Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Satan: The Devil Is Real

In the modern world, we have somehow made Satan (the Devil) into some type of fable or make-believe entity or person. He’s not. Satan is alive and working against us 24 hours per day. He’s real.

Jesus Christ Himself often speaks about the Devil and the Bible records His words to him. These instances were not simply parables or teaching lessons. Satan even tried to persuade Jesus to worship him, ludicrous as that was. (Recall Jesus’ meeting with the Devil after fasting.)

Satan was once an angel in Heaven with God. At some point in eternity-past he led a rebellion in which roughly 1/3 of the Heavenly Beings rebelled against God. God did not take kindly to this, and cast Satan and his bunch out and upon the Earth. (It can be argued that even Hell was made, initially, for them.)

At any rate, since this happened, mankind has been negatively influenced by Satan – in a sense God has used Him and his crew to somehow measure the intentions and faith of human beings. It was even the Devil that first tempted Eve and led her into sin, and she then tempted her husband Adam. At that point sin entered the Earthly realm.

Satan and evil spirits and demons have the singular goal of roaming, killing (spiritually & physically), and destroying those that serve God and worship Jesus Christ. The Bible describes Satan as a lion seeking whom he may devour. He is also said to be “The Father Of Lies.”

The point of all of this is that Satan/the Devil is not some fictional character that ignorant children dress-up as on Halloween. He is a real person and spirit, not to be messed with. The blood of Jesus Christ should be prayed over us, and Satan often ordered to leave us alone in Jesus’ Name. This is no game, but rather real life. (Much sickness is due to Satan’s works.)

Jesus Christ paid the ultimate price at the cross for all that will believe upon Him and His redeeming work. God the Father gave His Son Jesus as the sacrifice for our sin, so that we can fellowship with Him. At the cross Jesus suffered and died for our sins, then later rose from the dead – thereby conquering death, sin, and Satan for us all.

Accepting Jesus’ Christ’s completed work at the cross is of eternal importance. Without His payment for sin, man is doomed to eternal Hell with and like Satan. Get it?

Jesus defeats the evil works of Satan. Only through Jesus can we do battle, in this life of spiritual warfare, with Satan and His followers and demons. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Satan is sin and death. Amen. Jesus and Satan are both REAL.

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