Friday, July 31, 2015

GO Are Go Daddy Websites Good?

Are Go Daddy Websites Good? Yes, Go Daddy websites are great. Websites at this fine domain registrar and web hosting company are easy to develop and design, and are simple to work with in an ongoing manner. How do I know? My own website for Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Douglasville-Atlanta (404-580-1501) is with Go!

As with my own website, others via Go Daddy have access to a great website builder and a number of other great resources and tools to help improve website visibility and traffic. The host even provides stock photos for free usage, pertaining to almost every subject category imaginable.

Although Go Daddy has neat commercials and famous celebrity endorsers for attention, the actual products and services alone are well-worth the price. Once someone visits, they almost always like what they find.

Trust me, I love to write webwork, web content, and other material, but I hate to place and post it; but, with Go Daddy all of that is simple enough for even me to enjoy doing! If I can use the website design features, so can you.

Again - The bottom line is that I use Go as the registrar and host for my website at , and you would be well-served to do the same. In fact, if you do so, I would like to be considered to be the web content writer for your site...

~ Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501).

Vistaprint: Great For Marketing/Advertising (TIP)

Here is a TIP: As a small business owner (Jimmy Hall Writing, I have always found that (Vistaprint) is great for my small business marketing and advertising needs. 

The prices at Vistaprint are very low, the quality is high, and the range of marketing products is wonderful. The company's neat specialty items have helped me immensely in promoting my services and websites for business plans, resumes, web content, and other offerings.
What does Vistaprint provide for client-marketing? You name it! Seriously...

In the past few years, I have purchased personally-designed business cards, postcards, vehicle magnets, calendars, refrigerator magnets, coffee cups, tee shirts, caps, banners, and more. The items always look great.

Even friends and business associates that are virtually computer illiterate can order and design Vistaprint specialty products for their companies. It is literally as easy as point and click and type, 1-2-3. Almost anyone can use the Vistaprint site's creation features.

Furthermore, almost always offers even greater savings to add to your order just before confirming it. An already great "bang for the buck" usually gets even better. I often take the offer.

This specialty and marketing company is the way to go for small business marketing needs, and surely is an incredible way to market by bigger firms with larger marketing budgets. Look them up, and go for it!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

New Water Meters And Home Water Supplies: Fixing Yard Leaks

I may not know what true fun is, but digging-up a water line in the yard and finding various stretches of it 18 inches deep on two different sides of a bush island in the front yard ain't it. I know. I have spent a few days pinpointing a leak (under the bushes) and digging up (locating) opposing entry paths of the pipe. The idea is to bypass the leak, or circumvent it.

Something tells me that the anti-fun has just begun. I must dig a pathway/half circular ditch for the new pipe to lay in, cut the existing pipe on each side of the bush island, connect the new pipe with joints or clamps or something, lay the new pipe, and then cover it all over and do something nice with the yard and the dirt.

The local water and sewer authority just placed a new water meter and cut-off valve in the yard a few months ago, and at that time there was NO LEAK. To me, this is rather fishy, yet likely just a coincidence - for the leak is in the middle of the system under a huge pine and a dozen jungle bushes.

I like to work hard on things, but I think about plans and things way too much. I logically plot and figure where this or that should be, then later realize that the original workers were not smart enough to do things rationally. I need to play stupid when I work on these things, and have the mindset of the installers.

Think about it. Who runs a water line under a full grown pine tree and its  huge root system? (The giant  tree was here when the house was built, and the pipes laid.) The builder seems to have known even less about plumbing, water lines, and water meters than me.....

Now you know how I shall probably spend next week, and what I will be doing. Stay tuned for potential details!!!!!! I want NO MORE complications.

When Relatives Attack You: Side With God

Family squabbles are not all that rare; they happen many times more than you know about. Still, when relatives turn on YOU it can be traumatic and prompt much disgust and anger. "Do these ignorant people really share my blood?" is a common initial reaction to the back-biting and direct discouragement aimed at you by family members.

Regardless, it is imperative that when relatives attack you that you side with God, and remain steadfast no matter what others may say - or what lies or untruths they tell. Trust me, I learned - I know. Do NOT let their negativity and unGodly counsel hurt you. There are modern day "Job's Friends/Comforters" everywhere.

By and large human beings are concerned with themselves and their immediate families. That is a given, and is logical. Sure, they provide lip service and a visit or two to you to save face at times of great tragedies to yourself or others (they have to in order to protect their own images), but don't count on that to last very long. It doesn't! Even the telephone calls come less frequent, and almost stop.

In this life we simply cannot count on people, no matter how close we think or thought we might be to them. People let us down and attack us unjustly; thus, God has to be our fortress and our strength, even when our relatives act and promote ideas contrary to His will and plans for us.

Keep in mind that Jesus Christ Himself says that He did NOT come to bring peace, but rather a sword. He states that he will set family members at variance with one another. Belief in Christ and the true doctrines of the Holy Bible divide families, and this is fine as long as YOU are the one standing firm with Christ. 

Jesus says:

Matthew 10:  34"Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.35"For I came to SET A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND A DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER-IN-LAW; 36and A MAN'S ENEMIES WILL BE THE MEMBERS OF HIS HOUSEHOLD.

Again, stand and side with God, not man......

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

GOD IS LOVE: Perfect LOVE Disperses Grace & Wrath

God is LOVE (1 John 4: 8-16). This does NOT mean that He is "just" loving and caring. Our Heavenly Father's very Being Itself is Love; it is not simply one of His attributes; it is HIM. (Yes, I wrote "Him;" God is spoken of in the male gender in Holy Scripture. Jesus always refers to God as "The FATHER.")

In context, God created the World and Universe via Jesus Christ, The Word (John 1, Genesis 1-3), and it was good. Love made the World. Before "the Fall," God the Father loved His Creation.

Perfect love, however, demands and requires discipline of those created. God chastises and punishes those He loves (Proverbs 3:12, Rev 3:19, Hebrews 12: 6-11). But, there is more. 

God, Whom is Love, also often kills or punishes harshly those He hates. Yes - God does also HATE; He names 14 people and groups in the first 50 Psalms alone that He hates; He also hated Esau before he was even born (Romans 9); He ordered the Genocide of the Midianites (Numbers 31); He tells us in Ecclesiastes 3 that there are times to HATE and to Kill. Want more examples? Read on. 

God also flooded and killed all of mankind but 8 (and some animals, etc) in the Great Flood (Genesis 6-8). And, how about the Egyptian Plagues? (Exodus 7-11), and God's exacting of justice and revenge upon mankind in the Book of Revelation? Let us not forget eternal Hell either. No one all-powerful would allow anyone they love or loved to spend forever suffering in Hell; that is diametrically against what love is.

What is the point being made here? Except for the very GRACE of God (via Jesus Christ) and His substance of love, we ALL would be dead and damned eternally in our sins. Why? 

As humans, we cannot fellowship with God due to our sinful nature that separates us from Him and His holiness, apart from accepting the payment of our sins via belief in Jesus Christ's death and resurrection. This Payment was foreordained by God for us, because He loved/loves us (His own) so much!

Since God is Love, He is also PERFECT and this Love is perfected. This demands justice and rightiousness, as we have previously seen. 

Imagine if our Heavenly Father was not Love and loving, and treated we evil-hearted human beings exactly as we deserved to be treated? We All would be doomed, and eternally apart from this love of God Whom is Love....

- Jimmy Hall, MS/BBA

Public Library: Public Libraries Help Everyone

I love public libraries and bookstores. Why? Not just because of the huge selection of books and videos and other things they offer, but due to the "atmosphere." Yes, the ambience these places hold helps me immensely. They are Paris, France to me.

As owner of Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) I often need to get away from the home office and its clutter and work elsewhere. The public library is an ideal location to read and write and organize things. (Something about working away from home also seems more "official," and productive.)

Often I will simply grab the trusty laptop computer, get on my 7-speed bicycle, and head to the local Douglas County Public Library (Selman Drive/near Douglas County High School) for a half day or so of constructive work. Still, whether working or not, public libraries help everyone!

I admit, I like to have company around, but at least at arms' length. I also like to hear occasional light chatter in the background, and feel good seeing what I perceive as being wholesome library employees doting about doing things I might also enjoy doing in another life. 

Whether researching a writing project, writing someone's resume, developing a business plan, or simply crafting web content or letters, it is hard to find a better or more enjoyable place than a public library to work. (Plus the tables are big, and work can be spread-out.) The only problem is that libraries can be so relaxing at times that I can be sort of "lulled" to rest, and could nap in the place if I let myself!

I encourage anyone not taking advantage of the resources of public libraries to do so, especially if you live near the Douglasville, Georgia area. We are blessed with a great library and a wonderful staff of librarians.

~ Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is a professional writer of business plans, resumes, web content, and more...

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Planned Parenthood: Planned Parenthood's Baby Parts

Planned Parenthood is once again at the forefront of American politics, religion, and morality/immorality. It has been discovered that that Planned Parenthood not only assists in facilitating abortions (killing/murdering unborn embryos/babies), but also harvests and sells their body parts for high profits. 

I do not care of you are a Republican,  Democrat, or Independent - the unethical, immoral, and unconsciable practices of Planned Parenthood should offend you and your sense of right and wrong. Why?

The organization promotes the most evil of human endeavors, the unmerciful torture (during abortion) and murder of God's fruit of the womb, His babies, His rewards (Psalm 127). In fact, God says that even an unborn baby's body parts (wonderfully made) are numbered by Him in the womb (Psalm 139). These are the same body parts that Planned Parenthood SELLS FOR PROFIT.

And, what about harvesting these baby parts? Even if a man strives with a pregnant woman and her unborn baby is killed, the man is guilty of MURDER (Exodus 21). How much more guilty is the facilitator of the systematic and deliberate killing of these unborn babies on a national scale, and the taking of these parts during the process?

Think rationally a moment. If two human beings mate, the product (baby) of this union can only be human, nothing else. If this human is growing in the womb it must be alive. Therefore abortion kills a defenseless innocent living human being: Biology 101.... This is called MURDER. 

Can any rational adult truly approve of Planned Parenthood and its actions? Doesn't it also make sense that God is punishing our land and nation for allowing such behavior? Think. Think. Think. Please spread the word and ask that our leaders DO SOMETHING to stop these evil activities, so that together with prayer God will heal our Land.

Jimmy Hall owns a writing service (Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta, 404-580-1501) that specializes in writing business plans, resumes, web content, letters, papers, and most other written material.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Jimmy Hall's Personal Blog: Life, Love, Fitness, Christianity, Travel.....

This Blog (Writer Jimmy Hall's Blog) covers a wide variety of topics. These range from extremely important matters, like Christianity, to the areas of physical fitness, the joys of life, games, and relationships. I operate a writing service (Jimmy Hall's Writing Services, 404-580-1501), but my heart is just as much into more pleasurable writing, even literature.

Join me regularly on this blog. I sometimes even allow comments! The idea is for me to share what I know, and you to think about it and either agree or disagree with my precepts and philosophy. Get it? 

Often I write about writing itself, sometimes my favorite place (Paris, France), and regularly I share my Christian Faith (I am a Bible-Believing Born-Again Christian/Calvinist). 

I want you to think about something: How will History remember you after you are gone? Are you leaving a written record about yourself, your thoughts and contributions, or anything else edifying for future generations? If not, why not?????

Start a blog or comment on mine. Make your beliefs known to the world. Be somebody. Stand for something. Share what life itself has taught you. It's not hard to do, if I can do it! LOL. Go for it...

- Jimmy Hall/MS/BBA

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hard Rock Cafe Paris: Jimmy Hall's Adventures At Paris' Hard Rock Cafe (404-580-1501)

I, Jimmy Hall, haven't been to Paris, France in a while, and do not know the status of the Hard Rock Cafe Paris now; but, I do know that for me it shone brightly for a long time on the Grands Boulevards (14 Boulevard Montmartre, 9th), from 6/1993 - 10/2001. 

Hard Rock Cafe Paris' Location

In those days I spent countless hours drinking and socializing, rotating from the downstairs Guitar Bar to the Upstairs Bar (with the bartender that was always my partner in social crimes!). The place was like a second home several days a year.

Jimmy Hall at the Upstairs Bar, Hard Rock Cafe-Paris

I simply loved the Hard Rock Cafe Paris, and in my heart I still do. Why? Many reasons, many memories, and many hours of thoughtful contemplation. Seeing the Beatles and solo Beatles on the tvs wasn't bad either. I also fell for a woman there once, but that comes later.

The first time I visited Paris' Hard Rock was on my initial trip to Europe and the French Capital, as a part of my late French-teaching mother's high school tour group. That alone would make it unique. (I was a youthful age 31, and one of a handful of chaperones.)

Lovely Paris, France

The whole group sang songs upstairs (like Karaoke), even The Village People! It was also Mom's first trip to France, after 33 years of teaching French outside of Atlanta. That made it special for us all. It also laid the groundwork for my more mischevious future adventures at Hard Rock/Paris in upcoming years - and even a return experience 8 years later with Mom on her last trip to Paris (weeks following the 9/11 tragedies).

Mom (middle right) and the women chaperones at Hard Rock Cafe Paris

I can recall almost every visit and hour at the musical cafe-museum, and especially the John Lennon "Let It Be" coat framed near the windows beside the boulevard-side of the bar upstairs. How insanely valuable it must have been. I wonder where it is now? Hmmmmmm....

John Lennon's Fur Coat/ "Let It Be"

People of all nationalities seemed to congregate there, including the loveliest Hispanic woman I have ever met or seen (from Mexico City) - whom I subsequently had the bartender to discreetly video over my shoulder and later talking with me (for a risque' magazine or two for he and his co-workers), the American woman (he photographed for me) from the Midwest that had to drag her husband of 25 years to Paris (as opposed to watching the Sidney Olympics back home), and the large German family I video-taped and talked with for 15 minutes around the bar before realizing they neither spoke nor understood English at all!!! 

Pretty French and Swiss women were a given, as were a variety of foreign cafe employees (even an American girl from San Francisco). The place was a genuine "melting pot," unlike America. Everyone jelled, and they all loved to have fun.

Front Of Hard Rock Cafe/Paris

I could write of many other various afternoons and evenings spent socializing at the Hard Rock with traveling companions, new friends, employees, and others - but that might bore you to tears (if you are not nostalgically/sentimentally- inclined). Nor do you care about my time alone thinking or writing in a "Parisian trance." The idea of the huge HRC/Paris branded beer glasses I used, emptied, and still have might not excite you either. However, Valerie might-well interest you. Yes, Valerie (maybe Valery, I don't know).

The date was the 2cnd of October, 1998. An American friend, trivia partner, and traveling companion of mine one trip, named Alan Caldwell, had finally gotten tired (after a few hours) of sitting with me at the Guitar Bar downstairs and talking about Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison,  and the Beatles. It was about 5pm and we were headed to the D-Day Beaches at Normandy well before sunrise the next morning, so he elected to taxi back to the Hotel du Bresil (near the Pantheon/Luxembourg Gardens). 

Hotel du Bresil, Paris

Of course, I stayed knowing the natives working in the vicinity were about to get off work. This was correct. Soon, about 30 minutes later, a lovely French woman entered and sat alone 2 seats from me (with no one else being in the bar area yet). Unlike what you may have heard, eye contact in Paris is NOT always a bad thing; we made it, and something happened. It cut, but then it soothed. I felt warmth, and it was not from the Kronenbourg 1664s or draft Heinekens either.

Heinekens In Paris....

Again, her name was "Valerie," and her English was obviously far, far better than my French; and, the accent when she spoke made her even more desirable. She came closer.

She'd just gotten-off her job and courses for the weekend, grabbed something in a shop, was concerned about nursing a sick relative outside the city all weekend, and came into the Hard Rock Cafe Paris for some beer to wind-down and contemplate it all. 

What also impressed me initially was that she was a young yet classic French female, well-mannered and sweet, very much en vogue, yet did NOT smoke cigarettes (I detest smoking, and at the time all French women seemed to smoke, yet also walked or jogged or cycled).

My Immediate Daydreams Upon Meeting Valerie At Hard Rock Paris!

All conversations involving Americans in Paris begin about Paris itself, and why you are there. That's standard. After these formalities ended, and she had sufficiently shared her current situation, all obligatory talk ended. Her obvious maturity was inviting, even welcoming. We then became as two individuals interested in each other in a New York City wine club or dimly-lit piano bar.

Valerie was beautiful and personable and authentic, not designed or created from a cookie-cutter mold. She was tall, shapely but slim, subtlely yet well-endowed up top, possessed waist-length glistening light brown hair, and large milky white scleras with distinctive brown irises perfectly-set amid them.  Yes, a true "brown-eyed girl." She was NOT like the others starting to fill the Hard Rock Cafe's lower bar room. I suppose that I was no "slouch" either. My incurable romanticism was peaked.

Jimmy "no slouch either" Hall, Grands Boulevards

Admittedly, I had always wanted to "fall in love" in Paris, and almost did at a small Les Halles/Boulevard Sebastopol area cafe a few years earlier (Paris Halles Cafe), with a similar young Dutch woman. Therefore, I was open to this virtuous encounter or endeavor, and particularly pure and edifying talk from someone capable of (but above) so much more physically. She was a dream, and miraculously unattached.

Anyway, the evening continued, and a married female friend of Valerie's dropped-in to join us. We three laughed and talked a couple of hours, and no I did not have to buy drinks - we all did! The girls even ate, I did not. I was focused on this incredible woman.

Eventually, discretion became the better part of valor, in the sense that I knew my limited sleep time was burning. With the friend beside her, I was clueless, and simply did not know what to do. Once before I failed to exchange contact info with a woman, and regretted it. Was this real? Anything here? What was really going on? Could I fall in love in the Hard Rock Cafe in Paris, France?

At The Amsterdam Airport One Trip

I had drank enough then to be sober, and figured I was over-romanticizing the situation, but was not 100% sure. I would let her ask, if anything. Besides, I would be headed back to Atlanta in 2 days, and likely would not be able to see her for months or a year. Who knows?

Finally, I said goodbye to the friend and approached Valerie. We went through goodbyes, and then  I was caught off-guard. She did not ask for any info, but rather performed the ritual of kissing each of my cheeks several times. 

Emotionally, I walked away and into the foyer.... Yet, I could not leave. After purchasing her a small gift, and myself a couple of souvenir items, I walked back to her. She immediately smiled.

Notre Dame

I gave her the Hard Rock Cafe/Paris gift bag, and told this woman that I could not leave without coming back to say goodbye again. She was touched by the gesture and gift, but still we did not exchange any info. I just suspected that she had met Americans on vacation before. I needed to be in prayer somewhere, but wasn't.

Again, she kissed me multiple times on each cheek as I again stood there like a dumbfounded fool. I grabbed the large beer glass I had been drinking from all day and night, stuck it in my bag, and then walked away for good and forever.

I later learned that this form of multiple kisses meant that she really, really liked me a lot. I was simply too ignorant about Valerie's culture to understand at that time. In her own way she had likely tried to exchange info, but I screwed it up.

To be fair and honest, I have conveniently left one fact out of this blog piece all-along. It may explain the ending a bit better. Valerie was indeed much younger than me. At about 19, she was 18 years my junior... That is the end of the story, and I will tell no more about the Hard Rock Cafe Paris at this time, though there is much more to one day be written...

I, JIMMY HALL, am the owner of Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501), where I write business plans, job resumes, web content, letters, papers, press releases, and other items. Give me a call sometime....

Saturday, July 25, 2015

My Left Bank: The Paris I Love

My Left Bank is the Paris of the past, the Paris I love, a now non-existent place that is nonetheless a very tangible abstract reality or vision to incurable Romantics like myself. 

The Latin Quarter, Montparnasse, St. Sulpice, the Quais, Place Contrescarpe, the Boulevards Saint Michel & Saint Germain, and the Luxembourg Gardens of the early 20th Century are my playground. I love it all. But why?

Expatriate Paris fills a void I never specifically knew was there for decades. Sure, Paris somehow mesmerized me from a distance (my late mother was a French teacher), but until I finally went there for the first time I had no clue I loved the place like a desirable woman. It's captivating.

Being in Paris is being alive, walking the same steps as historical greats from the past, seeing what they saw, and pretending to breath the air they breathed. One hopes that what they had is highly infectious and contagious. It's all about atmosphere and supreme ambiance. I stumbled upon the REAL Left Bank one evening, and the rest is...

I am always keenly aware that "this" happened here, and "that" happened there, while he or she or they were elsewhere or nearby. Timelines and relativity are a constant with me. It is all about old and new, past and present. The Left Bank, to a great extent, is the Old Paris.

Hemingway read right there. Napoleon stood over yonder. Jefferson walked with  a lovely lady in this garden. Sartre and de Beuvoir drank at that table. Henry Miller strolled this square. Abelard and Heloise loved and studied on that Quai. Voltaire thought in this apartment. Anais Ninn wrote in that room. Joyce ate at this joint. Sylvia Beach's bookshop was behind that wall. Stein walked her dog in this park, as the Fitzgeralds did their child! On and on and on and on and on.... And, there is more - I know and appreciate everything.

Although thousands of historic-specific sites, places, Seine riverbanks and waterways, rues/boulevards, bridges, gardens, attractions, cafes, museums, monuments, churches/cathedrals, homes, ruins, nostalgic hotels/apartments, restaurants, squares, and walkways exist - each is a part of a greater whole to me that is infinitely more wonderous than its parts.

Indeed, I love Paris, France and consider it "my town," although I no longer get there often. I adore the Left Bank. The truth is, wherever I am, my heart is in Paris - so to a great extent I am there, and hope to always be...

~ Jimmy Hall, MS/BBA (404-580-1501) is a professional Business Writer and Lit Writer from Atlanta, specializing in preparing business plans, resumes, website content, letters, expert articles, papers, and blog pieces. His website is Jimmy Hall Writing Services.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Herschel Walker: Can Herschel Walker Play Football Again?

Former University of Georgia great and professional football player Herschel Walker has kept himself in excellent physical condition through the years. This is evidenced by his fighting abilities in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), and by his incredible physique. But, there is more to Mr. Walker's condition.

Herschel Walker maintains that he can still play professional football at age 53. Yes, that is AGE 53. On what does he make this claim? Why?

It turns-out that within the past year Herschel has been timed in the 40-yard dash at 4.4 and less. That is under 4.4 seconds, possibly 4.3. This is world class speed, despite his age.

However, Herschel has more to offer. He has maintained a musclular bodyweight of 225 pounds on his 6'1" frame. Do you see where this is going?

The former Heisman Trophy winner and NFL all-purpose yearly yardage leader has as much force as ever. Imagine someone with his experience moving that quickly while carrying 225 pounds of mass. 

Should some team give Herschel a tryout, and he actually plays again in the NFL (as he wants to), he will surpass 48-year-old George Blanda (almost 49) as by far the oldest man ever to play professional football.

I understand the injury and recovery and recuperation issues, but I think Herschel would be great for returning kicks, catching a few passes, and maybe even taking 6 or 8 hand-offs a game. 

Let's talk serious here. Can Herschel Walker play football again? It might well be in the Atlanta Falcons' best interest to sign Him to a contract, not just for what he can add to the team but for how he can put folks into the seats....

~ Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is a professional writer of business plans, web content, resumes, and more. He can be reached for telephone consultations and hiring.

Blogging: Blogging And Being A Blogger Is A Release - J Hall

People with opinions like to blog. Oftentimes the most-opinionated people are writers that also blog. Such is the case with me. I own a writing service (Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Douglasville-Atlanta, 404-580-1501) where I write blog pieces, web content, business plans, resumes, letters, and other things for people - but I love personal blogging!

Blogging is sharing and releasing, and to some extent interacting (if comments are allowed). Granted, most writers blog for search engine optimization (seo) purposes, to attract attention - still, we like to share our beliefs and info we think people might be interested in. (Businesses blog to drive traffic to their websites, and to acquire immediate sales or contacts.)  

There is one thing to keep in mind when blogging: NOT everybody is going to like what you post. Many will NOT. You need to be "tough-skinned" and able to face negativity and ridicule. (This is especially true if you are a Christian/Conservative.) The World is an evil place, by and large. This is why Scripture tells us not to love the World nor things of the World.

A second thing to keep in mind is that once you post a blog piece, it might be out there forever, even if you later change your opinion and delete it. There is no telling who might have copied or shared it elsewhere in the meantime! Understand?

Think first, post second. Sometimes it is good just to write, release, and let-off steam, and then delete and NOT post. Then again... Naw!!!!!!!!

Hank Aaron: My Childhood Hero Hank Aaron Gone Bad

As a young boy growing-up in and around Atlanta, Georgia, I was excited when the Atlanta Braves came from Milwaukee to roost here. The only trouble was that they were not very good. Enter Hank Aaron.

No matter how bad those Braves' teams were, Hank was great, and watching his home run count go up was a big deal to many of us. Back then it was always Ruth - Mays - Aaron. They were the all-time leaders.

Getting past 714 was the goal (although at the time it might have been a great symbolic thing if Aaron had eventually stopped at 714 as a gesture of race equality and harmony, and made a speech to that effect). None-the-less, we were all overjoyed when hank hit #715 off of Al Downing in April of '74.

I admired Hank Aaron very much, and felt awful at the racism he and the other minority players had always faced, and to some extent still were - and the terrible stuff we do not know about but can only imagine. At the time he was a good fella, it seemed, and a great sport about it all.

These days Hank has lost his luster, in my eyes. Why? I have seen and heard him berate Republican/Christian Political Philosophy and support evil people and candidates, as a Liberal (evidently). This on the field hero has let me and so many others down with his anti-White talk 
(my view) and Liberal opinions.

The late Furman Bisher was once going to help me to meet Hank Aaron at a car dealership to ask him questions about a particular minor league game in which he played against my uncle (the late Bill Hall), and was supposedly thrown out stealing by him a number of times before either made the Major League. In the end, I did not even bother to pursue it.

I can thank "Hammerin' Henry" for great childhood memories, but in a way I am sad that I ever liked him so much. I am simply being honest.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Would Ernest Hemingway Write Web Content?

Ernest Hemingway was the epitome' of the 20th Century Alpha Male. The New York Times declared that he was "the most important writer since the death of Shakespeare." The question is, being someone that lived every single day to the fullest, would Hemingway sit at a computer and write web content if he lived today -  for himself or others?

In my estimation or best guess, I have to suppose that Ernest would "modernize," (no pun intended) and that he might even try writing and self-publishing some e-books on topics his publisher might not be all that keen to distribute. (I do imagine it might take "Papa" a while to adjust to web writing, considered bad writing by traditional Modernist standards.)

Still, contemplate for just a minute what this man could or would have written with computers and smart gadgets, versus obsolete typrwriters and yellow pads and blue books with pencils and ink pens. What quantity of output would Hemingway have produced? Hmmmm.

The other side of the coin might me that Hemingway was more of a quality-oriented fella as opposed to someone like Steinbeck or Shakespeare or Tolstoy that wrote in large quantities. 

Either way, for my part, I would love to see what Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Joyce, Pound, and the other Expatriate Writers would do in our age. If they could only get Miss Stein started writing-on relevant keywords, their work would rank extremely high with Google....

~ Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is a professional writer specializing in business plans, resumes, web content, and other business-related copy. He also writes literature, and is a big fan of Hemingway and Paris, France...

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Linked-In: Networking and Presenting Yourself On Linked-In

Linked-In is a great no-nonsense Social Media website for professionals and soon-to-be professionals, and even students. Why? It is a microcosm of the business, scholarly, and governental communities. 

People that need to know each other on Linked-In (or simply want to know and interact with each other) can do so in a respectful manner. It is a professional networking dream.

Unlike Twitter and facebook, the level of communications on Linked-In is generally more serious, apart from the complete opposite option of occasional stress relief! The postings and comments on the site are constructive and informative, not just silly reactions.

People on Linked-In are sharing information, in addition to sometimes offering services.  The majority of postings are beneficial, or will be in the future. Members actually need or can use one another in a win-win manner, on the whole. Understand? Everybody wins.

Linked-In allows direct messaging, commenting, postings, group activity, detailed profiles, and the unique feature of endorsing others for specific tasks or skills. Members generally present themselves in an honest light. The end result is that frauds are weeded-out, and legitimacy is rewarded.

From the standpoint of search engine optimization (SEO) and showing-up in searches and queries on Google, Yahoo, and Bing - Linked-In is also a great tool.

The bottom line is that if you are not a Linked-In Member, you should be - if you have anything at all worthwhile to offer the business community. The networking possibilities are great.

I am Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) a professional writer of business plans, resumes, web content, and most other forms of writing. I am also a Linked-In member, as Jimmy HallMS/BBA

Georgia Bulldogs: Dawg Football Then And Now (without Larry Munson)

I admit it, I live in the past. Every year I envision it as being 1980 again. Herschel Walker is wearing number 34 for the Georgia Bulldogs and we are going undefeated again. It's nice until I see/hear the first few games.

No, things are not like they used to be. Coach Dooley and Coach Russell no longer stroll the sidelines; we no longer have the "Junkyard Dawg" defense, and we are not the dominant team in the SEC as we once were off and on for a number of years.

However, the biggest difference in University of Georgia Football then and now is not on the field, the sidelines, or in the program. No, the biggest difference is that our Bulldog heart and soul have been dead for some years. Larry Munson is still gone, and was not announcing regular even before he retired and soon passed away.

To many of us, Larry Munson WAS Georgia Football. Yes, we had the radio on as we watched tv. Before most games were televised, we simply listened to "Uncle Larry" describe the most-minute details to near-perfection.

Even a lopsided loss seemed exciting with Munson doing play-by-play. No, Larry is the biggest difference in Georgia Bulldog Football then and now. We sure do miss you, Mr. Munson. May God rest your soul....

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is a professional writer of business plans, resumes, and web content - in addition to being an avid Georgia Bulldog fan. Give him a call if he can be of assistance.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Beatles (Fab Four) : Why I Love Beatles' Music

I am a professional writer and business writer (404-580-1501), yet despite the image - I have been a Beatles fan since I was 9 years old. Abbey Road was one of the first albums I ever had, right after Bobby Sherman! 

The Beatles had just broken-up when I became a fan, but I sure loved their odd looks and neat songs like "Something," "Come Together," "Maxwell's Silver Hammer," and that incredible pop medley on side two.....

In my mind, even then I vaguely recalled seeing all the fuss they had made coming to America 6 year earlier when I was a toddler in Atlanta. They were different, confident, and seemed to always be in control. They were silly, and some lyrics repetitive, but the words all told stories about love, life, friendship, and everyday living. I loved it.

The Beatles played at Atlanta Stadium before the Braves ever did. Now, that makes me feel very old! It was a monumental event that I could only see on the news, as a 4 year-old. Even Mayor Ivan Allen was involved.

Anyway, I was a Beatles guy after the fact, after the breakup. I had every album, book, magazine, and much of the other stuff. Later, when John Lennon was killed, I must have bought 30 tribute magazines, or more.

Indeed, I was a Beatles fan first and foremost due to the words of their songs, and secondly due to the fact that they were the ultimate professionals in writing most of their own stuff, playing it well, and singing it all like 4 Elvis Presleys. 

The "Fab Four" invented the modern "rock tour;" no one played stadiums before the Beatles. The guys also invented electronic feedback, and were among the first artists to record a lot in stereo. And who else (no one) has had the top 5 songs on the chart at once (with 11 other songs on the chart at the same time, and the top 2 albums)???? Not a bad week!

Unfortunately for me, I had to really curtail my interest in the Beatles. I became a true Christian in 1982 and realized that to an extent I idolized them. I actually BURNED my Beatles stuff, not because I thought it was evil - but just because it/they took-up too much of my God-given time. I matured.

I suppose the epitome' of my Beatles experience came in 1993 (after my interest was somewhat curtailed). I not only walked across the Zebra Abbey Road Crosswalk in London, but also slipped inside the studio office, before being thrown out!

I may be a professional writer/Atlanta (business plans, resumes, blogs, web content, and other things) but I also love great music! If I can help you in any way, please give me a call at 404-580-1501, or write me at   ....

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Facebook: Why We Love facebook/What facebook Does

Human beings have a missing void in their lives; they have to communicate with each other and God. Prayer works with God, but reaching other people is not so easy. Enter facebook, the gold standard of Social Media.

Facebook provides and facilitates quite a number of communication functions. How? Lets list them:

1. Recent and historical info and news are at your fingertips via facebook.

2. You can share what you want with whomever you want at any moment you want to with facebook. (This includes buying and selling things, and seeking or providing job opportunityies, etc...)

3. Friends, relatives, associates, and acquaintances can be communicated with easily on facebook, and info and photos and videos displayed instantly.

4. Almost anything can be shared with anyone on facebook, whether it is original with you or not.

5. Facebook serves as a reunion service.

6. Facebook serves as a dating service or singles club, and to a great extent a mischevious club for personal encounters.

7. Facebook is a great supplement for business and/or organization interests and marketing.

8. Facebook alleviates loneliness; there is always someone to communicate with.

9. Facebook is a great Question/Answer site. You can find out just about anything you need to on it.

10. Facebook is a wonderful place to have special pages and clubs to share everything from music to videos with others of a like mind.

11. Facebook is a great medium to share JESUS CHRIST & CHRISTIANITY.

12. Facebook is a special daily diary, and a way to share your life with others. It also serves as positive re-enforcement with respect to issues and dreams and goals.

13. Facebook is a wonderful store of information, from NOTES to PHOTOGRAPHS to INFORMATIVE STATUSES/COMMENTS.

14. Facebook is a powerful Spiritual, Political, Charitable, and Social Medium to persuade others.

15. Facebook is a great place for you to feel good about you, and to demonstrate your knowledge and stupidity to others.

The truth is, facebook facilitates hundreds if not thousands of other things. It is exactly what you make it.

I am Jimmy Hall and I can be found on facebook at: . I am a professional writer of business plans, resumes, web content, etc and can also be reached at 404-580-1501.

Jesus Is Savior, Rarely Is Jesus Our Lord. What????

Jesus Christ is supposed to be our Lord and Savior, and He is. The problem is that we easily grant Him the Savior status that benefits us so obviously and tremendously, yet we infringe upon and withhold His Lordship amid our daily lives.

No one wants to go to Hell (that I know about), so Believers are keen to place Jesus as their intellectual and theoretical Deliverer from sin, death, and Hell. However, isn't the proof of our Belief really in our corresponding actions of submitting to His Lordship minute by minute and hour by hour?

Does Jesus Christ actually govern your life? Mine? If so, how much total time a day? Don't we really just run on automatic pilot doing as we wish, and just sorta think about God and Jesus while doing exactly what our physical selves want?

I submit to you that many of we Christians pay lip services to Jesus being our Savior, and very little mental or physical service to implementing His Principles as being our Lord. In fact, we rarely allow Him to be our Lord. Old-time preachers used to say that many folks have "fire insurance," but don't use their God-given fire equipment or deterrent day to day!

Sure, accepting Jesus Christ as Savior by Believing in His finished work on the Cross for us is most important; but, if we truly love Him as He does us, shouldn't we submit to His overall Lordship 24/7 as well?????????

~ Jimmy Hall/Atlanta(404-580-1501) is a professional writer of Business Plans, Resumes, and Web content, and more. He can be reached at the previous number...

Saturday, July 18, 2015

LIES: Why Do People Lie?

It has been argued by many preachers and Bible teachers that when someone lies or bears false witness they are more like Satan (the Devil) than at any other time in life. Why? Satan is "the Father of Lies" (John 8). The question is, "Why do people lie?"

No one can give an accurate and complete answer to the question without hundreds of pages of psychological jargon and a thesis on hearts of human beings themselves. However, a lie is told to either secure a desireable outcome or deter an undesireable outcome.   

Since people rightly or wrongly generally trust what is said to them, until the source is proven to have told them something wrong, lying is at least a temporary "quick fix" to pressing problems or needs. Understand? Lies also buy time.

A human being's words originate in their heart; for, "...out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh" (Luke 6, Matthew 12, the Holy Bible).

People dare to lie/bear false witness despite it being a sin and a violation of one of the sacred Ten Commandments listed in the Book of Exodus. Thus, in the bigger picture, lies are told to change the course of events and probable outcomes, and the motives are selfish. 

In an odd twist, we should also remember that somehow greed and the love of money are always directly or indirectly tied to lies also. How? Lies are evil, and "the love of money is the root of all evil/kinds of evil" (I Timothy 6). Get it?

Lies are dishonest fixes to pending situations, and are told to alleviate uncomfortable predicaments and change them into ill-begotten personal gains of some type. People are evil, and that is why they lie...

JIMMY HALL (404-580-1501) is a professional writer of business plans, resumes, web content, and numerous other written projects. Give him a call for assistance when needed...