Thursday, August 6, 2015

Can Men Cry: Do Men Cry?

Do men cry? Is it okay for guys to sometimes cry or shed tears?  Many people follow the old addage that males should never cry, that we are supposed to be the strong stoic leaders, oblivious to emotions. I disagree, and take the polar opposite approach.

God created mankind, and there is a time and a season for everything, according to His Holy Bible (Ecc 3). Crying is not just a reflection of self-pity, but is often a natural representation of true grief and sorrow. It demonstrates that you, me, and others are human - whether male or female.

Again, Jesus Christ made the Universe (John 1) and is Lord of all and yet He cried. Yes, the shortest verse in the Bible is "Jesus Wept" (John 11:35). If He felt it fine to possess and display such heartfelt emotion, it is the right thing to do. No one in their right mind can disagree with that.

Scripture also teaches that it is better to go to a house of MOURNING than a place of feasting (Ecc 7:2).  Understand? 

This notion that Christians should always be smiley-faced and emotionally happy is rubbish. Our Savior Jesus Christ described Himself as "lowly and meek" at heart (Matt 11:29). He is our example.

The next time you hear it said that men should not cry, or that crying is for sissies, think of Jesus Christ: He is Lord of th Universe and He cried, and as a human man He was anything but a sissy - considering what He endured for mankind....

~ Jimmy Hall is a professional writer (404-580-1501) of business plans, resumes, website content, blog material, letters, press releases, and numerous other projects. 

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