Thursday, May 28, 2015

Political Correctness: Being Fake For Popularity

"Political Correctness" is truly in. How so? In the 21st Century, regardless of what someone truly thinks or feels, they publicly state a safe and semi-popular response so as not to rock the boat. It's disgusting.

Indeed, political correctness is a Liberal social disease. Speaking the absolute truth, particularly if it is in adherence to Traditional Christian Republican Values, can ruin a career and social life in an instant. Why?

This century is the age of independence, and mankind doing as it pleases. God is no longer the center and mantle of our lives, but just one of our activities that we juggle and balance for our consciences' sake and our own benefit when it helps us individually. I write the truth; I lie not.

In our modern world, we now consider the welfare and happiness of the Created to be superior to the Creator Himself. It is all about us. Enter the politically correct stances on just 2 important issues. Abortion is only a woman exercising her right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy to free up her own body, and homosexual love is referred to as an individual's "own sexual preference." BALONEY on both counts. God doesn't see it that way.

Abortion: If two humans create another growing life, it has to be human and alive. That is common sense. Yet, if they do not want it, they abort it. Guess what? Killing a live human life that is not threatening you is called MURDER - regardless of what the law says. God's Bible trumps woman and man's convenience. 

God says that the fruit of the womb is HIS and that every bodypart on a baby is numbered (Psalm 139, Psalm 127). Get it? The baby/fetus is a separate life with it's own DNA code and individuality, and it is a separate life that is simply dependent on its mother - just as it is for many years once born. (Viability is a NON-ISSUE.)

Homosexuality: Then, there is the issue of homosexuality. There is a wide-spread sentiment to allow homosexuals to marry and live together unabated. What is wrong with that? A lot. The very Bible that this nation was founded upon treats homosexuality not only as wrong and evil, but God Himself says in numerous places that those that practice it are to be executed (Leviticus 20:13 is a prime example). 

It is so wrong in the eyes of God that those practicing it are/were ordered to be killed. It doesn't take a Bible scholar to realize that homosexuality is pretty damn evil to God, and should not be condoned.

At any rate, as Christians, we had better start speaking up for Jesus Christ and His Word, and stop avoiding those attacking our Faith. We are not to be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ (Romans 1) and we are not to sit idly by and tolerate the political correctness of others. CHRISTIANS UNITE!!!! Political correctness in every way, shape, and form is wrong....

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