It amazes me that some Christians (or so-called Christians) are so clueless and ignorant about God and His nature, even after they have supposedly been born-again for many years.
It is obvious that Satan can even hinder fellow Christians and mislead those not sufficiently trained in the Word of God (Bible).
Even a cursory reading of Scripture demonstrates that our Holy Creator is All-Knowing, Everywhere, All-powerful, and has Perfect Foreknowledge. Thus, as Jesus prays in the Lord’s Prayer (Model Prayer), God’s will is always done – even when sins and bad things are committed. What?
God certainly has the power to stop sinners and sins. He is right there, watches, and allows them! Does He not?
Even the Angels and entities in Heaven rebelled and 1/3 were cast out. However, God certainly preplanned and knew about it beforehand. As Jesus says, His will is done in Heaven and Earth. If what happened up there and what happens here is not His will; by definition, God is Not sovereign. Think about it.
Is your God sovereign or not? Is He all-powerful or not? Does Satan win and overpower Him and have people sin against God’s perfect will? There again, no; God controls everything just as Jesus and Paul and Moses say He does.
Bad things that happen (sins) are awful but necessary. God could/would never have had sin to even enter the universe if He did not want it to. The universe is His. He made it and rules it! Did He not? Does He not?
Everything was created from nothing, was it not? God the Creator (Jesus) simply could have stopped sin from coming about with a snap of His fingers, but He did NOT. It must serve a temporary purpose if it is around and God hates it, and could eliminate it COMPLETELY (even apart from Christ’s work that we accept). Common Sense 101.
Want a good example? Jesus said that it would have been better for Judas if Judas had NEVER been born; but, Judas was predestined and scheduled to betray Christ – whether he wanted to, or knew it, or liked it or not. Before he was born, he was doomed to sin against Christ.
Bad things are scheduled, but those that carry them out do so WILLINGLY and are accountable for their actions. Jesus says so in the Gospels.
Furthermore, Paul teaches us in Romans 9 that the non-Elect are still accountable for what they do, just as Pharaoh was, even though God thoroughly controlled and hardened and softened his heart like a robot.
In fact, when the Romans complained that God could not hold them responsible for the way He made them, Paul rebuked them and alluded to their personal responsibility in and for their acts. This, even though Paul, Moses, and God all said that they (everyone) were clay in the hands of the Potter (God) – some vessels made for HONOR and some for DISHONOR. (Not everyone was made for honor or salvation; some were made for what the Psalmist calls “the day of evil/destruction.”)
The whole point is that unsaved/lost people love to sin and do the bad things that God later turns into good things for His Elect, just as Romans 8:28 says. God watches people get raped and murdered, often without intervening at all. He could stop it all, but does NOT. Why?
EVERYTHING (good or bad/sin or no sin) is a part of God’s master plan, just as His predestination of a perfectly innocent man to be tortured and die on a Roman cross and later rise from the dead was scheduled to save real sinners and evil people that believe upon Christ’s work and actions.
God allows sin (which He hates) to happen for bigger purposes. Was it not a pre-planned prophetic event for the only perfectly innocent Man to be executed for crimes/sins He did not commit? HOWEVER, that evil action led to the salvation of millions, right?
God believes in “the ends justify the means.” If not, He would never have ordained and pre-planned ages ago for sinless Jesus to be wrongly executed for crimes and sins that others did, in their place. A fact is a fact is a fact.
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