Thursday, July 30, 2015

When Relatives Attack You: Side With God

Family squabbles are not all that rare; they happen many times more than you know about. Still, when relatives turn on YOU it can be traumatic and prompt much disgust and anger. "Do these ignorant people really share my blood?" is a common initial reaction to the back-biting and direct discouragement aimed at you by family members.

Regardless, it is imperative that when relatives attack you that you side with God, and remain steadfast no matter what others may say - or what lies or untruths they tell. Trust me, I learned - I know. Do NOT let their negativity and unGodly counsel hurt you. There are modern day "Job's Friends/Comforters" everywhere.

By and large human beings are concerned with themselves and their immediate families. That is a given, and is logical. Sure, they provide lip service and a visit or two to you to save face at times of great tragedies to yourself or others (they have to in order to protect their own images), but don't count on that to last very long. It doesn't! Even the telephone calls come less frequent, and almost stop.

In this life we simply cannot count on people, no matter how close we think or thought we might be to them. People let us down and attack us unjustly; thus, God has to be our fortress and our strength, even when our relatives act and promote ideas contrary to His will and plans for us.

Keep in mind that Jesus Christ Himself says that He did NOT come to bring peace, but rather a sword. He states that he will set family members at variance with one another. Belief in Christ and the true doctrines of the Holy Bible divide families, and this is fine as long as YOU are the one standing firm with Christ. 

Jesus says:

Matthew 10:  34"Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.35"For I came to SET A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND A DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER-IN-LAW; 36and A MAN'S ENEMIES WILL BE THE MEMBERS OF HIS HOUSEHOLD.

Again, stand and side with God, not man......

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