Sunday, May 31, 2015

Lifting Weights: Pumping Iron For Muscle (Basic Truths)

Pumping Iron (Lifting Weights) correctly is a great lifestyle to build muscle and lose fat. In this piece I will share some basic scientific info that will make your training more productive, whether a beginner or a veteran weight lifter.

Pumping iron is all about training, your diet/nutrient timing, mindset, and rest & recuperation. If you can halfway master these components, you can change your body composition, and look great (and be stronger).


The weight training/lifting is the  visual and obvious part of fitness, and what actually breaks down your muscles so that they can rebuild themselves larger. They key is to workout each body part/muscle group or section the right amount, and properly.

Modern bodybuilders and weight lifters generally slightly OVERTRAIN. That's right; there is an optimal amount of breakdown and rebuilding for muscles. Find your range.

My research suggests that a muscle group/body part should ideally be worked-out hard on a particular day of the week and then light 4 days later, and then repeat the process the next week. An example would be to bomb a muscle with 8-10 heavy duty sets (after light warmup sets) on Monday, then use lighter weights for 6 or 8 sets on Friday, etc. 

You can train a body part well in  only 12 to 20 minutes, if necessary. It doesn't take anywhere near an hour if you work it right. Take 30 seconds between sets for small parts, 1 1/2 minutes for large ones.

This goes against the grain of training a muscle hard every 3rd or 4th day. Go by FEELING; variate if need be. (Generally increase weights and decrease reps for each exercise, before then doing a final set of higher reps last. Over time continue to increase weights.) Also understand that your weight training is burning calories and burning fat!


Diet is at least 60%+ of weight training results. Nutrient timing is about half of that. Why? The body needs fuel to grow and operate correctly, just as a car does to run. It needs these things at certain times to use them best. 

The key here is protein. Eat protein and drink water. Eat a good meal with carbs AND protein an hour before working out. Next, drink carbs with a small amount of protein just before working out. 

Right after working out/pumping iron (within  30 minutes), drink a protein shake plus carbs and take Creatine plus vitamins A,C, and E and hopefully other suplements. (In other words, just before and after your workout use carbs/protein together as they amplify the results of protein efficiency by 30% this way.)

Then, every 2 1/2 to 3 hours get more protein through small meals or shakes, and eat peanut butter or slow digesting protein at bedtime. Voila! 

In total you need to eat 5 to 7 small meals/drink meals a day and drink at least 6 glasses of water (spread out) plus 2 low-calorie carb drinks. Eat at least 2/3 gram of protein per pound of body weight as a 1st year beginner, then at least 1 gram per pound of body weight after your training becomes more intense and serious.


To a great extent, your mind controls your body. Mind over matter. Stay focused and positive. This goes for long and short term training. Keep your objectives in mind.

Train your mind to visualize the end result, and feel your way along through every rep of every movement. If by chance the going is too hard, lighten the weight and go through the motions correctly. Just make sure that your lifting becomes automatic like auto-suggestion, a habit. Be a human robot! Results will spur you on.


When it seems like you are doing nothing, your body is doing a lot. Sleep and rest are incredibly important. Your muscles GROW outside the gym. 

If you lift seriously, make sure you get a minimum of 6 1/2 hours of sleep nightly/daily plus a 30-minute daily nap, or 7 1/2 hours of straight sleep. 

A nap works wonders at saving time, a 30-minute nap equals an hour of added-on sleep at night (at least). Napoleon Hill (famous motivational writer) always suggested 6 hours sleep plus a 1 hour nap equalled 8 hours of night sleep, thus saving folks 1 hour a day of waking time. GET GOOD SLEEP TO GAIN MUSCLE.

Should your muscles ever start to seem unusually sore in a lingering manner, or performance drops for 2 or 3 workouts, immediately take 3-4 days off to make darn sure you are not at an overtraining juncture. (Overload on supplements/vitamins, though.)


Train  hard and regularly (as a habit), eat right and at the right times, have the right attitude, and get plenty of recuperation time and you will be successful at changing your body in a positive manner by increasing muscle and gaining strength. Count on it!!!!!

~ Jimmy Hall (MS/BBA) is a writer and lifter, and operates Jimmy Hall Writing Services that provides web content, business plans, and resumes among other things (404-580-1501).

Father's Day: Shout-Out To My Late Dad

Father's Day 2015 is approaching, and may be here by the time you read this. This marks my tenth Father's Day without my late dad. I cannot believe it. 

As a child we think our parents will be with us forever, though we should know better. Even as an adult death is still shocking, years later.

As an only-child, I was particularly close to my late dad and my late mom. Unless you are a single only-child you won't be able to understand that. If you are, you know. (The situation is generally very dysfunctional, close to a dozen phone calls a day, every news event is something to share, etc...)

The worlds of parents and only-children simply revolve around each other. When someone dies, it is earth-shattering, and there are no siblings or sons or daughters or mate to share grief with.

With my mother's murder by a local hospital system/ambulance service/ and rehab facility just last summer - everything is new to me, and most of my grief and sorrow have been with respect to my late mom. I am alone. Still, I know daddy understands that I love and miss him immensely, as well. Now, to the purpose of the blog piece...

This is a shout-out to "Daddy." Even if I live to be 150, I will still be your little boy. I love you and thank you for life and raising me, and your patience. And, do not worry, I firmly believe in Biblical vengeance, as God directs. If I have my way, they will pay for what they have done, Daddy. Numbers 35:19 is ever in my heart....

Summer: I Want To Enjoy Summer 2015 !!!!!!!

The Summer of 2015 is here! I don't know about you, but I want this summer to finally be my summer. I wanna GO FOR IT!!!! How about you?

Despite some various personal troubles, a rather sofa-loving roommate, and recurring transportation problems, I want to enjoy this summer in a fun and healthy way - even if I have to hike, walk, camp, bicycle, play disc golf, fish, and workout alone the entire season (something tells me I won't have to, lol!).

I have me to do things with. I cannot use the excuse of an inactive roommate or few close active friends to be inactive myself this summer. That would make me as bad as them. Think about it.

It is up to me to keep myself motivated, despite the lack of enthusiasm and zest those around me might possess. I am responsible for me. Understand? If others want to join me, fine; if not, so what - I am responsible for me.

I can provide a good example for others with the fitness lifestyle I have re-incorporated into my life over the past 8 months or so, but I cannot make them want to look and feel better themselves. But, I can stop myself from slipping-back into the place where they are now - and I am responsible to God to keep myself fit and acceptable to God as His temple.

I write all of these things because they are applicable to each of us without limiting physical disabilities (if you have physical problems, I am very sorry and hope you improve). Do not let "Debbie-Downers" ruin your 2015 summer. Get with it; move it, move it, move it!

Be you. Be genuine. Be fit. Be radiant but real. Enjoy life during the happiest and sunniest months of the year. Get motivated. Forget fads, develop a year-round summer lifestyle. GO FOR IT. I am!

Jimmyb Hall (404-580-1501) is an Atlanta-area writer specializing in articles, business plans, resumes, web content, and most other forms of writing. His website is located at Jimmy Hall Writing

Saturday, May 30, 2015

My Home Gym: Workout Anytime/Douglasville (770-947-3600)

Last year, I hit rock bottom. As an adult "only child," single, and dealing with the recent loss of my last parent - my life was a complete mess. Christian or not, I spent my days and nights drinking-away my sorrow. THEN, I re-joined WORKOUT ANYTIME/Douglasville (770-947-3600). In many ways, things have now changed!

My body was pathetic last October, especially for someone that used to be considered an athlete. At 6'1" tall, I weighed-in at 241 pounds and sported a 38-inch waistline. At the same time my arms had shrunk to near nothing, and I actually appeared feeble as a man 30 years older than my age.

Enter WORKOUT ANYTIME/Douglasville. I incorporated the gym into my everyday life, and now boast larger arms (3 1/2 inches bigger than last October), a 35 1/2-inch waistline (still a lil large), and weigh 225 pounds (that is now mainly muscle except for the reminants of a once even larger tummy). Get it?

WORKOUT ANYTIME has helped me to succesfully LOSE FAT while GAINING MUSCLE. The amazing thing is that I have done this by mixing short 10- minute workouts with longer 45-minute ones. (I am known for dropping in for minutes at a time to exercise certain body parts, while in the neighborhood.)

I am still a "work-in-progress," but am making progress steadily. I encourage you to call Sonja at Workout Anytime (770-947-3600) and come and see what all the fuss and fun is about. The location is great, near Kohl's and Target in Douglasville.... Jimmy Hall

JIMMY HALL is owner of Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501) and writes effective business plans, resumes, web content, letters, reports, obits, press releases, and most other written material....

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Political Correctness: Being Fake For Popularity

"Political Correctness" is truly in. How so? In the 21st Century, regardless of what someone truly thinks or feels, they publicly state a safe and semi-popular response so as not to rock the boat. It's disgusting.

Indeed, political correctness is a Liberal social disease. Speaking the absolute truth, particularly if it is in adherence to Traditional Christian Republican Values, can ruin a career and social life in an instant. Why?

This century is the age of independence, and mankind doing as it pleases. God is no longer the center and mantle of our lives, but just one of our activities that we juggle and balance for our consciences' sake and our own benefit when it helps us individually. I write the truth; I lie not.

In our modern world, we now consider the welfare and happiness of the Created to be superior to the Creator Himself. It is all about us. Enter the politically correct stances on just 2 important issues. Abortion is only a woman exercising her right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy to free up her own body, and homosexual love is referred to as an individual's "own sexual preference." BALONEY on both counts. God doesn't see it that way.

Abortion: If two humans create another growing life, it has to be human and alive. That is common sense. Yet, if they do not want it, they abort it. Guess what? Killing a live human life that is not threatening you is called MURDER - regardless of what the law says. God's Bible trumps woman and man's convenience. 

God says that the fruit of the womb is HIS and that every bodypart on a baby is numbered (Psalm 139, Psalm 127). Get it? The baby/fetus is a separate life with it's own DNA code and individuality, and it is a separate life that is simply dependent on its mother - just as it is for many years once born. (Viability is a NON-ISSUE.)

Homosexuality: Then, there is the issue of homosexuality. There is a wide-spread sentiment to allow homosexuals to marry and live together unabated. What is wrong with that? A lot. The very Bible that this nation was founded upon treats homosexuality not only as wrong and evil, but God Himself says in numerous places that those that practice it are to be executed (Leviticus 20:13 is a prime example). 

It is so wrong in the eyes of God that those practicing it are/were ordered to be killed. It doesn't take a Bible scholar to realize that homosexuality is pretty damn evil to God, and should not be condoned.

At any rate, as Christians, we had better start speaking up for Jesus Christ and His Word, and stop avoiding those attacking our Faith. We are not to be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ (Romans 1) and we are not to sit idly by and tolerate the political correctness of others. CHRISTIANS UNITE!!!! Political correctness in every way, shape, and form is wrong....

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Paris: The Seine In Paris, France

I love Paris, France. That's no great secret to anyone that knows me. However, the fact that I truly enjoy floating down the River Seine in and through Paris on a Bateau Mouche might not be public knowledge. (I have done it 5 times.)

Why do I love being on the Seine in Paris? I enjoy the river for numerous reasons. These include its beauty, history, the lovers on the banks, the tour itself (seeing much of Paris) and the knowledge that I am seeing what thousands of famous people from the past have experienced both on and around the water. 

How many artistic masterpieces (paintings, books, poems, short stories, and plays) has this body of water inspired? How many relationships have begun or ended around this river? (Think Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron in An American In Paris.)

The Seine is the heart and soul of Paris, France. It has been a main water source (needing very much purification), a water home (people and artists living in boats atop it, especially near bridges), for centuries was the main mode of long-range transportation, a reason for 3 dozen bridges (most beautifiul), and people have often caught its numerous small fish for food (not that I would care to eat from it now). What's not to like?

Being on the River Seine at night is an instant flashback to centuries ago, and the tales (both true and false) of the tens of thousands of bodies the river has claimed or been used to hide. Yikes!

The dark areas place you in the time of Charlemagne or the French Revolution, or before or after each. Think Heloise and Abelard! The lights and spotlights of the bateau mouche often really do capture lovers practising their craft against the walls of the quais. The golden lit buildings along the quais are almost undescribeable. Lovely. Notre Dame owns you at night. The islands call.

Virtually every square foot of area you see is a place of history or significance, once occupied by countless famous and not so famous people from the city and nation's incredible past. This is the real Paris, where milleniums of events have come and gone. 

Every step along the banks is significant in one way or another through ages past. Tribal people defended and fished these banks over two thousand years ago.

In my mind's eye, I am there again now, as I sit near Atlanta, Georgia. For now, I guess my books will have to do. Still, one day I hope to return again, and to stand atop Pont Neuf - the last place I was ever with my late mother in Paris....

Jimmy Hall/ MS/BBA owns a writing service (404-580-1501) and develops business plans, resumes, web content, and literature.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Girlfriend's Grandkids: Renting Grandchildren!!!!!

My girlfriend/platonic roommate is young at heart, often mistaken for her daughter and 2 sons' older cousin, despite the "kids" being between ages 25 and 29. She has a number of grandchildren between ages 1 and 6. This sometimes becomes "fun" for me, being an adult "only-child" without any children or grandchildren of my own. The girlfriend's grandkids/grandchildren sort of fill an activity void in my life.

Yes, I especially get the feel of being a parent or grandparent when we occasionally babysit (overnight) her daughter's 2 year-old boy and 6 year-old girl. Talk about patience! 

The sweet and smiling little boy amazes me. You can talk to him eye to eye, he agrees with you, then 10 seconds later nothing you said means anything to him! He's a real American boy! The little fella looks ya in the face as he playfully disobeys you, thinking it is funny.

The pretty little girl, on the other hand, behaves herself completely and is easily entertained by the computer or television, particularly the abcd games online. She likes to learn things. Go figure!

I have gotten pretty good with the roommate's grandkids, as far as discipline and child-proofing things. Sometimes I even correct them, but I cheat. I say "Mema says you can't do that!" In no way do I want these children to dislike me or blame me for anything! It's simply not gonna happen. Jimmy is the "good guy" here.

The girlfriend's grandkids or grandchildren are a breath of fresh air. I think I learn a lot from them being around. I learn from them, and how to use all types of psychology on them. But, I also learn math. How????

It seems like about every ten minutes the girlfriend is looking at one or both of these precious children and counting! "1-2-3..., I better not get to 10!!!" LOL. As a bystander, I have my single digits down pat now, if I had ever forgotten them. 

Children certainly are a blessing. I have no kids or grandkids, but I sure do enjoy it when I somehow wind-up "renting hers!" The great thing is that by the time the babysitting gets to be work, it is time for them to go home!!

~ Jimmy Hall owns a writing service and writes all types of business, web, and personal writing (404-580-1501).

Friday, May 22, 2015

Sex And Single Men

Becuaue of our design, single men generally enjoy sex. This is both a good and a bad thing. Why and how? Like it or not, sex is Biblically reserved for married couples (men and women). God designed things that way. Sex and single men should be like an oxymoron, but is not by any stretch of the imagination!

Given God's limitations and functions on and for sex, this wonderful gift and act is off-limits to single people and people not married to each other. In a great sense, though almost all of us have failed, we are tormented by what we cannot or at least are not supposed to have as single men.

Sexual intercourse is a physical act of love, and an abstract picture of mankind's relationship to His Creator. Two people are mysteriously joined as one flesh. It is an intimate and personal experience - or should be.

In real life, sex has been cheapened. Sex and single men is just that: SEX for the enjoyment of single men. Intercouse has become more of a gratifying act that can be undertaken with anyone just to feel good. The spiritual and mental aspects of it are rarely considered anymore. It simply feels great, so men and their partners do it.

Somewhere along the way mankind and especially men have forgotten the idea of marriage being special, and the act of sex within marriage making it that way. The cheapening of sex has thus also cheapened marriage. Today, the old proverbial "white dress" is basically a joke. Few women or men are pure/virgins. It is a shame.

Like all God-given gifts, we have perverted and distirted sexual intercourse. Our motto as single men seems to be, "If it feels good DO IT." We are a vile gender and race....

Jimmy Hall/MS/BBA writes resumes, business plans, web content, and most other forms of writing (404-580-1501).

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mixing Business And Pleasure - Jimmy Hall Writing (404-580-1501)

Blogs, Social Media, Websites, and other online activities often overlap and cause the mixing of business and pleasure. Such is the case for me. As far as blogging goes, I have a personal blog and a business blog, and sometimes I use each to promote the other - and I employ tactics on each to make the other more visible.

Obviously, this is my personal blog about life, of which my business is included. As such, my business blog, 

Jimmy Hall Writing Services BLOG 404-580-1501 Business Plans, Resumes, Web Content/Atlanta , plays a major role in my online life, as does my business website at Jimmy Hall Writing  . Each is important.

Mixing business and pleasure was frowned-upon in the old days, but now we place everything we have and do on the web on everything else, even facebook, Linked-In, and Twitter sites and pages. If we are not careful, we send people back and forth and they never settle and simply contact us!

Anyway, the point is that I carefully write business plans, resumes, web content/blog content, obituaries, letters, reports, white papers, press releases, complaints, scholarly papers, and numeroius other written projects. If you need assistance, please look me up sometime or call Jimmy at 404-580-1501... Thanks....

Monday, May 18, 2015

Misconception About Church & State

There is a huge misconception about the so-called separation of church and state. The United States (according to virtually all the Founding Fathers) was setup based on Christian Principles. All of their early letters say that, and the only contrary evidence is wording in a letter with respect to a treaty that was a covert deception.

In no way, shape, or form was it the Founding Father's intention to "protect" the nation from Christianity, but rather to protect Christianity from the threats it had been exposed to in Europe/Western Asia. 

There is a little word with a big influence in our founding documents. This word is also a name. The name is GOD. God is recognized as presiding over our independence and the day to day running of our nation and the lives of its citizens. All rights are also stated as being derived from GOD.

Keep in mind that not all of our Forefathers were actually Christians, some were Deists, but the Bible was recognized by all as being the framework for the Law of the Land. (Most of the Founding Fathers were, however, Christians at the time of independence - and a number of the ones that were not went on to convert to Christianity later in life -  including George Washington.)

John Adams famously said (and wrote to his wife) that without God and the Bible the nation would never have come about; They were its basis. Even Jefferson made sure that the Federal Government gave Bibles to schools. (They did not adhere to this modern notion of a separation of church and state as we do today.)

We have no formal national religion, because of the numerous sects of Christianity and the protection given to it and them from the start. The huge misconception about church and state is that some kind of a wall was put in place to protect non-religious people from religion. Again, that is a lie. 

The Founding Fathers also agreed that religion of various types served to stabilize the people, and was a positive force for law and order and morality. This is not a paper or scholarly work (which I have done on the subject, but rather a basic BLOG POSTING that is factual...

Jimmy Hall/MS/BBA (404-580-1501) owns a writing service specializing in business plans, resumes, and web content - as well as reports and white papers...

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Craig Allen Country: Craig Reynolds - Country Singer/Songwriter

Sometimes the road to fame and fortune is persistent and steady. A great example of this is "Craig Allen Country," and singer-songwriter Craig A. Reynolds. I kid you not, this man knows how to write great songs (from ballads to frolicking country-pop) and he sings as well as he writes, which is great.

I first met Craig Reynolds a number of years ago when he was at Mike Brookshire's bar in Douglasville, Georgia with country star Darryl Worley ("Have You Forgotten"). Off and on he would be in town and sing a few numbers at the open mic, and what not. Craig, a tall handsome dude, would bring the house down and the women loved him.

The future originator of Craig Allen Country then met a lovely woman, moved to Nashville, and began his country music career in earnest. Well, the relationship did not last, but the genius and music did. 

Craig's first cd, released under his name (Craig Reynolds) still is one of the few cds by anyone or any group that I can play start to finish and enjoy all the way through. In addition, it is/was the original home to what I feel is one of the greatest sings ever written or sang (and I do not say that lightly) entitled "God Missed Her Most." Hopefully that one is being released again on his newest effort, or will be soon!

At any rate, find Craig Allen Country's "Moonshine," "God Missed Her Most," and "Rollin In The 'HEY' ." Folks, this guy is happening, and has the writing and singing abilities to be the next big country act - and maybe even crossover a bit. I am very picky, and I really like this fella's music and lyrics....

Craig writes for "So You Write" publishing company in Nashville.

~ Jimmy Hall is owner of JIMMY HALL WRITING SERVICES (404-580-1501) and was in no way compensated for writing this piece, nor asked to!

We Christians: Pre-conceived Christian Notions

I am thankful to be a Christian, chosen by God before the foundations of the world ( Ephesians 1) to know and understand Him and to fully believe upon my Lord Jesus Christ, Whom died in my place on a cross for my sins so that I might fellowship with God. Having said that, I now must say that I admit that many of my Bethren (and yours) have had many false and preconceived notions about Christianity since childhood! (I once did also.)

For starters, we were taught that God loves "everybody." Really? Did He love the evil Midianites that He ordered the Israelites to slaughter, and to even kill their women and children? Is that love? Hardly (Numbers 31).

And how about the Great Flood? Was that love to destroy the whole human race except 8 ( and most animals) in a 40-day flood over the Earth? (Genesis 5-10). And, how about the Egyptian plagues? (Exodus 7-11). Did God love them? Use your head, people. Forget preconceived notions. Read Scripture.

Should I even mention Esau, whom God said He hated before he was even born? (Romans 9). Or, what about "So the assembly sent twelve thousand fighting men with instructions to go to Jabesh Gilead and put to the sword those living there, including the women and children" (Judges 21). Love? Again, NOT.

It is amazing that some brethren, given these facts and God's own Word, refuse to believe He even HATES! Ecclesiastes 3 tells us there is a time to HATE and KILL. Is God's Word wrong? I think not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Christian Brethren mean well, they just gloss-over the Bible parts they do not like.... God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His character doesn't change. The Book of Revelation (New Testament) makes The Old Testament seem sweet! Yet, many Brethren believe God somehow decided to get nice 2,000 years ago!! LOL. He is and has always been RIGHTEOUS, period...

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Remembering Sammy Davis, Jr 25 years Later

Sammy Davis, Jr died 25 years ago today.....WITHOUT Sammy,there would have been no MICHAEL.... Sammy got religious and became a Republican (like the late Dr. King) so many fellow entertainers and Minorities started disliking him. (Sammy was thankful that a White man, Sinatra, gave him a chance for a lucrative career, after working hard for decades for peanuts.)

Less than a handful of Americans have ever had near the talent of Sammy Davis, Jr. Imagine if Sammy had not lived in a world of racism and ignorant people..... This man worked hard, played hard, and loved life. It is a shame that he was not a little more conscious about money matters. Still, his life brought joy to MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people around the globe.

Today, we remember you, Sammy Davis, Jr..... R.I.P.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Life Versus Work: Business Writing Versus Pleasure Writing and Christ

I love to write, and am fortunate enough to be able to do it well and swiftly. I was given this talent from birth; I did not create it amid myself - I have only fed and watered this ability through much reading, study, and both logical & creative thought. Still, a battle rages between life versus work:  pleasure writing (including Christian writing) versus business writing.

This war rages on How? I could literally spend every minute of my life writing material for my business' website and business blog and it would not be enough, but my heart yearns to blog on this personal space about life in general.

Life should be more than work, but work is required for life, and vice-versa. Catch-22. In that sense I mix many things up, at least. I note work info on this blog, but blog from the heart. Whatever I think about I write about. Get it? Everything from Jesus to Fitness.

The question is, how does everyone else determine how to allocate their precious time which is called LIFE? Do your activities come naturally, or are they well-planned? What say ye?

How do you uphold your Scriptural responsibilities, and at the same time function effectively amid this world? How do you do earthly work when your heart yearns for specifically Christian activities? Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

Again - My own solution varies, and admittedly my activities overlap, The cause of Christ often costs my business work, but my work also sometimes makes others aware of Jesus. One thing I refuse to do is compromise Christ for popularity and wealth. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ in any of my writing...

~Jimmy is the owner of Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501), and prepares resumes, business plans, web content, blogs, and other writing.

Monday, May 11, 2015

The Ol Life Insurance Agent: Growing-up As An Insurance Guy

I am just old enough that I recall when insurance agents still ran debits/agencies and collected most of their life insurance premiums and health premiums on their book in-person. In fact, from early 1985-1986 I was just such an insurance agent or "policy man" or 'ol life insurance agent, like my grandfather had been decades before me.

Looking back, and even during my insurance tenure, I understood that every unmarried man should have spent at least a year doing what I did when the positions were available. It is sort of a shame that this insurance job rarely exists today in the capacity that it did then. How so? I was more than an insurance collector and seller!

I was a handsome 23-year old that lifted weights and loved women and wine (though Christian), and performing the job really taught me a lot about human nature and life. You see, generally we made our collection rounds between 11;00am and 5:00pm. During this time, the ladies of the house were home alone much of the time. 

This was often problematic, especially if this or that particular woman was lonely, in a bad relationship, or was simply adventurous. Sometimes a woman might even be married, and I would not know it, as we met later for drinks or for that matter had a beer or two while I was at her home!

Then, often I encountered the women that made a point of being at their backyard pools when I came by at my normal time. Tease, tease, tease... Once a busty woman asked me to come back later (I knew darn well her husband worked at night) and go-over a new policy with her. I brought my manager with me, and she would not let us in - her initial plan did not invole him!

Of course, the best thing about the insurance business then was that we could set our own hours. I tried never to miss "happy hour," and my Friday workday ended at 11:30am.... I will say this, I sold some quality insurance and IRAs at bars; that is no joke. (Years later a former client thanked me, saying that he cashed-in a life insurance policy I sold him and it paid for his daughter's college education!)

Apart from learning to balance work and a social life, the insurance business also taught me skills that everyone needs in life. It was there that I learned how to speak, act, keep books, run a hand-held computer, and make presentations.

In addition, I also learned organzational skills, and how to fill-out and handle massive amounts of paperwork and corporate "red tape." Then there were the "people skills." 

Only once did I tell a client, "Look, you are not happy with me; I am not happy with you; why don't you simply acquire insurance elsewehere." (Management did not like that, and sent my boss and I out to fix things.)

Of course the various client situations, living quarters, and everyday life in the neighborhoods always made for great gossip. I helped when I could, and sometimes repeated what I shoudn't. Such is life.

I won't even bother to mention the politics of dealing with the stuck-up white collar folks in the insurance company's home office, or the frequent insurance contests we ran promoting products that we were supposed to sell whether they were good for the client or not. (I often refused to change people's insurance if it was not in their best interests.)

At any rate, my insurance agent years were fond ones, and the period when I really learned about life and became a man. You see, I considered myself a boy, despite my size; however, the ladies of my insurance debit naturally thought of me as a male adult - and often a desireable one....     

~ Jimmy Hall is now the owner of JIMMY HALL WRITING SERVICES (404-580-1501) and prepares resumes, business plans, and web content, among other things...

Sadness: Nobility & Sadness & Grief

We all have felt like martyrs at times, whereas there are true martyrs out there that we cannot hold a light to. Indeed, we go through bad breakups, family troubles, financial hardships, and awful deaths, and feel like our sad condition is somehow "noble" or "holy." Trust me, I know exactly whereof I speak. I did it for years. I did it just last year.

Guess what? This pentance and self-absorbed sadness and grief is not holy. Sure, it may be a good sign that we are human and have a heart and feel deeply, but it is not the proper response to tragic events UNLESS we are using it spiritually to pray for a Christian ends to the matter henceforth onward.

The truth is, if I am a Christian I should do some weeping and whatever necessary for a mental and spiritual cleansing, but then I should move ahead. God doesn't want me stuck in melancholy or grief unless I use that sadness for something great (a book, play, story, artistry, songs, helping others, etc). And, if He doesn't want me stuck there, He doesn't want anyone else there either. Get it?

The nobility we feel from our sadness is not nobility at all; we are fooled. This state of mind actually deters us from fulfilling what our true life purposes are on this Earth. If we believe in God as we claim we do, shouldn't we consider tragic events simply as hardships along the larger road of life? 

I write this not only to readers, but also and even mainly to myself. I have moods and fits of sadness at times. They can be allowed to go to the extreme. I am working on it, dealing directly with grief. I present this blog piece as an inspiration for you to do likewise....

~ Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) operates a writing service outside of Atlanta, Georgia,

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Pretty Women Are A Blessing

Yes, pretty women are truly a blessing from God. I guess we generally think of a pretty woman as being a female that is nice to look at, usually based on an attractive appearance. But, isn't there more? Certainly.

Numerous women may not look "picture pretty" or have what men consider to be shapely figures, but they have something else, something that outlasts and possibly even overwhelms physical features. They have a lovely disposition and heart that shines through to all.

This special phenomena is a gift from God. It is a virtue, very abstract in nature. This radiance or essence transcends a male's 5 senses, and makes itself known as a sort of combination of them - like a special 6th sense.

Let's not kid ourselves; guys are visual creatures. We adore a physical appearance that ignites our sexual hormonal/biological responses. It's natural, but often is used as an excuse for outright lust. I am guilty, and so are most men. No one is anywhere near perfect, but Christ.

The question is, given that the human body is actually just a casing or shell for a spirit, how do we learn to appreciate women that are lovely in this special way - as opposed to other women that may have ugly hearts but sexy faces and figures?

While it should be every woman and every man's goal to take care of the physical body God has given them; sometimes even good people do not do so, for various reasons. That does not necessarily make them terrible; they just may not think about it or understand their repsonsibility.

I do not have answers of how to make men see the hearts of women (like "Shallow Hal" in the famous movie) more than their physical features; however, I do know that in those special cases where a women's heart is evident by her aura it is wonderful....

~ Jimmy Hall is a professional busines writer (404-580-1501), specializing in business plans, resumes, and web content...

Monday, May 4, 2015

Travel: Why Should People Travel?

Why should people travel? What are the true benefits of travel? Both are good questions, which I will attempt to concisely address. Please bear with me.

People should travel for several reasons and benefits. I'll take time to mention about five of them now. I hope this will be useful to you, the readers. The subject is a good one.

Travel is a great break from regular daily or weekly routines, and school and work. Vacations can be beneficial to our lives, all aspects of our lives. Travel is great for vacations. A break from our daily lives serves to enhance our daily lives when we return.

Secondly, travel is culturally educational. It allows your mind to expand as you take-in how others do things - often so much differently than you or we ourselves. In this sense it has a liberating effect, demonstrating that there are other ways of doing things. We or you are not always right, or others are not necessarily wrong.

Thirdly, travel allows us to actually see and visit places we studied about in school. In this way, the activity brings history alive and makes it real. The travel acts as a supplement to prior learning. Viewing things firsthand is a special re-enforcement and benefit.

Fourthly, traveling serves to help each of us to fit-into the world in which we live. It helps us to understand exactly what and who are out there, and to keep us conscience of these things, even when we are back home. It matures us all.

Lastly, travel is cohesive, in that it serves to unite those participating in it. It is a wonderful family, school, church, organization, or group activity that can be focused on by all. Even planning and preparing together for the event is uniting, and provides teamwork and common ground.

Think about going somewhere when you can. Take others with you. Take a little time in advance to study-up on your destinations. Most-likely, you will enjoy yourselvef,  learn something, and bring back more than you left with in many ways!

~ Jimmy Hall operates JIMMY HALL WRITING SERVICES/Atlanta (404-580-1501). He ( I ) can assist you or your organization with all business writing and scholarly needs...

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Cats and Dogs: Differences In Cats & Dogs

Pets are often different; ask anyone that has both a cat and a dog or plural of them. Their attitudes and mannerisms are dissimiliar, as are their basic ways. How so? To understand dogs and cats, please read on.

Dogs are people-friendly, cats are generally NOT. A dog is thankful that you feed and pet him, and actually appreciates being taken care of hourly. Even if you do not properly feed or care for your dog, he's glad you are his owner. A cat is not this way at all. No, cats think and behave much differently.

Cats know that you need them. Indeed, a cat understands it's abstract value, and your need to love and care for something - IT in particular. Each domesticated cat uses psychology and human vulnerability (and the Human Condition) to their advantages naturally.

Cats also seem to comprehend the fact that you pay money to buy and feed and care for them, so they must be worth a lot to you and the family. From their standpoint, YOU OWE THE CATS for allowing you to love and play and do things for them. This is the absolute truth. They exploit this need of humans to the max.

When you approach a dog that is familiar with you, he or she immediately gets comfortable (whether standing or sitting or laying) so that you can pet or love on it - or just speak with the animal. Even if you or it is busy, the dog relaxes "just in case." The pet HOPES you have time for it!!

On the other hand, the moment most people (except truly incredible owners) start petting or loving on a cat, the feline is already looking for an escape route - UNLESS he or she sees a bonus coming its way for its patience with you. Cats value their time, even if just for sleeping in a corner alone! You must pay to infringe upon it.

Though males and females each often like dogs and cats both, guys seem to favor dogs ("Man's Best friend"), whereas gals tend to go for cats. Why? It is a matter of both gender and practicality.

A guy likes the idea of the pet tagging-along and appreciating him, and being his sort of animal "helpmate." In addition, we males tend to be a lil lazy, and don't like to spend excess time dealing with the upkeep of our pets. 

Dogs can often stay outside, even if they are little - thus alleviating the need to clean up their "going to the bathroom." Also, you just fill the big food bowl up every few days and they are set - and sometimes water is not even required if there is a creek nearby!

To the contrary, truly tamed cats need to be indoors most of the time for their own good, and protection. They act like feminine creatures. This necessitates a litter box, and extra cleaning and sanitary duties daily. 

Girls do not mind this extra work; guys hate it. Therefore cats are usually the favorite pet of females. (Obviously, some guys adore cats, and girls love dogs - there are no absolutes.) Females often are attracted to the fact that cats act much like themselves personality-wise! They see themselves, or how they would like to be, in their finicky and pampered cats.

For my part, I was always a dog man, until haveing roomates with cats. Now I am still predominately a dog guy, but also love cats - and share a pet cat with my female companion. "Jimeny" is the gray Russian Blue seen in the photograph above!

Jimmy Hall is a professional writer and writes resumes, business plans, web content, and other types of business-related written copy, and personal projects such as obits, papers, and letters (404-580-1501).

Friday, May 1, 2015

Looking For Love: Hide With God

Many, many years ago I was closer to God. This was relatively early in my new life, just a couple of years after truly receiving Christ's salvation. 

I was well-grounded in solid doctrine early-on, but new little by comparison to now. Still, I had that special and new love for Christ that new creatures have and appreciate,

The world, evil as it was and still is, was lovely through the prism of God's love - as His creation. Scripture like Psalm 37 was so fresh and real, and mine for the taking and receiving. Still, my focus in those days was upon God, Church, God, Bible Study, God, and Prayer.

I was almost oblivious to things outside the Christian realm, despite always wanting human companionship. You see, God was first. In fact, in those days many of us wore pins from Rev Falwell that said "Jesus First."

The amazing thing amid those spiritual old days was that God was faithful, and provided what I wanted most - out of nowhere. While I was hidden and asleep in God, He brought someone into my life. When we focus on God and stop looking for human love, human love tends to find us.

Whatever happened? I suppose that is yet another story to be shared later. Needless to say, in time I fouced on the gift far more than the giver. I inadvertently left my first love (somewhat) for what He had given me. Regardless, in the end, I therefore lost her - and strayed somewhat from Him - but I digress. I am on the way back to HIM now.....

~ Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is a professional writer, and develops business plans, resumes, web content, obits, letters, papers, and other written projects.