"). The term "born-again" most famously comes from the words of the Lord Jesus Christ in John 3: 3-6 in the Holy Bible (God's Word to Mankind). Jesus expounds further upon what it means in John 3:16 :
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."
You see, those that believe upon the person, name, and sacrificial death of Jesus Christ upon a Roman Cross as an atonement for their sins obtain free forgiveness for their sins and are granted eternal life with God - after their earthly lives end. The importance of this cannot be over-emphasized.
God is completely RIGHTEOUS, and cannot fellowship or commune with individuals in their initial state of natural sin. Ever since "the Fall" of the first two humans, Adam and Eve, (their disobedience in the Garden of Eden, and ruining their initial state of creation by God) human beings have been born sinful, with a "sin nature" (natural disodedient disposition toward God and holiness).
Yes, people are born WRONG the first time, unable to commune with their God - from the age of knowing right and wrong (sin) they often do wrong (sin). This, as alluded to, is unacceptable to God.
Again - God's remedy was and is the fact that He sent His precious only Son, Jesus, as a remedy for the forgiveness of the sins of those that believe and have faith in Him. Accepting Christ fully atones for sin, and changes a Believer's disposition and inclinations. The holiness of God Himself via Jesus Christ now enters the Believer.
The newly "born-again" Believer, as mentioned, is now called a "Christian" - due to the Spirit of Christ/God's Holy Spirit entering them and now directing their lives. Christian Salvation has then been obtained. He or she now abhors the very sins they used to enjoy commiting, due to the conviction supplied by the Holy Spirit. A "repentance" (turning away from) occurs, as does remorse.
The alternative to never believing in Jesus Christ and never being born-again is to remain in a sinful state, separated from God for all of eternity, in a horrid place of eternal punishment and fire - HELL. Hell is not a good place or a good thing.
The bottom line is that believing not just in the historical person of Jesus, but also that He was and is the Son of God (God Himself in human form) that sacrificed Himself for Mankind's sins, is the only way to be able to live forever with God - as opposed to a second death that is actually a life in eternal Hell and torture.
Believing in the finished work of Christ Jesus secures Christian Salvation, providing a re-birth allowing the new Christian to be born-again in a state acceptable for fellowship with God....