Monday, October 19, 2015

We Fraudulent Christians: Mimicker Christians

As Christians, we spend our lives trying to “be Christian,” and unknowingly living by basic “do” and “don’t” rules that have been implanted amid our hearts and minds. We read Scripture and ask ourselves, “What would Jesus do?” when events happen amid our modern lives. That is sometimes okay, but….

The fact is that we should not always have to think or be legalistic or make fleshly decisions; if we are truly Born-Again Christians we should allow Jesus Christ to live THROUGH us as we yield to God’s Holy Spirit. Understand?

Our lives should flow, and the decisions about do’s and don’ts should follow Scripture without much thought. The Bible/Word of God is written across the hearts of Believers, if we will only pray, read, and listen to our God inside us.

Our ongoing responsibility (which we rarely live-out properly) is simply to yield to, trust, and obey the Lord. Modern Christians would rather THINK and CALCULATE and COPYCAT what we think we should do on a daily basis. We are simply mimickers, or fraudulent Christians. Christian see; Christian do….

Only when you or I YIELD to the Holy Spirit and remain aware of His Presence constantly can we be natural and real Christians like the Christians of Old. Otherwise we are imitators (which is okay while learning, as a new Christian, even recommended by the Apostles), people acting like Christians as opposed to Christians being themselves and controlled by Christ.

Shouldn’t Christianity be second-nature to us if we are truly born-again, Bible-based, prayerful, and Spirit-led human beings? The answer is YES – apart from the inevitable occasional attacks from the Evil One. It is all-about Flesh versus Spirit.

The point is that if we have to constantly think about every move we make or thought we have something is very wrong. It might not even be real; our calling and election might not be sure. EXAMINIE YOURSELF!!

Even when early Christians watched Jesus (and later the Apostles/Disciples) to understand how to conduct themselves in those trying times, there was a base of belief inside them and God Himself was on and in them.

We all should examine ourselves regularly and determine if God lives through us, or we are just mimicking what we think a Christian should be and do….

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