Friday, May 1, 2015

Looking For Love: Hide With God

Many, many years ago I was closer to God. This was relatively early in my new life, just a couple of years after truly receiving Christ's salvation. 

I was well-grounded in solid doctrine early-on, but new little by comparison to now. Still, I had that special and new love for Christ that new creatures have and appreciate,

The world, evil as it was and still is, was lovely through the prism of God's love - as His creation. Scripture like Psalm 37 was so fresh and real, and mine for the taking and receiving. Still, my focus in those days was upon God, Church, God, Bible Study, God, and Prayer.

I was almost oblivious to things outside the Christian realm, despite always wanting human companionship. You see, God was first. In fact, in those days many of us wore pins from Rev Falwell that said "Jesus First."

The amazing thing amid those spiritual old days was that God was faithful, and provided what I wanted most - out of nowhere. While I was hidden and asleep in God, He brought someone into my life. When we focus on God and stop looking for human love, human love tends to find us.

Whatever happened? I suppose that is yet another story to be shared later. Needless to say, in time I fouced on the gift far more than the giver. I inadvertently left my first love (somewhat) for what He had given me. Regardless, in the end, I therefore lost her - and strayed somewhat from Him - but I digress. I am on the way back to HIM now.....

~ Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is a professional writer, and develops business plans, resumes, web content, obits, letters, papers, and other written projects.

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