Monday, September 28, 2015

Rain: Catching Rain Water? Natural H2O.

Rain (Natural H2O) is something people either love or hate. Sometimes we all simply forget how important water is, thus the rain that supplies it. Think about it a moment. We take everything (at least many things) for granted. 21st Century man is incredibly lazy when compared to men just 100 years ago. That is a fact. I now know! I need rain water.

H20 from the sky makes our hair wet and ourselves uncomfortable, soaks our clothes, adds to our being cold, makes driving dangerous, and causes things to be messy – but also sustains life, waters crops, and provides power for everything from cleaning to commercial industry to transportation and cooking.

Rain and rain water are vital to our existence. At present, my home water line is in disarray and being repaired by me, and I realize just how important water is now and what our forefathers and primitive ancestors went through to obtain it. At present, the pioneers or folks in ancient Israel have little on this fella.

Yes, rain is being caught around here in 3-gallon and 5-gallon buckets and containers for bathing, cleaning, and personal use. I catch it, carry it, dump it, and then replace the bucket for more! This takes time but feels great while doing it.

Ironically, the rain and weather itself is also preventing me from fixing the pipe problem! In a real sense, the rain is creating its own demand, kind of like a natural version of Supply-side Economics (excuse the reference, I hold 2 Economics Degrees). What goes around does indeed come around. Water is a perfect example.

 Evaporation – Condensation – Precipitation, etc… How does that go? I forgot. Anyway….

I, for one, think it is great to occasionally get back to the past and experience what others did centuries or even millenniums before us. There is a wonderful feeling of practicality in occasionally performing menial but very necessary tasks in everyday life. It keeps us grounded and appreciative of our overall places in this existence. I hope my rain water buckets are running over!

~ Jimmy Hall is a professional business writer, crafting web content, business plans, resumes, letters, and other forms of written material for clients /404-580-1501.

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