Friday, December 4, 2015


Every single time I see or hear about different Atheists or Atheist groups fighting against various Christian Nativity Scenes or God Himself or Prayers, it baffles me. How about you?

Let's think about this thing rationally. Atheists claim they do NOT believe in God - not the True & Living God or any other false god, period. So, if they say God does NOT exist, why fight against Him and His Followers? Aren't they, by their own admission, fighting against nothing?

I believe that if I was an Atheist, I would simply laugh my head off when groups of people prayed. I might even snicker. I would not get mad, because I would feel like they were talking to themselves and no one else.

What is possibly offensive about Prayer or Nativity Scenes or anything like that? It's not like anyone can MAKE you pray or stare at a scene or believe in God, is it? Why be upset? Aren't we Christians just derainged and disillusioned fools to them anyway? Feel sorry for us if anything!

The next thing that truly bugs me is that while 88% or so of the nation believes in God, and maybe 7% doesn't, and the rest do not know - the 7% get their way over the rest. 

I thought this was supposed to be a Republic/Democracy with majority Rule? Why, in cases of Christianity, religion, morality, or immigration does the minority always seem to rule? Someone please explain this lunacy.

Jimmy Hall is owner and writer at Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501), and specializes in resumes, business plans, seo web content writing, and most other written projects.

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