Sunday, May 17, 2015

We Christians: Pre-conceived Christian Notions

I am thankful to be a Christian, chosen by God before the foundations of the world ( Ephesians 1) to know and understand Him and to fully believe upon my Lord Jesus Christ, Whom died in my place on a cross for my sins so that I might fellowship with God. Having said that, I now must say that I admit that many of my Bethren (and yours) have had many false and preconceived notions about Christianity since childhood! (I once did also.)

For starters, we were taught that God loves "everybody." Really? Did He love the evil Midianites that He ordered the Israelites to slaughter, and to even kill their women and children? Is that love? Hardly (Numbers 31).

And how about the Great Flood? Was that love to destroy the whole human race except 8 ( and most animals) in a 40-day flood over the Earth? (Genesis 5-10). And, how about the Egyptian plagues? (Exodus 7-11). Did God love them? Use your head, people. Forget preconceived notions. Read Scripture.

Should I even mention Esau, whom God said He hated before he was even born? (Romans 9). Or, what about "So the assembly sent twelve thousand fighting men with instructions to go to Jabesh Gilead and put to the sword those living there, including the women and children" (Judges 21). Love? Again, NOT.

It is amazing that some brethren, given these facts and God's own Word, refuse to believe He even HATES! Ecclesiastes 3 tells us there is a time to HATE and KILL. Is God's Word wrong? I think not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Christian Brethren mean well, they just gloss-over the Bible parts they do not like.... God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His character doesn't change. The Book of Revelation (New Testament) makes The Old Testament seem sweet! Yet, many Brethren believe God somehow decided to get nice 2,000 years ago!! LOL. He is and has always been RIGHTEOUS, period...

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