Sunday, July 19, 2015

Facebook: Why We Love facebook/What facebook Does

Human beings have a missing void in their lives; they have to communicate with each other and God. Prayer works with God, but reaching other people is not so easy. Enter facebook, the gold standard of Social Media.

Facebook provides and facilitates quite a number of communication functions. How? Lets list them:

1. Recent and historical info and news are at your fingertips via facebook.

2. You can share what you want with whomever you want at any moment you want to with facebook. (This includes buying and selling things, and seeking or providing job opportunityies, etc...)

3. Friends, relatives, associates, and acquaintances can be communicated with easily on facebook, and info and photos and videos displayed instantly.

4. Almost anything can be shared with anyone on facebook, whether it is original with you or not.

5. Facebook serves as a reunion service.

6. Facebook serves as a dating service or singles club, and to a great extent a mischevious club for personal encounters.

7. Facebook is a great supplement for business and/or organization interests and marketing.

8. Facebook alleviates loneliness; there is always someone to communicate with.

9. Facebook is a great Question/Answer site. You can find out just about anything you need to on it.

10. Facebook is a wonderful place to have special pages and clubs to share everything from music to videos with others of a like mind.

11. Facebook is a great medium to share JESUS CHRIST & CHRISTIANITY.

12. Facebook is a special daily diary, and a way to share your life with others. It also serves as positive re-enforcement with respect to issues and dreams and goals.

13. Facebook is a wonderful store of information, from NOTES to PHOTOGRAPHS to INFORMATIVE STATUSES/COMMENTS.

14. Facebook is a powerful Spiritual, Political, Charitable, and Social Medium to persuade others.

15. Facebook is a great place for you to feel good about you, and to demonstrate your knowledge and stupidity to others.

The truth is, facebook facilitates hundreds if not thousands of other things. It is exactly what you make it.

I am Jimmy Hall and I can be found on facebook at: . I am a professional writer of business plans, resumes, web content, etc and can also be reached at 404-580-1501.

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