Monday, December 7, 2015

Christmas: Real Christmas, Jesus Saves

As Americans, we love to celebrate Christmas almost as much for the so-called "Holiday Season," as for anything to do with Jesus Christ Himself. This is sad but very true.

Even people in the media say, "Christmas is about family and good food and memories." Not exactly true. Nor is Christmas about shopping and gifts (The Magi likely arrived with gifts when Jesus was well-over a year old, maybe almost 2, after their long journey - as Herod killed all male children in the town under 2 years old.) We love Manger scenes with them in it, but it simply DID NOT happen that way!

Furthermore, the date 12/25 was decided upon to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, recognizing that He came down from Heaven and into the womb of His Mother Mary, and is the only Savior of the world. He is and was the long-awaited Messiah. However...

More than likely Jesus was actually conceived on 12/25, because we know He was NOT born during this time of year, but maybe at the end of September. (The late Rev Arnold Murray seemed to have all of that worked out Biblically and scientifically.)

No matter when Christ was earthly born, the fact is that He was and is both God and the Son of God. There is no salvation for those that deny His existence, death, burial, and ressurection as payment for mankind's sins. Why? 

God is holy, and cannot commune with unsanctified individuals (sinners). We are required to be holy, and cannot be without Jesus Christ.

Since we all were born fleshly and came to an age of knowing right and wrong and do/did wrong (sin ), we all need Jesus Christ as the sacrifice for our sins so that we can have eternal life with God in Heaven, as opposed to eternal separation from God (Hell).

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the propitiation for the sins of all those that will believe. Do you know Jesus Christ personally? Is He your Savior? Think about it....

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