Wednesday, January 27, 2016

When Obama Is Gone, National Repairs Must Start

Next January (2017), the long nightmare known as the Obama Administration will presumably be over. Obviously, we do not know yet who will take over the American Presidency, (or even which Party or ideology they will be of) but we do know that they will have a monumental task at hand - that of fixing a very broken United States of America. National repairs must start.

Our once great nation has become the laughing stock of the world. Through illegal immigration and legal loopholes, we invite, harbor, and encourage evil human beings, feed and shelter them, while allowing our own veterans and less fortunate true Americans to starve and go homeless. National repairs must start.

Furthermore, we have de-evolved from an almost completely Capitalistic free economy to a system that is 35% Socialist. The very economical system that had long made America the envy of all of mankind has been severely corrupted. (Obamacare alone is the most-costly and greatest folly in economic history.) National repairs must start.

In fact, a minimal of 48% of the United States population now receives some form of transfer payments or Welfare. (It pays to have children and then NOT to work these days; it is a real money-making operation.) We do this despite an almost $18 TRILLION DOLLAR national debt, which is itself both a tragedy and a nightmare. National repairs must start.

America is a nation that overtaxes hard-working and successful Americans, while enabling and even encouraging those that do not work to remain in their current states and dependent on State Governments and especially the Federal Government. (Democrats like to keep the poor and minorities of all types dependent upon them, for their votes. It is legal BRIBERY.) National repairs must start.

What are our other problems? Many are social. How about renewed racial tensions between Blacks and Whites? Immigrants and Illegal Immigrants versus traditional American Citizens? Law Enforcement versus Minorities? I think you get the general idea. National repairs must start.

The Obama administration has divided our nation and set it back into the 50s or early 60s. We are now Conservative against Liberal in almost every town and neighborhood. National repairs must start.

Our current government supports the mass murder of innocent unborn babies, homosexuality, Islam, immorality, and Socialism, while trying to eradicate even the mention of GOD and CHRISTIANITY that we were founded upon. National repairs must start.

The next administration certainly faces multiple problems, on political, international, social, and economical levels - and more, when Obama is gone. We are very near the point of no return. As a nation, we had better elect a solid, moral, and Capitalistic leader that is freindly with God and Christianity. If not, we are done...

Jimmy Hall is owner of Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) and develops business plans, resumes, website material/seo, blogs, letters,  press releases,  proposals, papers, and other forms of written product.

Monday, January 25, 2016

We Need Condi Rice: Vice President Rice

Sometimes people miss the obvious, don’t they? To counter Hillary Clinton, why not place a smart African-American woman on the Republican Ticket? This would help split and capture the female vote, the minority vote, and maybe even totally secure her home state, right? Few folks would want to vote against Condi Rice.

Besides the fact that Condi Rice is a Black Republican woman, she is also an extremely experienced, knowledgeable, and reputable public servant and foreign policy scholar. She has worked at the highest governmental levels for years. In her own right she’s more than qualified; her race and gender are simply extra benefits. Condi also KNOWS world leaders just as Hillary does.

I realize that being Vice President of the United States would be a sacrifice for Ms. Rice (both financially & time wise) as would the campaigning and debating, but she might well do it for her country if called. Somebody call Condi.

I don’t know if Donald Trump and Condi Rice now get along or not; I am clueless (due to the Bush connection). It would, however, be a very unique team and ticket to have two such diverse individuals working and campaigning together. (Traditionally, the two have not been so far apart on social issues, both are somewhat Moderates.)

Their differences are in that Condi holds a theoretical and history perspective of world events, as they are, whereas Donald Trump basically views them as how he wishes they would or should be. These two might actually work great together, balancing book & political sense (Condi) and practical business & economic sense (Donald).

This is just an idea, and other people have suggested other women (Haley, Martinez) to fill out and balance the Republican Ticket. By the same token some strategists wonder if choosing John Kasich (To win Ohio, and shore-up the Conservative base) might be the way to go. As yet I am not 100% sure, but I do like the Condi Rice idea on the surface…..

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Democrats Often Mean Well: Liberalism Is Possibly A Mental Disorder

I am as guilty as anyone for having moments when I literally judge all Liberals and most Democrats to be every bit as bad as the political platform and beliefs they support. The truth is, many Liberals are simply ignorant and have no idea what their Democratic Platform even says.

Yes, I write the truth here. A large percentage of Democrats and Liberals are clueless about their own party’s stands and beliefs. Many Liberals do not even know that the Democratic Party Platform and Beliefs are diametrically opposed to God and the Bible.

I know Liberals/Democrats who actually think they are Christians. (Guess what, a small percentage may actually be Christians, simply ignorant of either what the Bible says, what the Democratic Platform says, or BOTH.) The point is that many Democrats do not know any better; they do not know or understand the facts about issues or Biblical truths.

What kind of a witness is it when someone votes Democrat yet professes to be a Christian? Think about it. The Democratic Party is Pro-Choice, thinking it is absolutely fine for a woman to murder her own child via abortion, despite the fact that God says that the fruit of the womb is His very own. God says that a baby’s body parts are even numbered. Abortion destroys and pulls apart these parts.

How about homosexuality and gay marriage? The Bible is 100% against homosexuality. God even says that it is illegal to be gay and homosexuals should be executed. Is the Bible wrong? Is God, the Creator of the Universe wrong? No way. You won’t find same sex marriage in the Bible, but you will find homosexuals being sentenced to death.

What about bribery? The Democratic Party (which has never done anything constructive for minorities) bribes them with handouts and transfer payments that keep them slaves to the party and voting for it. It is a calculated dependence for votes. Republicans have always done everything for minorities from freeing them to passing bills providing them the rights of other citizens. (MLK, Jr. was not a Democrat.)

How about the Second Amendment? The Right to bear arms is engrained amid our United States Constitution, not just for hunting, but to keep us safe from a potentially corrupt Federal Government. Democrats want to disarm us and let the Federal Government rule like Nazi Germany. (Common Sense 101 and the statistical facts certainly show that gun control INCREASES CRIME. So, their cover story doesn’t hold water. Fact.)

Let’s also mention the death penalty. The Holy Bible teaches that when someone deliberately plans and carries out a premeditated murder that they are to be executed WITHOUT MERCY. Liberals and most Democrats disagree. (They do not care what the Bible or God says, as evidenced by their removing Him several times a few yers ago from their platform.)

The point is that someone cannot believe two diametrically opposite philosophies at the same time. It is totally inconsistent and disingenuous to claim to be a Christian yet vote Democrat. The two philosophies cannot be reconciled.

Based on the Holy Bible, it is safe to say that Liberalism truly is a mental disorder; the evidence in this blog piece proves this overwhelmingly. Who or what kind of a person can disagree with God and the Bible on so many issues and not be mentally off????????

ABORTION: Abortion’s An Evil Double-Standard

I once wrote a play, and in it a pregnant woman was knocked down by an inner-city young man while on her way inside a clinic to have an abortion. The teenager was upset because it was Mother’s Day and he was going to snatch her purse so he could buy his own Mom a present. Instead, he was charged with murdering the baby that the woman was on the way to legally kill anyway. Ironic.

This is but one of the hypocritical ironies of abortion. It is a double-standard. The woman or her doctor can legally kill her own flesh and blood, yet if anyone else does it we are talking murder or at least manslaughter. How can this be in a modern society?

It used to be said, before Roe v. Wade, that a mother’s womb was the safest place on Earth. No more. Currently you have about a 46-48% chance of living while in the womb. It is NOT a very safe or secure place.

About 56 million American babies have been tortured and executed (legally) in the last 43 years. This is a source of God’s wrath upon our nation and our national conscience. Why? We are killing His own. Forget the awful Economic consequences of abortion, what about holiness and morality?

The Holy Bible states that the fruit of the womb is the Lord’s, and furthermore that every body part of a fetus or baby is numbered by God Himself. Woe to whoever murders one of God’s own children that He wonderfully made.

Let’s talk common sense here. The Bible obviously teaches that abortion is murder, but our own human laws also infer it. How? The fetus/baby grows in the womb, so it is alive. Right? It was formed by two human beings so it must be human. Right again? Thus a living innocent human being is killed during an abortion. This is called MURDER.

Those clueless about biology state the ludicrous argument that a woman has a right to do as she wishes with her own body. This insane argument infers that the baby (a separate entity inside a sac in the woman’s body) is somehow the exact same as the woman. NO WAY. They are two different human beings, one inside the other.

What kind of a woman could possibly murder her own flesh and blood inside her own body? Thinking about it scares me. It demonstrates how immoral, unethical, and evil our once great nation has become. What kind of parenting is being done to foster this type of inhumane attitude in our young women and their companions? How about doctors and the oaths some take to save and preserve life, and first do no harm?

Indeed, we are a nation of hypocrites on many levels, especially with respect to human lives. I fear that if we do not get back to Biblical Principles soon we shall get an even greater serving of God’s wrath upon us. There is no excuse for the lack of sanctity we now show human lives, especially innocent babies in the womb.

Jimmy Hall is a Christian and owner of a writing service (404-580-1501) that creates business plans, resumes, web content, letters, and other written products.


Maybe I miss the old days, but then again I never lived in them. I just crave simplicity and the old fashioned traditional ways of 250 years ago. The America I want has not existed for centuries. It was a nation of Conservative standards and more Biblical values.

Our Founding Fathers were not innocent choir boys, but neither were they Liberals either. About a third of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution were trained in Seminary schools. Even those that weren’t qualified as preachers were at least good Deists at worst (honoring the majority of the Bible, apart from the miracles).

Today there is a public disease that runs amuck; it is called “political correctness.” Apart from Donald Trump, virtually no politicians or public figures say exactly what they think today. Everyone is afraid that they will offend someone else and therefore hurt themselves.

In the formative years of this once great country, citizens not only risked their lives, sacred honor, and possessions, but were willing to suffer ridicule from friends and neighbors that still respected the Crown. Not today.

No one pacified one another in the old days. Why can’t it be that way now? Whatever happened to honesty and truth? How about directness? Today’s politicians mean half of what they say and do less than half of what they mean to do.

I want an America where abortion is illegal, kids can pray at school if they choose to, homosexuality is considered wrong by the masses, the Bible is honored as God’s Word, honest citizens can own guns and ammo at will, the Constitution is the Law of the Land and not circumvented by the President, the Supreme Court reads and interprets the Law by the United States Constitution and according to its intent, murderers are legally executed, and where people choose to live healthy without smoking cigarettes and using illegal drugs.

The America I want is much closer to the one I never lived in, but would have loved. Call me stupid or naïve, but I feel like Donald Trump wants the same America that I do. I feel like His Presidency would be a matter of “pride” to him.

Yes, indeed, Mr. Trump has succeeded in almost every single thing he has set out to do, and he has always done what he said he would do. Donald Trump would make a point of making America great again, even if for the sake of his own personal legacy. You can bank on that… He wants the same America that I want....

Jimmy Hall owns and operates Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501). He writes resumes, business plans, web content, letters, and other written product.

Donald Trump, Conservative? Why Vote Trump?

Many of my fellow Conservatives are not all that happy about the popularity of Donald Trump. A once famous political magazine has gone as far as lining-up 22 rather famous political pundits to speak and write against him. An entire issue was released against the Donald. Why? (Apart from the magazine’s faltering popularity, and much needed sales?)

The truth is that Trump is not your typical Conservative. In fact, he has held numerous Liberal positions and supported many Liberal Democrats through the years. (It can be argued that he has changed political parties 4 or 5 times in the last 3 decades.) However, on a few select issues he takes a more Conservative Republican stand than we die hard Republicans do.

The point is that we are amid a Presidential Election, NOT a Conservative Contest. The best Conservative may well NOT be the best President; there could be a huge difference. Ted Cruz might be the better Christian or even the better Conservative, but we are voting for President of the United States. It is about Leadership. (We tend to forget that.)

If I remember correctly, even Ronald Reagan himself changed from a Democrat to a Republican, and changed his views on many issues over time. Trump has done the same thing. The good thing is that his positions have moved MORE CONSERVATIVE, in the right direction.

Whether you believe Trump has truly changed his mind about Abortion, Gun Control, and other issues, the fact is that his stances on Capitalism, Economics, Trade, anti-Obamacare, and Immigration are without question PASSIONATE and sincere. These positions are at the core of Conservatism whether Trump is a good Conservative or not.

I think we need a strong person as our next President, someone like Trump that says what he thinks and does not need to play “Politics” or use the Office of President of the United States to make money. (At this point Trump is worth in excess of $8 billion, and is self-funding his own campaign.)

I know we like to think of having a Conservative President again in the future, but do we want a better nation or a better Conservative? Isn’t our entire ideology a means to an ends, a better America?

I want a good President even if it means he is not so great a Conservative. Screw the label. Besides, Trump is a friend to Christians (and oddly enough neither drinks alcohol, or smokes, nor even drinks coffee) and will reverse the anti-Christian sentiment forwarded by Liberals.

In fact, Trump wants to aggressively attack ISIS, restrict Muslim Immigration, and deter other enemies of Christianity. To me that is a pretty Conservative stance….

Jimmy Hall is owner of Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) and carefully writes resumes, business plans, web content, letters, papers, and other written projects for clients nationwide.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

New -E-Books To Be Released by Jimmy Hall

I am in the process of releasing 3 Ebooks, one about CHRISTIANITY will be FREE. The others include a full length novel that describes Paris, France like no one has before, and a short book (12pp) about resumes, interviews, and job searches. LOOK FOR THEM SOON!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

ATLANTA's STREETCARS: Are Atlanta's Streetcars Worthwhile?

I have to be upfront here; I love streetcars and the very notion of them? Why? They remind me of the golden age of Paris, France in addition to modern day Switzerland, and the Atlanta of my late dad. I feel like they are neat. (Even the modern monorail types.)

Having said the above, as many of you well know, we now have a streetcar line again in Atlanta. It is not without controversy. In fact, that is an understatement. The initial streetcar report cards are already being presented in mass media outlets.

Many on the Right argue that economically and on a transportation level it makes no sense at all (particularly in the short and mid-runs), while those on the Left argue just as loudly that the long-term positive economical effect and human benefits will be evident. They also cite the fact that many other cities are once again enthusiastically implementing streetcars after careful feasibility studies.

Since this is not a "fact-filled piece," but rather a personal opinion being blogged - I see the situation like this: ok, maybe in the short-mid run it seems like a bad financial move, but isn't there more to the story? The future?

I also recall "the old" MARTA and its trains and buses struggling for a long time in the past, and the rates always being raised. It still operated as a public service even when it was not viable, right? Sometimes even economical losers have positive public externalities and benefits before prospering.

My facebook friend Benita Dodd has stated:

" We need to accept that this (streetcars) was a dismal failure and that once people actually have to pay to ride it, we'll see ridership plunge." 

Is she correct? She often is. I don't know.

However, if you have a stake along the streetcar line, you surely feel different about the situation, as virtually any and all traffic from the line is good for you. And, what about the riders? Doesn't it benefit them as well?

Benita seems to think (I won't put words in her mouth) that the system is a novelty act in a modern world that will die on the vine when riders are forced to pay. Again, is she right? 

I supppose my initial paragraph could be interpreted to endorse the nostalgia or "new and different" concept, but then again I am a romantic at heart and have little if any personal business in the areas in question. (Nor do I know much about the exact economical projections of the streetcar line(s)).

Another facebook friend, Keith Hillsman, points something else out. He states that a number of other cities are going the same route as Atlanta with the streetcars, saying:

" Look at Portland, Little Rock, Seattle, Tucson and Minneapolis as examples," and "Cincy, KC and Detroit have also jumped on the SC bandwagon."

His implication is that other cities are reinforcing Atlanta's idea, and success will one day prevail. Is He right?

We are talking about two smart people with diametrically opposing views here, and they serve as a microcosm of how the Atlanta population feels. In fact, evidently other city populations are also split on the issue.

With the traffic congestion in the Atlanta area, particularly to the north of the city, is it any wonder that Brookhaven and Chamblee (like Sandy Springs) are looking into some form of mass transit, like maybe a monorail system? 

What are the correct answers for Metropolitan Atlanta's transportation problems? New Roads? Widening roads? More mass transit? Streetcars? Restrictions? Other multi-passenger lanes? Additional ridesharing? Or, how about changing business hours or school hours?

My acquaintances Benita and Keith know a whole lot about these issues. I do not. The horrible thought is that if they cannot agree, how will a million or more Metro-Atlantans with less knowledge? 

It will take a lot of delicate and persuasive leadership from the Atlanta Mayor's Office, the ARC, and surrounding governments to pull-off the area's 21st Century transportation problems.

Selfish as I am, I just hope that the streetcars remain a part of the mix, whether they prove efficient, inefficient, or just simply hold their own. I hope Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed proves more prophetic than my fellow Conservative cohorts about the streetcars.

I guess I am sometimes a nostalgic and sentimental softie, but I love streetcars and hope that they are eventually a postive economic and transportational feature of 21st Century Atlanta for decades to come.

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) develops and writes business plans, resumes, web content, letters, and other written products for businesses and individuals.

Monday, January 11, 2016

DAVID BOWIE: Bowie's Legacy In Life

Most of you know by now that singer/actor David Bowie has died. Readers growing-up in the 1970's will recall how David Bowie made it big (with the help of John Lennon) on several Pop Rock classics ("Fame," "Golden Years," etc). Then, of course, there was his unique glam-look, lifestyle, and alter-ego ("Ziggy Stardust").

Bowie was a great performer, a conceptual pop music artist at a time when the world needed one (following the breakup of the Beatles and other 60's acts). He not only filled a void, but basically created a new musical genre. No one was like the guy at all. We all loved his singing but his appearance freaked us out!

After briefly entertaining a huge taste of fame, Bowie became a bit like most rock stars. He was doing things he should not with people he should not - so he took a break from that life for a while to get back to the roots of everyday bachelor life (cooking, cleaning, living modestly, etc).

David Bowie then came back with more hits at the turn of the decade. He became an even bigger pop star, and attracted a new and younger generation of fans.

Of course, there were the sexuality rumors and the eventual marriage to model Iman, and the constant friendships he maintained in the rock-n-roll world. His status as a star, even an icon, was firmly cemented by 1983. "China Girl" and "Let's Dance" were also a mega-hit songs, in this decade following his initial commercial success.

Bowie smoked cigarettes like Keith Richards, and sang and danced like Mick Jagger. He was great pals with John Lennon, as well. His legacy will live on.

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) writes business plans, resumes, web content/seo, and numerous other written projects. #DavidBowie