Monday, August 31, 2015

Tennis: U.S. Open Tennis/Roger Federer

I will be completely truthful, I no longer play tennis (I prefer weights), but I am a huge Roger Federer fan. Based on stats, form, and ability - I think he is the greatest tennis player that has ever lived. He is about the sole reason that I care about the U.S. Open Tennis Championship.

Federer ("The Fed") is in great form again, winning in Cincinnati and making the Wimbledon Final prior to that. At 34 years of age, he appears to be having a "second wind" amid his monumental career (unfortunately, unlike Tiger Woods thus far in golf). Winning the 2015 U.S. Open Championship would certainly cap a productive year.

One can only imagine how many more total Majors Roger would have won had it not been for the competitive era he has played in. (For some reason he has never matched-up well "head-to-head" against Nadal, and probably only slightly better against Djokovic.)

I have not seen the U.S. Open draw or lineup, but Federer has certainly played pretty good tennis against Djokovic, whom I feel is his key challenger at this point. On any given day Roger can still beat him. 

You can bet your last dollar that The Fed wants to add several more Major Tennis Championships to his resume, and his heart is set on this U.S. Open being the next first one, or the first next one! I support Roeger Federer 99.9%...

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Principle Of Christianity: Why Be Saved?

Those not of the Christian Faith do not understand Christianity, because in their fleshly minds they cannot. They are unable. Why? Christianity and Salvation are Spiritual, NOT carnal or human-minded. The Unsaved are clueless about the Principles of Christianity and being Saved.

Being a Christian means accepting the Calling from God Himself to acknowledge being His Child, and understanding that you can Commune with Him if you Believe that Jesus Christ was sent to pay for your sins so that you can be Holy and Fellowship with our Holy God. (Otherwise, you cannot; His righteous character forbids it.) Why?

From the Fall of Eve and then Adam, mankind has been created/born wrong. In our natural Sinful State we cannot be worthy of our Lord; therefore we must be Born Again to be so. (Water and oil cannot mingle.) We must Repent/Turn-away from  our Sins and be cleansed.

Fortunately, God planned for this by sending His own Son (Jesus/Himself) to come to Earth in Human Form and bear our sins on a Cross, be tortured, die, and rise again from the dead to defeat Sin, Satan, Self, and Death so that we can have Eternal Life with God - as oppsed to everlasting Hell.

Belief in Jesus Christ and what He did Convicts us and Atones for our Sinful Nature, allowing us to be Children of God. He makes us righteous in God the Father's sight. He spiritually heals us, and sometimes physically - by His stripes. Jesus is the Advocate to God for those that believe! He is our substitute.

If you have not done so, consider what God has done by pre-planning and sending Jesus to conquer sin. It is a done deal if we accept it. Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of all, especially those that accept the gift of Belief upon Him. Amen.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sometimes Life Gets In The Way/Surpressed Talents

Throughout history, many people (including famous people) have been either permanently or temporarily distracted from their callings - their talents being surpressed. Despite their God-given gifts - the tasks and chores and tragedies of everyday life got in the way.

American Expatriate (in 1920/30s Paris) Gerald Murphy and wife Sarah were once asked why he stopped painting (at the illness, treatment, and subsequent death of their son) and their reply was that ".. life got in the way." It really happens.

It can be frustrating, this need to do what is necessary for a person or family to live and survive, while neglecting or surpressing a natural talent that should be used and exploited for good. 

Believe me, I know about this firsthand, often working two jobs back in the day while going to grad school and college, all the while feeling a calling to write, write, write, and write more. Even now I write business copy to survive, while part of my heart is fixated on literature and essays.

In these cases and during these times, the jobs being performed to survive must be considered as part of the bigger long-term picture to support one's true life calling. Still, gifts cannot be neglected, time must still be set aside to perform them so as not to lose or damage the talents.

The whole point to all of this is that no one should feel bad about needing to do practical things to survive. Think of them as part of the larger plan. In many, many cases, it simply is a part of the bigger picture.

~ Jimmy Hall (Jimmy Hall Writing Services/ 404-580-1501).

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Why I Am A Conservative Republican/Christian

I am a pretty lousy person. My thoughts and actions do not always match by beliefs. Why? I have a terrible temper. For an opinionated person and editorialist this is not always a good thing. This is especially true for someone that is completely honest, never lies, and writes only what he knows to be correct - or or else states opinions as such. HOWEVER: I am also a Conservative Republican/ Christian. Why?

As a Christian, I base my ideals and guiding principles on the Holy Bible, God's Word. Though I have just demonstrated how imperfect I am, I still do my best to allow Christ to live through me. I also defend His Precepts vigorously, even to the point of being angry while doing it. 

But, what are these precepts and principles in relation to American Politics? The Bible is steadfastly against certain things; not because God wants to make our lives difficult, no, just the opposite. He made the world and knows how things work best. Here are a few examples:

ABORTION: The fruit of the womb is the Lord's, and He even numbers our bodyparts while we are yet in the womb. To think that human beings can take it upon themselves to kill/murder God's precious and innocent creations is ludicrous. Besides, two human beings have relations to make an embryo/fetus/baby, so it is human. This thing made by two humans is growing so it must be alive. Therefore abortion is the killing of a living and growing human being - another word for this is MURDER. 

God is against Abortion. Liberals and the Democratic Party Platform are all for Abortion, and defending a woman's right to murder her own babies.

HOMOSEXUALITY: In numerous places God states in the Bible that homosexuality is a capital offense, a sin/offense that is to be punishable by death. Why? It goes against God's natural order and arrangement, where He stated that He created males and females for marriage and reproduction. Besides these facts, it is unhealthy, and also a horrid way to transmit deadly diseases due to the unnnatural activities particpants engage in. 

God is against Homosexuality. Liberals and the Democratic Party Platform are all for Homosexuality and personal fredom to engage in this sinful behavior.

COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM: In Holy Scripture, God grants mankind the freedom to work and socialize and participate in free trade for both personal and the common good. The Bible states that those that don't work should not eat (if able to work). It also states that someone that doesn't provide for his/her family is worse than a nonbeliever. God/Jesus uses the parable of the talents (money) to display God's desire that we multiply our resources and wealth individually in order to live. The government should not interfere, and the caring for those less fortunate is done by the Church - not government. The only time people are blessed in Socialistic behavior is when it is done as a private mutual agreement between themselves, not mandated by government. 

God is against Communism/Socialism. Liberals and the Democratic Party Platform have moved to a Socialistic-Communist Economic system, even right down to health and medical care.

I AM A CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN/CHRISTIAN because to be otherwise would be to go against God and the Holy Bible on these and most other major issues. 

The very words Liberal Christian or Democrat Christian are oxymorons. You simply cannot be against God and the Bible and be a Christian at the same time. Liberals and Democrats are not Christians unless they are very much ignorant of the Holy Bible, the Democratic Party Platform, or both. 

Maybe we Christians have done a poor job of

sharing our Christian beliefs?

Monday, August 24, 2015

Douglas County High School: Douglas County Board Of Education

ATTENTION Douglas County High School ALUMNI and Douglas County School Board Staff:

I plan on having the Horsehoe or some other area of Douglas County High School named after my late mother (Mary Hugh Hall) that was a legendary French/History teacher there from about 1966-1996/97 or so. 

Mary Hugh Hall was involved in almost everything, even socially. Her French Club was known statewide for its activities. Obviously, if anything is ever named after anyone at that school it should be for her.

I have written the Douglas County School Board and Douglas County High School principal, but they are too damn lazy to even respond, but the Douglas County Superintendent Of Schools did play phone tag with me.

Any ideas? If we can have buidlings and things named after disgusting lesbian educators that are terrible examples for students, we certainly can have something named after good people like my mother, who was the heart and soul of that school for decades.

Anyone that knows someone, please assist. She also taught the stupid troubled kids at night school for several years... Jimmy Hall '79 Douglas County Board of Education Schools Douglas County High School Douglas County Sentinel

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Golf: Golfing Reveals Character & Tendencies

Golfing or at least the word "golfing" has become sort of a cliche in the modern business world. Why? Most businessmen and business women enjoy an afternoon on the links. The sport is a challenge, and it is a rewarding social time.

Golf is an icebreaker as well - a great way to get to know a business asociate, client, or potential co-worker. However, amid the cliche, many people seem to have forgotten the important lessons one can learn about another on the golf course.

Just as you can know a world about someone by knowing if they smoke or not, by actually watching and communicating with someone during a round of golf you can possibly learn even more. How?

Extrapolate their tendencies on the course into real life, observe generalities. Examples? Please read on.

Does the golfing buddy "give you" four-foot putts, and expect you to do the same? Six-footers? What might this tell you about them in business?

Are they courteous and ask about your game, or do they focus on themselves and getting to their ball quickly? Is it all about the golf game, or do they care about learning about you and your family? Exactly what is their small talk? Do they gossip? What does this demonstrate about them as a person?

Do they bet? Do they cheat on their score, or seem to forget strokes? Do they omit penalty strokes? Do they play by the exact rules? Hit Mulligans? Will they behave this way in business matters?

Do they hit out of turn? Talk while you play your shot? Cuss or get mad on the course? Constantly talk about their swing or game? You get the idea. What are the parameters in which they might conduct their business lives? What are their manners, morals, or ethics?

A single round of golf or two with someone can be extremely revealing, if you pay attention and know what to look and listen for. Be congenial and friendly, but remain observant and later apply what you have learned! Golf can detail an awful lot about character and tendencies.

~ Jimmy Hall is owner of Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501). He can be reached for assistance with business plans, resumes, web content, papers, letters, and other projects...

I Am A Mean Christian: Jesus Was No Sissy

I always feel like when I say something people should immediately take it at face value as truth, because I only state the truth. If what I say is an opinion or speculation, I word it in that way. As a Christian (line-upon-line Bible-Believing Calvinist), I know many things other people are clueless about - and when I share, I get mad if they do not believe me!

The consequences of this justified anger are that fusses, disagreeents, and arguments develop. Unfortunately, the people I am disagreeing with have some false notion that as a Christian I must be "nice" and "sweet" while disagreeing. Nothing could be further from the truth! I am a mean Christian.

You see, over the past 2,000 years Christians and the evil World in general have somehow remade Jesus Christ into some "kind and sweet" human being (while also God in the flesh) that He NEVER excatly was on Earth. He dislikes the way we now portray and perceive Him.

Jesus was often angry, called people vicious names (12 times in one chapter of the Gospels alone), wept, yelled and screamed and overturned tables (even in the Temple), did drink fermented wine (some idiots even accused Him of being a drunkard, since John the Baptist before Him did not drink alcohol), ignored people and turned them away (3 times in a single chapter of Luke), said He came not to bring peace but a sword (to be used in Revelation on His enemies), and stated that he would turn family members and friends against one another. And, how about the slaughtering in Revelation, and the eternal Hell that follows???? Wow!

Furthermore, The Lord Jesus said we are to hate even our own relatives for His sake (by comparison) and that we better love Him more than them. He was in no way, shape, or form the sweet guy we have falsely made Him out to be.

Many people often also forget that The Lord Jesus is and was GOD Himself, and the Creator of the Universe. He was and is The Word, and was with the Father all of eternity-past, and He personally made the World. 

Later, He was the same as God that slaughtered the Human Race with the Flood (up to 20 million people), ordered the Israelites to perform genocide on the Midianites (probably 10,000 - 15,000 slaughtered including women and children), plagued the Egyptians and killed their first-born, and does the horseback riding with the sword in Revelation!

I once read a book called "NO MORE CHRISTIAN NICE GUY," or something like that. In it we see just how far off-base our picture of Jesus really is from Who He was when He came down to Earth  as a Human being. Jesus is and was NO SISSY....

Saturday, August 22, 2015

WORKOUT ANYTIME/Douglasville - DCCC 2015 Small Business Of Excellence Award

Workout Anytime/Douglasville is hip. It's a great place to feel comfortable (whether you are 14 or 94) around others that are losing weight, toning-up, bodybuilding, doing great cardio work, and simply getting-in better and better shape by the day. Families even come together!

In addition, Workout Anytime/Douglasville has recently been awarded the Douglas County Chamber of Commerce's "2015 Small Business Award Of Excellence." This award signifies solid operations, services, and growth. Not bad! They earned it.

4900 Stewart Mill Road - Douglasville, Georgia

I love this place; it is my home gym. We have an incredible variety of people, males and females & old and young, that encourage one another in a united quest for better health and fitness. Serious training is done in a pleasant and positive atmosphere. You'll likely love it as I do.

Drop by and see Workout Anytime soon. The staff is friendly and extremely helpful. The club is located across from Target and Kohl's at the corner of Stewart Mill Road (4900) and Chapel Hill Road in Douglasville.... 770-947-3600.

Friday, August 21, 2015


I am a Realist. Therefore, I tend to be rational, logical, and realistic about upcoming situations - based on known facts. However, at the same time, I also know that thoughts are what fuel words, and words cause actions.

Still, there is more to this. My thoughts and subconscious thoughts, just like yours, cause whatever happens in the future to take shape. Do you realize where this is going yet?

Often we confuse cause and effect, or even group 2 things together that are unrelated in anyway except for statistics. The incidences of Rape and Ice Cream Consumption move in unison. Neither has anything to do with the other; both simply occur more readily in warm weather. At other times direct relationships exist.

It's proven Science that if you focus on something in particular, and live it, your mind will naturally unite the thoughts and corresponding supplementary things you need for it to happen. We are what we think and say. Unfortunately, this re-enforced "faith" works in both good and bad ways.

Why does Alcoholics Anonymous fail so miserably in the long-run? Because members must identify themselves as alcoholics daily, state they are powerless over alcohol, and degrade themselves before they speak; therefore, they remain in that drunk-thinking mindset, and weak, instead of obeying Scripture and simply confessing their wrongdoing and repenting of it and moving-on with their lives. 

AA members keep themselves mental alcoholics, just waiting to explode like a time bomb - and they almost always do. Get it? They give the alcohol the same mental power over their minds while fairly sober that they gave it over their physical bodies when they were drinking heavily. (Even if they stay-off of alcohol, they do it in the wrong manner; it is a fleshly as opposed to a spiritual method.)

A balance is needed. We should be realists and rational, but also speak and think positive yet realistic future things for our lives, and those of others. 

We are to figure out the will of God in small and large things, and think on it! (I am not talking about this false Joel Osteen/Ken Copeland/Mike Murdock type of stuff, but genuine faith-based thinking in the will of God - not your own "hopeful will" that you try and make God's will !!!!!!)  GO FOR IT!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Complaining Versus Constructive Dialogue And Real Change

I look at the pages of facebook and Twitter and Google+ and realize that there is no lack of opinions and personal expression. Millions of people are willing to state what is wrong with just about anything and everything. I suppose that is good, but it is also boring, tiresome to read, and not very constructive. Why?

These same people that so expertly decry how things are and foretell of our future doom seldom have any proposed solutions for the problems they so vividly point-out. We are a nation of problem-finders versus solution-finders/problem-solvers.

Furthermore, it gets worse. On Social Media sites we all tend to group and cluster together (friends, connections, followers, etc) with people that think like ourselves. What does this mean?

Not only are we complaining, we are doing it to an audience that already thinks just like us. We are "preaching to the choir," as opposed to having a constructive dialogue about real change with others that disagree with us. Then we have the nerve to wonder why things are so bad and never change for the better!

I certainly can understand clustering together as groups for spiritual matters, as Christians are first and foremost supposed to be separated from the World as much as possible to prevent our worldly contamination (apart from witnessing when we can to those that are lost), but if we never share our political and economical ideas with those that do not think as we do, how will positive change ever come?

The solution to this dilemma is to think things through. Do not just contemplate about what is wrong, but also study and share potential solutions on how to fix things. Then share it with EVERYONE, not just those that already think as you/we do!

~ Jimmy Hall/ owner of Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501). I write web content, business plans, resumes, and other itemms useful to individuals and organizations. Thanks!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Life Blogging: What You Blog About....

Blogs are fun, and blogging about life in general (life blogging) is amusing. Sometimes we bloggers share pertinent information; sometimes we ramble-on aimlessly about our lives, and at other moments we choose to write about topics on our blog that may interest 1 single person or 100 million. We rarely know.

No matter what we present in our blogs, it is still us or from us. In that sense it is all relevant, no matter how useless it may sometimes seem. If stupid stuff happens amid our lives, at least we have something to blog about, right?

Don't kid yourself for a minute, everyone on Earth (even the Pope) has downright silly stuff occur regularly in their everyday lives. Life blogging means that at least we never run out of material. It's all good!

Truth is that people often read life blogs or personal blogs to feel better about themselves, seeing that others have their crazy moments and frustrations in life also. Our blogging confronts the human condition and fills the need to belong, even if from a distance. Get it?

We may be called crazy, or even told that we are wasting our lives and time, but once our words are on the Web they have a life of their own. Indeed, once posted, our little blog pieces are out there for the entire world to see for as long as it stands. In a way, that is kind of humbling, isn't it?????

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Insults: How To Insult People Effectively - Jimmy Hall

Let's be honest; sometimes we all need, or at least want, to insult someone or some people. It's human nature. Sometimes it is the correct thing to do, sometimes it is simply the "feel good" thing to do. Either way, it's best to know how to do it efficiently and effectively.

I am truly good at insulting people. This comes from many years of writing and being an editorialist. I know the tricks of the trade of insulting well. I will now share a few good points with you.

First of all, make you you understand the precise situation, and there is no misunderstanding. It is never good to insult someone that does not deserve it. That is a bad thing. Have a good idea of what you want to accomplish in insulting the "opponent."

Secondly, an insult given in anger carries little weight; it is considered to be a knee-jerk reaction. Calm down. (Often times the need to respond actually dissipates.) If you can take a little time do so, if you are face to face only briefly, try and deliver your response calmly and without curse words. Even throw-in some sort of compliment to demonstrate open-mindedness, or a levl-headed atmosphere, before unloading on them!

Thirdly, be precise in your response, and take a (minute) to logically think it out. Keep in mind that these tips are for all forms of cummincations, whether in-person or via the written word or voicemail, etc. Pick out one aspect of what was said and focus on it like a laser.

Fourthly, write or speak in such a way that most of what you say or write "is a given" or "understood" to be true, even if many people might disagree. Statements like, "Well, I know you haven't studied this much, and are not really a math person, but I think that even you could have realized that these numbers are nuts."

Fifthly, use backhanded compliments in your insulting siituation. An example might be, "Look, for a dropout without any type of degree, you are pretty smart, and I do realize that if you had been given the opportunity to learn something you would be a much better performer," etc....

Sixth, use support in your argument when necessary, such as saying or writing, "I'm not saying everyone is right about you, you are not always unmotivated. I myself have seen you perform much better before."

Lastly, leave the communication correctly. Say or write something such as, "Well, my mouth (or fingers) are sometimes to truthful and sharing. maybe I should not have said/written what I did; it will all pan out."   :-)

Jimmy Hall is a professional writer and owner of JIMMY HALL WRITING SERVICES (404-580-1501). The company prepares resumes, busness plans, letters, web content, and other written material....

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Fitness: Focus, Persistence, And Determination - Jimmy Hall

For the past 10 months I have been carefully and systematically training. For what? Me. Yes, for myself and the presentation of myself to the world. Starting last year, I truly had a mountain to climb. God, I feel, is my partner in this effort - even if it is sometimes selfish.

At 54, I am single (heterosexual), an "only child," with two deceased parents. After a horrid 4-month hospitalization last year, in which I had to stay pretty much at her side, my mom died - after almost a full miraculous recovery. 

Truth is, Christian or not, I had been cowardly self-medicating to get through it all, and I was also "walking death," myself. It was bad, and it was sad, and it was ludicrous for me to allow myself to get in such bad condition - physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Two weeks following her death, I gave up alcohol (likely just in time at that point, as I was having shakes and nervous spells), and evaluated myself. My arms were like two muscle-less bones hanging down, the once great chest and shoulders were gone, and I had a beer gut like a wealthy plumber or house painter.

Truth is, for all the months mom was in the hospital, and a few months later, I could not even work or run my company - I was too upset. Nonetheless, a rebound was starting.

After giving up booze, 5 or 6 weeks later I began lifting weights again - like years ago. Only this time there was a huge determination factor. A fitness journal was started - recording all food, drink, protein, and workout information. 

I have also diligently bought and studied all the major bodybuilding books, videos, and supplement/food guides, and studied the science. (I am still going strong at 2 gyms, particularly Workout Anytime/Douglasville, Ga.)

My goal was and is to prove that a middle-aged dude can workout and train and get back into incredible shape, even after numerous tragedies and unhealthy behavior (I drank an awful lot and rarely slept at all). I am on my way. Ten months into this new life, results are showing.

It is fair to say that in almost all areas of my body, my strength has doubled and I have gained muscle size and mass proportionally. In addition, the gut is leaving, and I even have a bit of endurance now. My perenially high blood pressure and elevated blood sugar no longer seem to be problems (I hope).

What has worked for me? Ideally, I should train each body part (muscle group) twice a week (once extremely hard, once moderate), while taking-in large amounts of Protein, Creatine, various Aminos, Vitamins, and Minerals - and just the right amount of Carbs with the Protein (at exactly the right times).

I do not know what the future holds, but I hope to continue to at least physically grow and become fitter by the week as it unfolds. It's all about fitness - via focus, persistence, and determination. Let's go for it!

I am Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501), and I own a professional writing company that specializes in web content, business plans, resumes, and most other writing projects... 

It's Fine To Be Angry & Mad ~ Jimmy Hall

Anger. There is nothing at all wrong with anger; it is a human emotion designed by God for appropriate usage. It should be harnessed. What???? Read on.

Yes, we are to be angry but sin not. Nor are we to stay mad for long periods; we should not let the sun go down on our anger. However, it is very correct to be angry at sin and sinners. Look at God and His wrath, from cover to cover in the Holy Bible. 

Indeed, God ordered Moses and the Israelities to kill every man, woman, and child of the Midianites (genocide), and God Himself flooded the entire Earth to kill everyone and almost everything but Noah's folks onboard the Ark. Remember? 

This pattern follows through right into Revelation when God destroys most of mankind again, and sends the un-redeemed of His Creation to eternal Hell and suffering.

Jesus Christ was/is God in human flesh, and He was/is sinless; yet, Christ often was/is very angry. In fact, He was so angry at the Temple that He yelled and overturned tables. In another single chapter of Scripture Jesus is angry and downright mean, calling His audience very derogatory names no less than 12 times!

There is a world of difference in righteous anger as opposed to selfishly being angry out of frustration. The former is right; the latter is wrong. We must always strive to understand and know the difference, and only employ justified anger.... Amen.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Christian Catholics Or Catholics Versus Christians? Are Catholics Christians?

I hope this blog piece is more enjoyable for you to read than for me to write. Why? Well...  Ok, it's not that tough.... I am going to confront the issue,"Are Catholics Christians?" We Protestants seem to dismiss Catholics and just about every other group that doesn't think and believe just like us as being "lost" or "Non- Believers," that are Hell-bound on the fast rail.

First of all, I am a Protestant (a 5-point Calvinist one at that) that believes the whole Bible exactly as it is/was written in its original tongues. I love the King James and English Standard Versions, as far as translations go (but like to keep a good commentary around to know what the original Hebrew and Greek and other languages really said/say).

I am nobody's dummy with respect to Scripture and Bible Doctrine and Christian Precepts. Like it or not, no one particular sect or denomination has it all more than 90-95% right. That is where this is coming from.

Over time human beings have transformed Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit and Their Words into something we can be comfortable with, as opposed to what They once were. FACT. Today we read the English translations and are often too lazy to find the context then, and what the words meant to the readers at the time.

As Jesus might say, we try and put new wine in old Bibles and vice-versa. Most Protestants and Catholics alike (and other denominations for that matter) are clueless about Church History and especially the New Testament Church's origins (from the Old Testament and by The New Testament).

Most "Sunday Christians" fail to realize that the Bibles and church buildings that we see everywhere, and other things that we take for granted, did not exist in this way for the first 1500 years after Christ, or so - except for small synogogues/temples and the few dozen past massive structures. 

The Scripture was on scrolls, and copies were not all that abundant - people relied on church leaders to read them and share them. Later-on, the Bible was the first book ever printed on a printing press, and it became fairly common.

Understand? Many times Christians originally lived in fear for their lives, met secretly in homes and small buildings, and did not have much in the way of Scripture (and what was there was generally the prophets' writings from the Old Testament). The New Testament was not even gathered together for a century or more following Christ's Ascension/ Return to Heaven. It took centuries later to agree on what was "inspired by God," and what was not.

Whether Protestants like it or not, amid all of this (even before Jesus came down from Heaven to Earth as a baby in the first place, Believers looked forward to the Messiah, Jesus) the original Church  or group of Believers favored by God (though not organized as such) was "The Universal Church," (Jewish initially) later known as "The Catholic Church." That is undeniable. When the term "Christian" started being widely used in Antioch or wherever, the Christians were Catholics.

What is also undeniable by the Catholics and everyone else is why did It err and go wrong and get away from Its original teachings over the centuries? 

Remember, everyone from Paul to Peter to Augustine to Aquinnas to Luther were Catholics, and most believed as what we today term as "Calvinism" - before the term/word was invented or the man himself lived. (Calvin just simplified the basic Bible Doctrine held by many with respect to Grace, Faith, and God's sovereignty - by answering & disproving  the Arminians' 5 points with his own rebuttal.)

At any rate, the original Catholic Church got away from Its founding beliefs a good bit over the centuries, and along came the Protestant Reformation - and with it Luther, etc  (another story for another time).

The Protestors/Protestants simply wanted the Church to get back to Its original ways and beliefs and doctrine at the time of the apostles, and to make it clear that Moses, Jesus, and Paul were correct in teaching that God is sovereign and saves by grace and through faith - His faith that He gives to those given to Jesus by Himself. (Jesus said that He could only have those called and given to Him by the Father.) Too much emphasis was placed on the Church's human leaders and works and traditions of men.

Thus, from the Reformation onward we have Catholics and Protestants. Somewhere in this mix of events it became "a given" to Protestants that Catholics were not even Christians at all.

Here is the answer to the Catholic versus Christian dilemma. Yes, any Catholic that Believes in his or her heart that Jesus Christ died for mankind's sins and rose again from the dead IS a Christian. Any Protestant that does NOT believe the very same thing is NOT a Christian at all. ANYONE that believes upon Jesus Christ in this manner and truly believes (thus led to repent of sins also) IS A CHRISTIAN. Many other disagreements are like fussing over window dressing.

It irks me to see questionnaires where under "Religion" there are blocks for Catholic or Christian. That is insanity. Belief in Jesus Christ is the determining factor as to whether or not someone is a Christian, not the denomination that they are associated with. 

Granted, if someone is truly a Christian, they likely will not long associate with deplorable folks not obeying Scripture - but, how is that defined? What exactly are the parameters? Are not the worst of many of my Catholic friends much better than the best of many of my Protestant pals???????

Do You Live Life Or Think About Living Life?

Human beings think a lot, which is one of the primary differences between us and most animals. Our makeup is also in the image of God (mentally, spiritually, and physically). The  great human capacity of and for perception and rationality (at least in our view) is why we think so much. Thinking can make us better.

All of this sounds great, even wonderful, but our actual results of thinking and reasoning are not always put into practice. No, we think and think and think, yet rarely ever act or do what we have rationally and logically thought about. We think more than we actually live.

In fact, many times even when we do act after extended thought, our actions tend to prove our reasoning faulty. We think and overthink things to extremes, because in the 21st Century World no one wants to publicly or privately take a completely wrong action.  Thus, we compromise our logic and only halfway do what we have thought out - and we screw everything up.

Our thoughts govern our actions most of the time, so this thing called pride (and even self-respect) restrains us far too much. We think about this and that and everything, but never get around to just living as God intended. 

God wants doers, not just thinkers. Do you live life or think about living life?

~ Jimmy Hall is owner of Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) and can help you with resumes, web content, business plans, and other projects and consulting.,,.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

I'd Like To Be Loveable, But Won't Compromise

Deep down everyone wants to be loved and needs to be loved, no matter what they all might say. It's human nature, despite the inherent bad amid our very beings from the fall of Eve and Adam. Even I'd like to be loved and considered loveable, or would I?

Take myself for example. I am nostalgic, sentimental, caring, kind, generous, and knowledgeable - but, I am not really all that loveable. Why? Please continue reading. 

I am not all that loveable, or even loved, because I am not politically correct nor personably correct. For my part, I refuse to say what someone wants to hear. How so? I am programmed to tell the truth at all times, not even "little white lies." 

A lie is a lie to me. One Valentine's night my then girlfriend asked me how her brand new expensive dress looked, expecting me to rubber stamp it. I did not like it, and I told her so. The truth is the truth, if you don't want a true answer, don't ask the question.

Guess what? People don't want that. Others desire to be flattered and spoken favorably to and about most of the time, and then "conditionally" like or love those back that conform to that manner of social behavior. People also want to hear or see that you agree with their positions on all matters - spiritual, political, economical, and social. 

The point of this blog piece is that, personally, I refuse to compromise if it means betraying Christian Principles. To me, if God says or writes it, that settles it - period. Everyone is supposed to be this way, but are not.

In all honesty, I always get mad at Aunt Bee on the Andy Griffith show for her continued lies, almost on every show. That's just me - and to non-Christians or Liberal Christians that's not loveable!

It all boils down to this: I would love to be loved, but I would much rather not be loved by people if it means having to disobey God to obtain this conditional love. I refuse. Nope, no way. What you see or read is what you get with me. 

I am NOT ashammed of the Gospel of Christ, and will not deny any of it to be more loved... Do you? Will you?

~ I am Jimmy Hall and I own Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501). I can help you with web content, blogging, business plans, resumes, letters, obits, and more... Thanks....

Lazy Roomates: Ever Had An Unmotivated Roommate?

ROOMMATES. Often in early adulthood and during times of transition or financial difficulty later in life, roommates are helpful to have and team-up with. Good roommates are great, right? 

The problem with roommates is that many do not think like you do. Indeed, some do things illogically or irrationally, and many waste their very God-given lives right before your eyes, when you know that they could be so much more.

As a Christian, it baffles me to watch my housemate throw-away her life: no hobbies, no exercising, constant junk food and candy, no housekeeping, no motivation to improve herself, no discipline, no ambition, and a general wasting of her God-given life are all I see.

It's truly a shame. I have watched this once- vibrant, pretty, and fairly fit woman de-evolve (in a short time) into the older-looking and heavyset grandmother we all recall from our youths. When I dare mention it, she goes ballastic. There is no helping her. 

In a selfish manner, I can honestly say that seeing her motivates me not to ever be like that. I put almost every hour of everyday to good use in one way or another. When I feel weak, and do not particularly want to workout, I have motivation before my eyes to do so. Never do I want to let myself go mentally, physically, or spiritually as my rather lazy roommate has done. (The same goes for mental and spiritual things.)

God works in mysterious ways. Though this female friend living with me may serve to unmotivate herself, her situation actually motivates me. I have diligently worked-out and exercised almost daily (and taken protein/creatine, vitamins, etc) since we have shared a place. (She has exercised maybe 3 or 4 times in the last year, and a couple of those sessions were just swimming.) 

At any rate, I have whipped myself into decent shape, doubled my strength, and become muscular instead of overweight, whereas she is in the absolute worse shape of her life, seemingly gaining weight by the day.

It tears at my heart that she is wasting her life on so many levels, but the old cliche' seems to be true; "You cannot help someone until they are ready to admit their problems and try and help themselves." This includes roommates.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Thinking Rationally Amid Irrationality (Being Normal In An Abnormal World/Stock Markets)

Thinking rationally amid an irrational world often simply does not work. Why? That thinking is irrational in and of itself. Your calculated actions are based on your own rational view of the irrational world. Say what? 

You assume that others think likewise, but they do not. Therefore your actions and reactions are based on falsehoods. On the whole, people are like stupid animals. They are like blind sheep or goats following one another.

The best example I know of rational and logical thinking going awry is the Unites States' Stock Markets. How, you may say? Please read on.

Every single stock represented on American Stock Markets has underlying characteristics, data, facts, figures, and an historical background and record. People all view the same info about each stock (except for those privy insider info) and anything more than a few hours old is history.

What happens is that novice traders or investors (80% of people) look at these stock charts and information flows and see stocks here and there that look great. They then base their decisions on what they see, not understanding that everyone else has already seen it also (especially the movers and shakers).

While in the long-run the past may well be the best indicator to the future, this is in no way true of the present or even the mid-term time frame. The novice then makes trades based on "what should be," based solely upon the great numbers!

So, what is the answer to this ongoing and ever-present dilemma? To know people in general, and how they think and will act, is they key. But, how?

Wall Street and Main Street traders on computers have their fancy Ivy League Degrees in Economics and Business and Industry and Statistics, and think they know business and companies inside and out. Guess what? They might. The problem is that it matters very little either way.

Remember, rational and logical thinking does not always pay-off, all else being equal. It is far more important to know people, human nature, and the herd mentality than about the individual stocks and companies they are trading.

Give me a person with a great Psychology/Sociology background and limited Business Knowledge - and I will show you a potentially great stock trader. All the Business Education on earth is useless without understanding the people that are trading the stocks and moving the markets. Understand?

When we humans focus on the wrong thing or things, all the rationality and logic on Earth is wrong or useless. Know what to study and react to in all situations, not just the Stock Markets. We should let the Markets teach us all about Life and Logic...

~ Jimmy Hall owns and operates Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta and Online (404-580-1501), and writes business plans, press releases, letters, resumes, web content, and more....

Peace With Love Would Be Nice, Without Compromising

I see so many happy-looking families and smiley-faced "Christians" living their safe and politically correct lives that they no longer standout. Everyone just does what is best for themselves these days; no one cares about being a real Christian - which would be completely weird and controversial in the modern world. (On Earth Jesus was considered a rather mean RADICAL.)

Anyone that truly lived like Christ would be criticized and be called a fool in our 21st Century World. Jesus Himself said that if someone truly follows Him, the world will hate them as it did Him (Matt 10, John 15, Mark 13, I John 3). I know. I dare say what the Bible says and in so doing correct the false teachings so many people (even my own relatives) have falsely held since childhood.

Having peace and love would be nice, if it could be done without compromising or twisting Christian values.  However, Jesus said that He did not come to bring peace, but rather a sword. He came to set even family members against one another (Matthew 10: 34-37). 

We have changed Jesus into something He was and is not. Jesus called people names repeatedly, ignored people, discouraged non-Elect from following him, talked disrespectfully to people in authority, and He is and was God. We should stand up and be like Him against evil, should we not?

Peace with love would be nice, but is NOT possible in the world we live in.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Can Men Cry: Do Men Cry?

Do men cry? Is it okay for guys to sometimes cry or shed tears?  Many people follow the old addage that males should never cry, that we are supposed to be the strong stoic leaders, oblivious to emotions. I disagree, and take the polar opposite approach.

God created mankind, and there is a time and a season for everything, according to His Holy Bible (Ecc 3). Crying is not just a reflection of self-pity, but is often a natural representation of true grief and sorrow. It demonstrates that you, me, and others are human - whether male or female.

Again, Jesus Christ made the Universe (John 1) and is Lord of all and yet He cried. Yes, the shortest verse in the Bible is "Jesus Wept" (John 11:35). If He felt it fine to possess and display such heartfelt emotion, it is the right thing to do. No one in their right mind can disagree with that.

Scripture also teaches that it is better to go to a house of MOURNING than a place of feasting (Ecc 7:2).  Understand? 

This notion that Christians should always be smiley-faced and emotionally happy is rubbish. Our Savior Jesus Christ described Himself as "lowly and meek" at heart (Matt 11:29). He is our example.

The next time you hear it said that men should not cry, or that crying is for sissies, think of Jesus Christ: He is Lord of th Universe and He cried, and as a human man He was anything but a sissy - considering what He endured for mankind....

~ Jimmy Hall is a professional writer (404-580-1501) of business plans, resumes, website content, blog material, letters, press releases, and numerous other projects. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


A common question for business people and individuals alike is, "Do I need to hire a professional writer?" People in need of resumes and business plans want to know the answer to that question. At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/ Atlanta (404-580-1501) I hear it a lot.

Why? There are many software programs and templates for just about anything anyone wants written. This is especially true of resumes and business plans. 

However, what is not generally known is that it takes special writing skills to develop and organize effective documents. (Even if you actually like the template design, you must know how to assimilate the info/data and write well to use it.)

With templates, that is exactly what you get - documents that seem basic like a template! There is little unique, specific, or original in the various layouts. Hint: A Business Plan and a Resume each NEED to demonstrate originality via the very nature of what they are, and what their purposes are intended to fulfil. 

Obviously, as a professional writer, you would know that I dislike templates and software programs; but, probably not why.

The basic belief might be that it cuts into the profits of professional writers, so we hate them. That may also be true; yet, the fact is that the products and projects developed using these types of cookie cutter means are inferior, and could cost you a loan/investment or job interviews.

The person looking at your business plan or resume wants quality, and to know that you took the task seriously. Frankly, they can tell if you used a template, and may well have negative feelings about you doing so. Why? Because of what it says about you that you are trying to take the cheap and basic way to write what should be considered an important item. It might even be considered an insult to them....

A lot of people simply do not understand the time requiremen ts to write these two types of documents either. A business plan might take even a smart and educated person 50-80 hours to organize and write correctly, and a professional resume at least 6 hours or more - usually 10-12... This isn something to think about, as well...

~ Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is a professional writer of business plans and resumes, and welcomes your correspondences and hiring queries. 

Fitness: Exercising At Workout Anytime - Douglasville (770-947-3600)

In my blog and on Google, Twitter, facebook, Linked-In, and other places, I often tout my home gym - Workout Anytime Douglasville, Georgia. Simply put, it is a great place, and I am just a member with no ownership ties whatsoever.

I won't carefully craft a great seo masterpiece for Workout Anytime Douglasville here; I just want to share my experience there. It's a good one. No, a great one...

Workout Anytime is a relaxing yet serious place, a commbination of a perfect gym and health spa. Management and staff like it that way. The facility is great for guys, families, and women working on their health and fitness. And, it really is a 24-hour a day gym, open 7 days a week.

The fitness center has free weights, weight machines & cables, treadmills, stationary bikes & ellipticals, and other equipment. It's all there! The place even has a great massage machine and showers.

Drop in Workout Anytime Douglasville (at the intersection of Chapel Hill Road and Stewart Mill Road) or give them a call (770-947-3600). Tell them Jimmy steered you that way!

~ Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is a professional writer of business plans, resumes, web content, and most other written projects...

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

YIKES! License Renewal: Georgia Department Of Driver Services/Powder Springs-Marietta

I dreaded today for many reasons: The first anniversary of my beloved mother's death, financial concerns, and the fact that I had to renew my Georgia Driver's License (and a lot of material is now required to do so). Yes, I was ready for "war" with the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS). License renewal!

A friend and I walked into the DDS in Powder Springs, Georgia and were immediately in a line. I frowned. It looked like the line itself and the 60 or 70 people already waiting in chairs were really going to waste my day. Nope!

Wow!  I was truly surprised on the license count. This Georgia Department of Driver Services office (actually between Powder Springs and Marietta, Georgia) really runs an efficient and first class operation. Could this outfit actually be a part of the state government, I wondered? Great.

I was instantly greeted by a pleasant male staff member, escorted to a computer (and told how to use it for my renewal purposes), and then was again collected by a sweet female employee and given a service number when the quick computer details were finished. My number was B-351. (This initially concerned me, as numbers in the B-270s were then being called.)

Still, I remained calm, and asked about the approximate wait time. A kind and lovely young DDS employee said, "Probably 45 or 50 minutes, sir."  

I said, "Ouch," but had my briefcase and computer so I could work, if necessary. I thanked her.

Well, it turns out that this particular Powder Springs DDS office has 20 service windows (most "manned" by efficient females). Numbers were being called very quickly, with only a short time between them. It was like precision clockwork, or a German train station or something - but comfortable. I paced, then took a seat.

Quickly, it was evident to me that my wait would not be long, and I was not even sure I had time to go and wash my face and tidy up in their restroom before my turn! (I was already worried about the license photo!)

Within 12-15 minutes my number was called, I walked to window #2, and I felt like this was it; if anything bad was to going to happen, now was the time! Things were just going "too good" at the Georgia DDS to be true.

I said a cautious "Hello" to the pretty female attendant, and was greeted with a nice one in return. Things were looking good. The young lady asked for my number and what I needed. I told her "Just a renewal," and gave her #351.

Surprisingly and thankfully, my home-addressed financial statement, Social Security Card, Passport, Birth Certificate, and expiring Georgia Driver's License did the trick. She typed what was needed, took my photo (after I'd been wearing a cap), and I then simply signed a screen, gave her $20, got my temporary license, and was done! Amazing!

Initially, I was going to drive all the way to Carrollton, georgia for this renewal, until my friend that I picked up on Maroney Mill Road north of Douglasville suggested the Powders Springs Georgia Department of Driver Services location. I am sure glad he did! It was a wonderful experience.... Jimmy 

~ Jimmy Hall is owner of JIMMY HALL WRITING SERVICES (404-580-1501). He  organizes, develops, and writes effective business plans, resumes, seo-web content, blog material, letters, press releases, reports, papers, obits, and does business consulting work....