Saturday, December 26, 2015

Plumbing Demonstrates Christianity: Faith Like Water

In the past 6 months I have faced many plumbing difficulties, mainly with respect to the main line coming to the house and also the line leaving and going to the septic tank. In other words there have been difficulties with clean water coming-in and dirty water going out. What has this to do with Christianity? Everything.

I have worried about this and worked upon it, lost sleep over it, and wondered why God has allowed any and all of it. Worry is a sin, so my Faith is suffering. I suppose I cannot know for sure what the purpose of me experiencing this is, but I can learn from it. How?

Humans and our spirits need God and Faith in God just like our bodies need water for nourishment and the cleansing of ourselves and our interior environment. When the line of Faith and Belief is broken or clogged, our spirits are deprived of Faith and Belief just like our bodies and clothes are deprived of water when the line outside is broken. Understand?

What comes in to our spirits and minds controls, to a great extent, what happens in our daily lives. Just like the water supply determines what happens inside the home and body, our supply of Faith and Belief in God determines what happens inside our lives and spirits.

Thus, like the water supply must be fixed or I will continue to be deprived of much needed water and will pay more for what I use, our communications with God (to receive blessings and Faith) must be unclogged, sturdy, steady, and flowing.

Once I fix my water supply, I will have abundant water at a low price to perform daily household and bodily functions efficiently and effectively. Get it? Once we submit to God and ask Him sincerely to fix our flow of Faith and Belief in Him, we will have abundant blessings, grace, and mercy to walk a better Christian life and current physical life.

Water can be used physically, just like Faith and Belief are used spiritually. Each are required for life, and each must be continually replenished.

The other side of the plumbing equation is getting rid of the waste and used water, so that the plumbing system operates smoothly without messes, smells, or obstructions. No clean water can come in if it cannot also be processed and then expelled. Once the clean water becomes dirty it has to go to the septic tank or sewer.

In our spiritual lives, we must expel all sin and bad things that come about as a consequence of our bad or improper thoughts, so that we can receive much needed replenishments of Faith and Belief. If we do not, our Faith and Belief begin to whither and fade. This clogs our spiritual lifelines just like our home pipelines. Unless the bad is released, not enough good can enter.

The bottom line is that increasing Faith and Belief requires the outgoing of sin in our lives, and allowing God to continually supply us with incoming Faith and Belief.

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501 or ) is a professional business and personal writer that crafts business plans, resumes, web content, letters, and other written projects.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

NEW YEAR: 2016 New Beginnings/New Year

The year 2016 is now upon us all, and what will we do with it? For sure, many individuals will no doubt keep a few New Year’s Resolutions a couple of weeks in an attempt to make positive lifestyle changes; some may well keep them longer. At any rate, people will use the changing calendar as a benchmark for wishful changes. We have always done so.

Somehow we humans seem to naturally look to dates and calendars to “officially” begin or end doing things that we feel will help us. In reality, if these changes actually should be made, they would be made immediately. None of us would wait for calendar changes.

The point is that we often are more interested in the activity of enacting new beginnings in the calendar New Year as an activity in and of itself, as opposed to the actual positive effects of the results and changes that are supposedly desirable. Human beings like programs and plans, and trying to follow them. Activities with small steps provide a sense of accomplishment to us all.

Indeed, early 2016 will be much more of the same ritual and maybe more. With all of the worldly distractions we all are now facing (Presidential Election, Terrorism, Radical Islam, ISIS, Crude Oil Bubbles, etc) we will once again give ourselves the task of trying to keep New Year’s Resolutions to occupy ourselves and gain a sense of personal control.

If by chance some of us make some headway in what we wish to change, GREAT. If not, at least we were or will be better for a week or two at whatever we try to accomplish. Every small bit helps at least a little bit.

New beginnings can start at any time of a day, week, month, or year; they do not require a New Year or calendar change. I wish you well should you pursue significant lifestyle changes with genuinely-desired end results. We all have limited time in this life, and only one body to live it out in…

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is a professional business writer/consultant that specializes in creating business plans, resumes, web content, and letters.

Merry Christmas: Capitalism & Commercialism Rule

Merry Christmas to all of you, may God bless. Yes, the day is upon us once again - Christmas. It’s truly a great wonder of the Western World. Disguised as a celebration of the Earthly birth of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, it has become one of Capitalism’s greatest commercial success stories. Capitalism rules. Christmas Season profits are what keep most stores in business.

Capitalism and Free Trade are magnificent wonders that allow human creativity to flourish, but when these principles and philosophies are unethically or immorally manipulated and used, they deter our once sacred Christian Concepts and Philosophy. Economic freedom should not trade on lies or greed or false notions. It should not sinfully manipulate vulnerable potential purchasers either.

Commercialism now far overshadows Jesus Christ Himself during His own Holiday Season. How? Santa, reindeer, abundant gifts, events, pretty lights, family time, food, travel, tv, and entertainment have placed the true “Reason For The Season” (Jesus’ Earthly birth) in the background.

It would be great to spiritually honor the birth of Jesus Christ in a special way, but unfortunately the way we now do it is nowhere in the Holy Bible. There is no record of Jesus’ birth being celebrated on a specific day yearly by even His closest Disciples/Apostles. In fact, Jesus ordered them and us to celebrate “The Lord’s Supper” perpetually, but never a “formal” celebration of His birth on a certain day.

It also seems to me that when Jesus was almost 2 years-old, the Magi (“Wise Men,”) brought HIM presents (No, they were not at the manger, they arrived much, much later and spoke with Herod.) They did not go around offering gifts to their friends and family – but to The Lord Himself. Hmmmmmm.

Enter Capitalism. We now have expanded the notion of gift-giving to include everyone and even feel benevolent when we do it! (Of course we all like giving & receiving gifts, I have even needed them, but why do we do it falsely under the guise of Christmas?) Why not do it year-round or every once in a while?

Think of all the economic activity that takes place between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day (2 other commercialized holidays). It is astounding. The parties, travel, consumer purchases, services, company events and promotions, media shows and programs, marketing & advertising, eating-out, drinking, and on and on. If Commercialism was a person, he would be considered a master marketing genius!

Imagine if we spent even half as much effort into the real or true Christmas as we do the commercialized holiday? That would be one great holiday season that I would enjoy being a part of, versus the fraud we are all living with now…

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is a professional business writer and consultant, available to write and e-mail business plans, resumes, web content, letters, and other projects.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Ted Cruz: My Second Republican Choice Is Cruz

Ted Cruz is my second choice, at this moment, for President. I think he is a Christian man, and Ted was my first choice for a good while. What changed? Uncertainty and questionable explanations.

I like Ted Cruz's stated Christian Faith and Philosophy, but I have big questions about his wife's past, and his misstatements explaining it. WHAT?

Men and their wives are units, one person, Biblically. She matters. I am against the New World Order, or at least the concept of it. (She has evidently worked several high-level positions to produce it.)

The second reason I have currently changed to the Donald Trump Camp is that Ted Cruz is not all that forceful or Presidential like Trump. The New Yorker has a strong presence and is taken very seriously. He quickly owns whatever room he is in. I think it would be the same with world leaders.

Having said all of us, who knows how I might feel in a week, month, or when the 2016 Election comes around? For that matter, what about a TRUMP/Cruz ticket, and then a President Cruz later in time?

If Ted Cruz is as he appears, he is a good fella with an ambitious wife. Maybe they are not all that bad a couple! They are, in fact, likeable.

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is a professional business writer and consultant for business plans, resumes, web content, and other written needs.

LIFE & TIME: Time Passes Quickly - Jimmy Hall with help fom Danny Fouts

It is well-known that the Holy Bible says that life is like a vapor that quickly passes away. Life is composed of time. Time passes equally fast. The question is why and how?

From the human mental perspective, time and life pass at a different speed than for God. What? Yes, for God, a day is equal to a thousand years or vice-versa. (This actually explains and verifies Creation, and geological time tables.)

Earth's material itself, by scientific measures and reltionships and element half-lives, had to be created in an instant. (Research Granite, and the half-life of its component - 3 MINUTES). All this is to say that time is important to life.

As I sit at a pizza establishment two nights before Christmas, I am contemplating this particular day of the year. Why? December 23rd always seems to hold surprises for me through the years. Some have been good, and many have been bad.

I have been missing my late parents (I am a single adult only child) tonight, but have also thought about this date through the years.

Ten years ago right now, I was meeting one of the loveliest and sexiest women I have ever laid eyes on, and I eventually dated her a while. This memory got me on the time and life subject. It seems like last month. Seriously.

How do the seconds mount up, being virtually no time between them, into years and decades? From second to second nothing seems to change, but then over months, years, and decades everything does.

The answer is really very simple. Time is not a physical entity itself, but it is measured and gauged by them. Time and the life that it is a part of are dimensions that we are involved with in a spiritual realm. 

When we try and figure out time via the physical world, of course it seems impossible to have passed so quickly. However, in a spiritual sense, it most-definitely has and does fly by.

Should I see my former lover today, I would look different to her, and she to me. However, if we'd stayed together we would not much have noticed changes in each other from day to day, only year to year. 

Physical entities age while living life. Spiritual entities are not subject to the eroding that time causes, they are life itself. 

Given this, it seems I was with my former lover moments ago, but physical changes in myself assure me it was a decade ago. My spiritual mind/spirit does not age as my physical body does. But, ya know what? That gal was an awful lot of fun!

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is a professional writer of resumes, business plans, web content, and other written material.

2015 In Review: My 2015 – Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501)

Unfortunately, I must state that the year 2015 has been very forgettable in many ways. What started with much hope, vigor, and forward anticipation quickly turned to further darkness and extended agony.

While I succeeded in crafting about 450 personal and business blog pieces for my near-new blogs, and changed-out about 25 or 30 of my own business website’s pages, operations still never quite picked back up – following the 9 month layoff during and after mother’s illness and subsequent death in 2014.

In the past year I have learned that you never really ever know anyone as well as you think you do, and that 90% of even the people that you should know best are out for themselves period. This goes for clients, friends, acquaintances, and even some distant and extended family members.

Sadness, pain, and much anger have dominated far too much of my attention in 2015. Sorrow is the price a sentimental, nostalgic, and caring person pays for loving others that are not of his particular ilk and temperament. As Hemingway explained, “Sentimental people are the most cruel.” I have been direct and vicious at times, as well. Papa may have been right.

Yes, 2015 has been a year of a very close personal, romantic, and financial betrayal by a hypocritical woman that claimed to be a Christian, monetary hardships, constant plumbing issues, back-to-basic actions, finding my next door neighbor’s hanging body after counselling him for 5 months, a horrific accident with bad injuries, and of learning to ride a bicycle without brakes for many miles at a time while someone has had my car in their shop for almost 16 months! A lot of people simply SUCK.

I suppose the bright side of 2015 is that I am still alive, despite the daily persecutions of being a Christian that stands strongly for the Bible and God’s true Doctrines of Grace through Faith. As Holy Scripture declares, “All those that live Godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” I have experienced it almost daily – particularly on Social Media and in my personal life.

While I have an occasional horrid temper, I have nonetheless withstood the circumstances and kept the faith. Jesus certainly sometimes divides family and friends in many ways, just as He warned He would. That is still no excuse to water down the message of Christ and the Cross, “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation...”

What will 2016 hold? From a human standpoint it looks very bleak, but my hope is that God will once again turn His favor upon me and bless me as He has done in the past. 2015 is over, to Hell with 2015…

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is a writer/consultant and business plan developer/writer, resume writer, web content writer, and also crafts many other business and personal writing projects

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


We Christians, Conservatives, and Republicans have a tendency to criticize President Obama (often rightfully so), and call him "dumb" or "stupid." Let's think about this for just a moment. Bear with me, please.

While he is often wrong in his decisions and actually follows a wholly different philosophy than we do, how can he be dumb? That idea is ludicrous. How and why?

Regardless of how he got there or who he knew or what he had to do, he is the President of the United States of America. If he is a puppet, he was a smart enough puppet to become President. Furthermore, as President he has completely transformed our nation (I think in a negative way). He has been winning, folks.

Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama went from a Community Organizer in Chicago to leader of the once Free World. Is that dumb? No, he is not dumb, just completely wrong and diametrically opposed to Christian Principles and Traditional American Values.

I find it very ironic that we criticize him and act like he is not smart, while we work petty jobs and positions, while he governs the strongest nation in human history. I sometimes talk to scruffy men at cafes or bars at 3pm, as they criticize "the lazy and dumb guy" in the White House! 

If Obama is dumb, what are the rest of us whose lives he has forever altered??? We must really be stupid!

Look, I dislike his Pro-Muslim/Pro-Islamic
and Anti-Christian stands, his pro-choice (even late term) abortion position, his pro-gay/lesbian stances, Socialistic Philosophy, gun control, and other evil beliefs - but, he is not dumb, just very ignorant of the true and living God and His ways.

The President has a completely different World View than we Christians do, and much of it can be attributed to his childhood and his educational background, both here and abroad. 

Is the President's view wrong? YES. However, many otherwise smart people have believed incredibly wrong Philosophies in the past, and many more will in the future.

The President is a smart man in a wrong or dumb way. Hitler was a smart man in his own evil way as well. No, Barack Obama is in no way, shape, or form dumb - He is just ignorant in the sense of not knowing good from evil at times.

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is a professional writer of business plans, resumes, web content, letters, and other items for businesses and individuals.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Miley Cyrus: Miley Is A Planned Persona

As a writer and professional business writer, I know the public relations game. Miley Cyrus, once sweet Hannah Montana, and her staff know exactly what they are doing. Trust me. Sweet Hannah is gone.

Miley has recently appeared topless on a magazine (Plastik) and extremely risque onstage (Pam Anderson joined her at one concert). Yes, this is planned, much like Britney Spears' campaign more than a dozen years ago.

The idea is to at first start your career as wholesome and a great example so that parents and kids adore you. Gradually, you then widen your audience by becoming more and more Liberal publicly. 

It is true that 90% of any type of publicity works out to be good publicity in Hollywood. Ms. Cyrus understands this concept.

It starts with publicly smoking cigarettes, then drinking and/or drugs, then men, then sometimes women, then wilder music, etc. Older fans join the legion of supporters.

Before long the performer has not only her/his original base crowd of innocent people, but also all the wilder ones, older ones, and gays and lesbians and druggies and drinkers. Understand?

We have seen this trend and approach with Justin Bieber and others. It quite simply works, and expands the audience base of the performer in no time at all. Why? It shocks and draws.

Do not think for one minute that these young entertainers (if they should be called that) are just "being themselves" or have "changed with fame and money." No, it is not so simple. Their real lives and stage images are manufactured, almost to the point of the lines being blurred. Again, trust me! Will the true Miley Cyrus please stand up?

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) writes resumes, web content, business plans, letters, and other written material.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Donald Trump: Why Trump Intrigues America

Donald Trump? I run a writing service that specializes in web content, resumes, letters, and business plans, so naturally I enjoy writing. This whole Donald Trump phenomena certainly gives me fodder for thought and placing into word. 

Why does Trump intrigue America, good and bad? Why is he in the media more than anyone else these days? Why does the Establishment hate him? Please read on.

I think that two things make Donald Trump so enjoyable or so hated. #1. People are envious of his flashy jet-set lifestyle (people love success) and #2 they either love or hate his directness and candor. Trump owns the room when he is in it, and we all want to watch him take charge.

Whether you like "The Don" or not, it is a fact that he is a "take charge" kind of a man. He enjoys giving orders, stating opinions, and even firing people at times. (His television show was great.) 

Trump speaks his heart, often before he thinks about what he is going to say. This is very unusual for a successful business man or a political candidate. People like brutal honesty, even if they despise the content of the honesty. Do you agree? Of course you do.

I have no clue as to whether Donald Trump will become President of the United States, and neither do you; however, he sure is making the upcoming primaries and current debates interesting. He has changed political parties a handful of times in the last 24 years, but who's counting, right?

Donald simply enjoys the life he has created for himself, and exemplifies the American Dream that most of us would love to live. Happy Americans want to live vicariously through him; bitter Americans hate him...

Jimmy Hall is owner/writer of Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Douglasville-Atlanta, Ga (404-580-1501) and specializes in business plans, web content, resumes, letters, and other forms of writing.

SUPREME COURT: A Republican MUST Be Elected Prez - Daniel Fouts & Jimmy Hall

From the standpoint of prosperity and morality, the United States has severely fallen in the course of the past 6 or 7 years. We have deposed our once strong Christian values, and are facing the consequences of it. Enter the United States Supreme Court.

The next Presidential election is VITAL for us as a people to get back on track. A Republican simply has to be elected. Why? The next President will likely be able to nominate several Supreme Court Justices. This is HUGE.

These Justices determine the extent of the laws of our land (Constitutional or Unconstitutional, etc) and the basic policies of our nation. As a people, God is judging us for our permissiveness of abortion, homosexuality/gay marriage, and our country's Democrat-led stance against God & Christianity in general. 

A Republican President would certainly nominate Conservative Justices that favor Christian Principles and gun rights. Get it? This is incredibly important, not just a set of idle words.

Indeed, this is particularly relevant due to the fact that a Democratic President could likely change the makeup and balance of the current court to a completely Liberal one - further going against Traditional American and Christian values.

If you think America is unethical and immoral now, imagine if 2 or 3 seats changed from Conservative to Liberal upon the High Court. (You would no longer recognize America in 10 years.) Furthermore, this change could last for decades.

It is time for Traditional Americans and Christians to band together against Democrats & Liberals and reclaim our once Christian nation, and demonstrate to God that we want our land to be healed and once again tremendously blessed by Him. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Christmas: What Is Christmas?

Christmas? What is Christmas really about? Does anyone in the 21st Century know anymore? Well, I do, but I am down this year.

Christmas is supposed to be a celebration of the 12/25 conception of Jesus Christ (though many celebrate it as his birth, that is also ok - we often do not make the distinction) into human form as a baby down here on Earth. (Jesus was likely born on September 30th.)

Jesus came down from being with the Father in Heaven, into Mother Mary's body as a human being, and then eventually carried out His task of being the Savior of Mankind (all those chosen to believe upon Him). He and the Father were and are ONE.

To a great extent this made Jesus sort of go "full-circle" with us. John Chapter 1 states in no uncertain terms that Jesus (The Word) created the universe/world while in Heaven with God the Father. God used Him to do it.

Coming back down as a human gave Jesus/God the chance to experience the world He created firsthand, and to be a propitiation for the sins of it. Without Jesus, no one would be worthy of Heaven with God - because He is holy and cannot be around sin/sinners.

Through belief in Christ, we are cleansed and sanctified and atoned for. Get it? The Father views us through the prism of His beloved Son, Jesus.

Christmas should be a celebration of the Earthly birth of our Savior, if only we could stop all the shopping and other things that have zero to do with His Earthly conception and birth.

Christmas is no more about Santa or presents than Easter is about Easter bunnies or rabbits. Christmas should be about JESUS. I just wish I was happier so I could once again appreciate Him as I should....

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) writes very good Web Content, Resumes, Business Plans, Letters, and other writtten products for businesses and individuals.

Christian Mistresses: Modern Day Christian Women Selling Out

What was once a rarity has now evidently become rather widespread. What am I talking about? Christian mistresses, that's what. 

Modern day Christian women have somehow gotten the idea through false tv preachers or among themselves that selling-out is okay. If bad girls can do it, they think they can also. Just how does this work? 

Generally, the woman finds a wealthier guy that is usually older than her, they "date," and he covers her bills at home.

I have seen this firsthand with several women, including one I dated off and on for many years (she was a "mistress" for her still married boss during our breakups). 

To me, it is a cheap thing, allowing a man to buy clothes, pay electric bills, stock the food cabinet, etc for sexual favors. How is this Christian?

Aren't Christian women supposed to have Jesus Christ in them? Shouldn't they do the opposite of worldly women, and set a good example?

This again demonstrates how the modern world has perverted the Gospel of Christ to suit its present needs. It also demonstrates the false tv Gospel these people are sharing, saying that God forgives ALL; do what ya have to do to live.

In retrospect, I realize that my ex-girlfriend (later platonic roommate) was doing the exact same thing with me, as she did with her married caretaker. I was BLIND. When the money left, so did she!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


I remember the night well. Oh yes. Thirty five years ago tonight I was working the night shift at the Arrow Shirt Company near Six Flags Over Georgia. It was a Monday evening. The rumors started around the break time close to midnight. Was John Lennon dead?

As most of America watched Monday Night Football, I was spreading cloth for future shirt making. Howard Cosell told the nation that his friend John Lennon had just been murdered outside his Dakota Apartment Building in New York City. 

Suddenly, the game no longer mattered to most people. An era had ended. Part of our youth had died, and the Beatles would never ever reunite. It was a done deal.

On the way home at about 2:35am it was confirmed. The radio was playing hardly anything but Beatles' music. I knew. My driver knew also. The wittiest and most unique of the Beatles was dead.

When I arrived home, my parents were awake as usual and had food on the table for me. I told them that John Lennon had been assassinated. They were also shocked, knowing how much I liked the Beatles and individual Beatles.

I was up all night listening to the old Larry King Radio Show on the Mutual Radio Network. He handled things well, but still he nor anyone else knew what a big deal this death would become.

King disallowed the regular callers with funny names and things from going on the air, out of respect for John. Callers shared their memories of John Lennon and Beatlemania, as did Larry King himself. (He was in Miami when they visited in 1964.)

Women cried, men were sad, and even people too young to recall the Beatles were saddened at this man's death. The world was stunned. The callers to the show were a microcosim of the world.

The second lead story every 30 minutes on the news was a possible breakthrough in the Hostage situation in Iran. That did not even really matter now. Few people cared.

Early the next morning I was in the car driving to Lilburn, Georgia to my girlfriend's house. We went to Northlake Mall and bought Beatles albums (Yes, albums). We were sad. Christy had even read both of John Lennon's books.

Who would have ever thought that our lives would have turned-out this way, way back during that sad week? 

It is 35 years later, and the music still lives on. Regardless, most of the people once closest to me are dead, and I am almost alone in the world.

~ Jimmy Hall is owner and writer at JIMMY HALL WRITING SERVICES (404-580-1501) in Georgia; he writes business plans, resumes, seo web content, letters, and more...

Monday, December 7, 2015

Christmas: Real Christmas, Jesus Saves

As Americans, we love to celebrate Christmas almost as much for the so-called "Holiday Season," as for anything to do with Jesus Christ Himself. This is sad but very true.

Even people in the media say, "Christmas is about family and good food and memories." Not exactly true. Nor is Christmas about shopping and gifts (The Magi likely arrived with gifts when Jesus was well-over a year old, maybe almost 2, after their long journey - as Herod killed all male children in the town under 2 years old.) We love Manger scenes with them in it, but it simply DID NOT happen that way!

Furthermore, the date 12/25 was decided upon to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, recognizing that He came down from Heaven and into the womb of His Mother Mary, and is the only Savior of the world. He is and was the long-awaited Messiah. However...

More than likely Jesus was actually conceived on 12/25, because we know He was NOT born during this time of year, but maybe at the end of September. (The late Rev Arnold Murray seemed to have all of that worked out Biblically and scientifically.)

No matter when Christ was earthly born, the fact is that He was and is both God and the Son of God. There is no salvation for those that deny His existence, death, burial, and ressurection as payment for mankind's sins. Why? 

God is holy, and cannot commune with unsanctified individuals (sinners). We are required to be holy, and cannot be without Jesus Christ.

Since we all were born fleshly and came to an age of knowing right and wrong and do/did wrong (sin ), we all need Jesus Christ as the sacrifice for our sins so that we can have eternal life with God in Heaven, as opposed to eternal separation from God (Hell).

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the propitiation for the sins of all those that will believe. Do you know Jesus Christ personally? Is He your Savior? Think about it....

Friday, December 4, 2015


Every single time I see or hear about different Atheists or Atheist groups fighting against various Christian Nativity Scenes or God Himself or Prayers, it baffles me. How about you?

Let's think about this thing rationally. Atheists claim they do NOT believe in God - not the True & Living God or any other false god, period. So, if they say God does NOT exist, why fight against Him and His Followers? Aren't they, by their own admission, fighting against nothing?

I believe that if I was an Atheist, I would simply laugh my head off when groups of people prayed. I might even snicker. I would not get mad, because I would feel like they were talking to themselves and no one else.

What is possibly offensive about Prayer or Nativity Scenes or anything like that? It's not like anyone can MAKE you pray or stare at a scene or believe in God, is it? Why be upset? Aren't we Christians just derainged and disillusioned fools to them anyway? Feel sorry for us if anything!

The next thing that truly bugs me is that while 88% or so of the nation believes in God, and maybe 7% doesn't, and the rest do not know - the 7% get their way over the rest. 

I thought this was supposed to be a Republic/Democracy with majority Rule? Why, in cases of Christianity, religion, morality, or immigration does the minority always seem to rule? Someone please explain this lunacy.

Jimmy Hall is owner and writer at Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501), and specializes in resumes, business plans, seo web content writing, and most other written projects.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

San Bernardino, California Shootings – By Jimmy Hall/Douglasville, Ga

They have become routine due to our enlarged population, and they don’t even faze some people anymore. What am I referring to? MASS SHOOTINGS.

America averages one a day somewhere now. San Bernardino, California is the latest murder site. (The death toll is 14, with about that many more being injured.) I do feel for the victims and their families.

Once again, many people are calling for “gun control,” and for the heads of NRA members. Why?

These anti-gun dissidents and groups refuse to understand that it is people that kill people, not guns. Secondly, gun murders are actually significantly DOWN per capita and otherwise since the early 1990’s. (You rarely hear this from the media.)

Guns do not think, nor do they fire themselves. Am I right? In fact, don’t they shoot straight where they are pointed or aimed, and don’t they need to be loaded by a human being?

Why attack guns? If they are truly responsible for the murder of innocent people, are they not also then responsible for the saving of even more innocent lives?

Gun ownership is a great crime deterrent. Studies all demonstrate that. They do far more good than bad. Imagine taking all legal weapons out of the hands of good people? Then only bad people who do not obey the rule of law will have them. If you think things are bad now, imagine then.

California has strict guns laws and gun free zones. It doesn’t matter. Gun free zones put all law-abiding citizens at risk. Stricter gun laws do the same. Again, people that kill people DO NOT obey gun laws. Honest people do.

In essence, we have a government that has distorted and exaggerated the shootings per capita, and blamed them on the weapons instead of the criminals using them.

Shootings are a mental, spiritual, psychological, and emotional problem amid bad people. These people should not be babied and pampered as unfortunate people with bad childhoods. No way. Nor should guns be blamed for the actions of these criminal users.

By the Liberal way of thinking, air planes killed more than 2,000 people on 9/11. Baseball bats, hammers, and knives kill and injure many people regularly. Cars kill tens of thousands yearly. Shouldn’t they all be more controlled, by their thinking?

The Libs are wrong; none of these non-human objects kill anyone, only their operators do. We need to deal with the bad people and the society breeding them, not guns.

Jimmy Hall is a writer whose writing service specializes in resumes, business plans, seo web content, letters, and other writing needs: Jimmy Hall Writing Services    Company Blog  404-580-1501

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Christian Dilemma - Facing Satan's Attacks Allowed By God

More than likely, you nor I would never severely hurt, punish, or kill someone we love - whether a friend, family member, associate, or acquaintance. In most cases (not all) killing would even be "murder" (if there is/was no 'just cause'). But, God is not restricted as we are restrained.

While we know throughout the Bible how God takes-out His vicious and jealous wrath upon His enemies and non-Elect (slaughtering almost entire races of people, once all but 8 of Noah's people of Adam's descent on Earth with a flood), we seldom think about how He also chastises and even kills His own.

Ponder those simply touching the Ark of the Covenant (trying to stop it from falling), and the Christians in Acts that deceived the apostles with respect to their possessions (God killed the man and his wife). Thousands of Israelites when they refused to perform complete God-ordered genocide on the Midianites??? There are many more instances, but you get the point.

Even Christians are vulnerable to the temperment of God. Job was the most-righteous man on Earth, but God allowed Satan to destroy His life no matter how righteous Job was. His family was killed and his possessions taken. He was plagued with a sickness, himself, etc...

Sure, Job got much back in the end, but how would you feel if your offspring died? What would it all mean to you to be given possessions back, with your initial family dead and gone? (Still, Job survived and made the best of the situation, and kept loving God.) Not to mention Job's poor family members themselves!

The point is that God is God. He can sit and watch people kill and rape each other, or even allow plane crashes without stopping them, and it is not a sin. If we, however, do the same thing, it is sinful and evil. why?

God knows the big picture; we do not. He works all things out to the best or for the good of His Elect ("The Called," according to His purpose - Romans 8:28). 

Sure, I get very angry at God at times, and simply do not know which way to turn. A lot of people do. When there is nowhere to go and few to provide earthly love, we get scared and become very mad and angry.

I, and most people, simply do not have that "absolute faith" necessary to trust God 24/7. We rely on ourselves and our own minds and ways, and even tell ourselves that we are using God's gifts given to us to survive.

The Christian life is not always one of prosperity and love and happiness; there are proportionally few wealthy Christians in the Bible or real life (despite what these self-serving tv preachers claim). 

Christ described Himself as "lowly and meek" and He certainly was not at all rich in Earthly possessions (and in the Sermon on the Mount preached against wealth), yet the tv preachers present Him as being rich and happy and smiling! "JESUS WEPT."

The point is that in the long-run we do reap what we sow, but in the short-term Satan is often allowed by God to test us and tempt us, and if we fail the character test it is due to our own inefficiencies. (The initial situation may or may not be our own doing, but generally IS.)

How we respond to Satan's attacks and bad things allowed by God evidently means a lot, and I often respond viciously and bad.....