No one wants to go to Hell (that I know about), so Believers are keen to place Jesus as their intellectual and theoretical Deliverer from sin, death, and Hell. However, isn't the proof of our Belief really in our corresponding actions of submitting to His Lordship minute by minute and hour by hour?
Does Jesus Christ actually govern your life? Mine? If so, how much total time a day? Don't we really just run on automatic pilot doing as we wish, and just sorta think about God and Jesus while doing exactly what our physical selves want?
I submit to you that many of we Christians pay lip services to Jesus being our Savior, and very little mental or physical service to implementing His Principles as being our Lord. In fact, we rarely allow Him to be our Lord. Old-time preachers used to say that many folks have "fire insurance," but don't use their God-given fire equipment or deterrent day to day!
Sure, accepting Jesus Christ as Savior by Believing in His finished work on the Cross for us is most important; but, if we truly love Him as He does us, shouldn't we submit to His overall Lordship 24/7 as well?????????
~ Jimmy Hall/Atlanta(404-580-1501) is a professional writer of Business Plans, Resumes, and Web content, and more. He can be reached at the previous number...
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