Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Complaining Versus Constructive Dialogue And Real Change

I look at the pages of facebook and Twitter and Google+ and realize that there is no lack of opinions and personal expression. Millions of people are willing to state what is wrong with just about anything and everything. I suppose that is good, but it is also boring, tiresome to read, and not very constructive. Why?

These same people that so expertly decry how things are and foretell of our future doom seldom have any proposed solutions for the problems they so vividly point-out. We are a nation of problem-finders versus solution-finders/problem-solvers.

Furthermore, it gets worse. On Social Media sites we all tend to group and cluster together (friends, connections, followers, etc) with people that think like ourselves. What does this mean?

Not only are we complaining, we are doing it to an audience that already thinks just like us. We are "preaching to the choir," as opposed to having a constructive dialogue about real change with others that disagree with us. Then we have the nerve to wonder why things are so bad and never change for the better!

I certainly can understand clustering together as groups for spiritual matters, as Christians are first and foremost supposed to be separated from the World as much as possible to prevent our worldly contamination (apart from witnessing when we can to those that are lost), but if we never share our political and economical ideas with those that do not think as we do, how will positive change ever come?

The solution to this dilemma is to think things through. Do not just contemplate about what is wrong, but also study and share potential solutions on how to fix things. Then share it with EVERYONE, not just those that already think as you/we do!

~ Jimmy Hall/ owner of Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501). I write web content, business plans, resumes, and other itemms useful to individuals and organizations. Thanks!

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