Miley has recently appeared topless on a magazine (Plastik) and extremely risque onstage (Pam Anderson joined her at one concert). Yes, this is planned, much like Britney Spears' campaign more than a dozen years ago.
It is true that 90% of any type of publicity works out to be good publicity in Hollywood. Ms. Cyrus understands this concept.
It starts with publicly smoking cigarettes, then drinking and/or drugs, then men, then sometimes women, then wilder music, etc. Older fans join the legion of supporters.
Before long the performer has not only her/his original base crowd of innocent people, but also all the wilder ones, older ones, and gays and lesbians and druggies and drinkers. Understand?
We have seen this trend and approach with Justin Bieber and others. It quite simply works, and expands the audience base of the performer in no time at all. Why? It shocks and draws.
Do not think for one minute that these young entertainers (if they should be called that) are just "being themselves" or have "changed with fame and money." No, it is not so simple. Their real lives and stage images are manufactured, almost to the point of the lines being blurred. Again, trust me! Will the true Miley Cyrus please stand up?
Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) writes resumes, web content, business plans, letters, and other written material.
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