No doubt it is good and directed by the Holy Bible that
we should at times (as Christians) gather together in groups (such as on the
first day of the week to give tithes and offerings), but in the modern world it
is a tough proposition to find a local assembly that believes the Bible the way
Jesus and the Apostles did – and that early Christians did after the New
Testament was gathered together (remember that Jesus taught the Old Testament).
I am deep into Bible study and Bible doctrine, and in a
sense this makes it difficult for me to be able to sit at any particular church
assembly. When I do, it is simply to worship God and possibly meet a few fellow
Century Church Ignorance/False Bible Teaching
Scripturally, I prefer to be a loner – almost like a monk
in a cave. Why? I simply cannot stand much of the ignorance that is taught and
believed in 21st Century church assemblies. From childhood we all
have been taught things that are simply not true, when checked in Scripture
(particularly when we look at direct translations from the Greek and Hebrew).
How often do today’s preachers teach about God’s HATE?
(It is throughout the Bible). What about His killing and slaughter of bad
peoples and groups? (Again, it is cover to cover in the Bible). His chastising
of His own people? His anger, wrath, and plagues? Not often.
Seed Planting
No, modern preachers want cash, so they teach about “prosperity,”
and “love,” and “happiness,” and what God can do for you. They want a growing
audience that gives the church assembly money, with the hope of getting wealth
back from God for what they give.
The preachers today call it “seed planting.” (That sounds
nice and Scriptural, although it is anything but that!) God wants us to give
with no thought of return, but does return and multiply gifts if given
sincerely – not as an “investment!”
Modern churches have gotten-away from other issues also.
Right up until 100 years ago God’s Sovereignty and Predestination and
Foreknowledge were regular topics. The Book of Romans and Ephesians via Paul,
the writings of Moses (1st 5 Books of the Bible), and the words of
Jesus were commonly examined and taught. No longer.
People have decided to make God into the image they want,
instead of vice-versa. No one wants to think about God allowing some sinners to
continue on along to eternal Hell, while graciously choosing to save others as
the Bible teaches.
Indeed, I rarely attend modern churches, because they are
not truly churches. Two hours of solid reading and Bible study in my bathtub is
more good Word than many of today’s modern church attendees get in several
months of Sundays.
Supposedly The Body Of Christ
And, why do these churches have “altar calls?” The Church
is supposed to be the Body of Christ, SAVED BELIEVERS already. Does God need an
altar call to save His own? NOPE.
Again, the Church is for saved people to be “separated
from the world.” It is to strengthen the flock; evangelizing is done elsewhere
and in other ways, people. Read the Bible and learn how.
My time (God’s time) is worth far more than that to me.
As Paul says, I want meat not milk. I can fellowship at a local pub or bar or library
or restaurant,
without all the false teaching these clowns dish out from their
pulpits. I can also evangelize while there, if I choose to stray from my home
study or bathtub….
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