Sunday, November 22, 2015

SEO Content Writing: Web Content Writers

Hello, thanks for visiting this piece about search engine optimized (SEO) content writing/web content writers. I hope that it will be of some practical use to you and your organization. Seo content writing is both a talent and a practical matter, best done after much experience and training.

Like everything else, it can be acquired in time, but certain writers will always be naturally better at content writing than others. Find someone like that! A natural organic seo writer is a great find for you or your organization. Web traffic and authoritative respect and reputation are important online. Expert articles build authority.

Search engine optimization requires understanding titles, headings, sub-headings, keywords, length, order, and many other things. Most of all, unique and relevant content written in a good manner is required. Nobody wants to read a bunch of space-filling junk. Nor do search engine spiders/crawlers. How so?

Seo web content needs to attract its own audience, inform that audience, and then convert the same audience. Regular or traditional writing only requires informing and converting readers via words and a call to action. Content writing demands much, much more. Being a good writer is not enough when writing for the World Wide Web.

It also doesn’t hurt to be a well-rounded and educated person either. Why? When doing the actual writing it is also great to know the subject you are writing about, because clients likely will only provide the bare basics. The writer must then fill-in the rest, and it must make sense to score with the search engines.

Content writers should write first and foremost for the readers they hope to attract, but secondly with the search engines in mind – particularly Google and Bing. Relevance is of the utmost importance, no matter who or what someone may be writing for or about.

Search engines are becoming more and more specific and are almost human now in 2015-2016. They like solid web content that is organized and easily digested by their crawlers. People also like well-written web material that is directly related to their search engine queries. They do not want black hat tricks or non-relevant content.

I am Jimmy Hall /Atlanta (404-580-1501) and I write web content. I’d like to assist you or your organization. . Give me a call or send an e-mail to discuss obtaining credible expert articles, web page content, or blog content that will attract interested readers.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Where We Stand On Evil

I am no longer sure where America stands on the issue of terror, evil, and terrorism. Why? Though we have often been victims at home and abroad, we seem to mask our own special brand of terror and horror while acting like we hate the evil done by others. How?

As a people, our nation aborts (murders) well over a million innocent babies each year. We have legally murdered over 50 million of these precious fruits of the womb (God’s own) since Roe v. Wade. How dastardly and evil is that?

We have killed 7 times more people than Hitler did in concentration camps via legal abortions. It is astounding. Yet, few people apart from we “Right-Wingers” seem to care at all.

I agree 100% that we should hunt down the hiding places and staging areas of terrorists, and preemptively attack and kill these people before they kill us and/or innocent people worldwide. It is a matter of self-defense. BUT, why not do more?

Why not undo the evil law that allows our nation to slaughter its own babies before birth? Why not save more than a million people a year by simply changing an un-Godly law? Wouldn’t this be a great first step in fighting terror?

I fear that we as a people have lost our national conscience and true spirituality. We recognize gunfire and bombs and hijacked planes as terror, but not the actions of our very own doctors that violate their own Hippocratic Oath.

As a country, we need to pray for God to heal our land and our hearts. More than that, we need to demonstrate that we are serious about it by changing our evil ways. God will again bless our land if we return to God and honor His holy principles. Amen.

Holocaust: Unimaginable Evil, Planned Horror

I have been watching historical documentaries about World War II and the German Nazis for the last few nights. It never ceases to amaze me how unbelievably evil and cruel some human beings can be and were to others that never caused they themselves any harm. The Jewish Holocaust is mind-stirring, unimaginable. It was evil and planned horror.

The dvds I have been watching are so graphic that the whole series makes my stomach queasy. This is no easy task; I can usually take quite a lot. This material can make grown men cry, and ask “Why, why, why…” Yes, why was God’s chosen race specifically targeted yet again?

We all talk tough with respect to terrorist and enemies, but how many of us could actually carry-out the sentences we wish for terrorists? I ask that to setup the next more credible question: How many and what kind of people can torture and exterminate a race or races of innocent human beings without showing any sadness or remorse?

How can anyone or any group, especially tens of thousands of individuals, so harden themselves as such robots of death and hatred of fellow human beings that were once their fellow citizens and neighbors? People were graded as to how German they were, via physical measurements and tests. Incredible.

As these dvds play, I cannot help but wonder if another Holocaust might one day occur, this time in America. Yes, possibly in the United States. Only the way things are looking, the powers that be might want to eliminate Christians next time. We had all better BEWARE of the potential motives and desires of our leaders.

We must remain vigilant and stay prayerful and in The Word of God. Our nation, as a whole, has already strayed too far from God and His Principles. It may be that we have approached a line we had better not cross, or risk facing the wrath of God in our own lifetimes.

Prayer On Paper (523 Words)

So often I will not do as I should, and pray for a length of time in my room or on my bed; thus, I have decided to pray now as a written prayer and to allow anyone that wants to be able to join in agreement with me.

First, I have been slothful in praising You, God in Heaven, and have even said crazy things like “God has not blessed me much.” Father, I am sorry for this unappreciative attitude, and repent of it. You are just, righteous, and holy – and a graceful and merciful God, whether we always acknowledge it or not. Hallowed be thy name.

God, I acknowledge you are Creator of the Universe, and Master of every single thing alive and dead everywhere – from microbes to stars and galaxies. You are worthy of all praise, even when I do not joyfully give it. Thy will be done.

You have provided the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior for mankind, for all that believe. You did not have to do this. You could have left us all to ourselves and our path from conception to eternal Hell, but you did not. You chose to save some via the conviction of your Holy Spirit. Thank you, Father.

I need to try and further appreciate and love those you have placed in my life, the relatives and friends I rarely appreciate as I should. I am sorry. I love them, but often act as I do not due to my temper and hard-headedness. I have pent-up anger inside of me.

This anger needs to be properly focused, not at those that love me and try to help me. I now cast aside Satan’s wishes that I remain argumentative all the time, as opposed to the proper times. I need to love fellow Christians that are not up to speed. In many cases they are holier and better than I am, regardless.

My sins are numerous: A bad mouth, restless spirit, quick temper, lack of following the Holy Spirit, a poor prayer life, financial fears, backbiting, improper tithing, lustful feelings, and often improper behavior and even occasional disrespect for You. I am sorry. 

I must repent and change my ways. I need to work hard, yet trust you as my provider. It is a hard call at times, as I tend to want to do all things myself. Let me accept my daily bread with trust and thanksgiving.

I need to feel the joy of my salvation again, as opposed to only the heady and scholarly form of it. I have strayed in many ways and numerous areas. 2 steps forward and 2 steps back has always been my norm. This must change. Forgive me of my trespasses, and let me forgive others.

You are the Glorious One. Please lead me not into temptation and deliver me from the evil I allow inside of myself. Please free me from self and my own thoughts and devices.

As Jesus also says, thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Dealing With 21st Century Terrorism ~ Jimmy Hall

There is some wisdom in dealing with the root cause of many problems. Sometimes if you change the environment and or eliminate the causes of a problem it will go away. Not always. Terrorism is such an exceptional case and point. What?

Yes, terror in the modern world is not a traditional type of problem, nor should it be handled by traditional law enforcement procedures or societal norms. Why? It is a worldwide war, that’s why. WAR.
21st Century Terror is fueled by religious hatred and zealous fervor by unreasonable human beings, if they can be called such – given what they do to innocent human beings. They are in every nation, unrestricted by borders and boundaries.

Trying to pacify terrorists is useless. It is almost as stupid as laying down weapons when confronting a criminal with a gun held to someone else’s head. Pacification leads to further terror in the future.

We all are in agreement that rare is the case that a child molester or rapist is genuinely changed and cured. Why then do we think we can cure or change terrorists?

Isn’t bloodthirsty terror upon women and children and innocent people for one’s false God just as incurable – except in the rare cases of God’s own intervention? Think hard about it. They are fueled by a zealous religious fervor that cannot be dealt with rationally.

So, what is the solution to this terror problem? Simple. DEATH. Elimination of the participants is the answer. While we will always have a degree of terror, due to vengeful people and martyrs, the death of terrorists prohibits each from repeating the offense or from ever doing it to begin with if we can kill them first.

Killing terrorists also sends a clear message to their cohorts and serves as a deterrent, just as the Bible teaches. Preemptive strikes against evil human beings save the lives of good human beings, and are acts of self-defense.

Just as God ordered the Israelites to kill their enemies, not convert them, our nation needs to kill vicious terrorists.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Christians Versus Muslims – Jimmy Hall

We hear an awful lot of ignorant talk about Islam, Muslims, immigration, peace and love, and everything else “politically correct.” In the past, even a Conservative like me has expressed a degree of tolerance for Muslims that are not “radicals.” No more. (Jesus said that He would cause division, even amid friends and families; He also stated that He did not come to bring peace, but rather a sword.)

Here is the problem; no matter how sweet and nice and helpful many seemingly nice Muslims may be in our everyday lives, their religion and basic beliefs are diametrically opposed to Jesus Christ, Christianity, Christians, and the Holy Bible. Get it? Let that sink in.

Muslims do not acknowledge our precious Lord and Savior. Not even the sweet ones do. Again, get it? To them Jesus was just another prophet/teacher. They deny God Himself, more so than other non-Christians that are simply ignorant of God and the Bible.

How can the Muslims really be “good people” then? You don’t need to be mean to everyday Muslims, but you are not to be unequally yoked in friendship with enemies of your God either. They do not just “not believe,” they believe in something else that is evil and blasphemy.

Worldwide, others more radical do need killing. Yes. It’s war. This is serious business, folks. Think hard about it. God slaughters and has His people slaughter millions in Scripture for adhering to the type of beliefs (and lack of belief) that the Muslims share. Should we coddle them?

Did God show compassion to the Midianites? Egyptians? Canaanites?
The blasphemers world-wide in Revelation? HARDLY. Those flooded? NOPE.

God ordered the execution of all of the Midianites (even women and children), and was angry with Israel when they spared some – and made them go back and kill all the little boys and non-virgin women. Then God killed many of His own Israelites as punishment for their initial mercy.

The Egyptians? How about the dozen or so plagues God cast upon them? These culminated in the slaughter of all of their first-born in the land by an act of God? God doesn’t play with blasphemers, friends. Should we?

Canaanites? God sent the Israelites to take-over all of these various tribes’ lands and kill them, and often slaughter even their animals and livestock along the way.

God specifically said that He gave His people the land not because the Israelites were good, but due to the evil and blasphemy of those already occupying it. The Israelites were not to convert them; they were to KILL them and plunder them.

There is a pattern here, and it started even in Genesis during the time of Noah, when God destroyed the Human Race and more, for evil. It continues until Revelation.

If you are really a Christian, you cannot deny the Word of God, and God’s wrath and hatred of those that are diametrically opposed to Him. As I have plainly and thoroughly demonstrated with the Holy Bible in this piece, God doesn’t play with blasphemers, nor should we as His chosen children.

This idea of “live and let live” is not Biblical. We are to live as peaceably as possible with other peoples, but not when they blaspheme God and kill all those that do not believe as they do. “As possible.”

Our God is the only God, and we should learn from His Bible how to deal with these other evil people. And no, this is not hypocritical – our God is the REAL God, the only God. He often orders us as a people/His people (Christians) to carry out His wrath and Hatred, just exactly as the Bible shows. Amen.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Crazy Neighbor Lady: Nosey Woman

Almost every neighborhood has at least one of them, a “crazy neighbor lady.” You know the type. She has little to do but watch everyone else, and find as many faults (real or imaginary) as possible in them or their premises. We have one!

Yes, a crazy woman on the other side of our street makes a habit of complaining to us all about other people, and takes great pride in reporting them for non-existent code violations and other things – just as if we were all a part of some homeowners association or something (there is NOT one).

My next door neighbors made the terrible mistake of improving their home, adding a front balcony and overhang, and left their material and equipment out at night. Bad people! LOL. The crazy neighbor lady hated that. (I doubt she likes Hispanics anyway.)

The people next door to them had an estate sale or yard sale and did not put all the items inside overnight. Shame on them; they were reported to the county.

Do you see where this is going? We are talking about a nosey person here, with little better to do than pry into other people’s business and feel important by causing trouble.

The lady, and I use that term very loosely like her, is simply a bored woman with a drinking and womanizing husband, and feels a need to do or be something in life. Indeed, life has been bad to her, or so she thinks. We all reap what her husband sows to her. Yes, I did say “we.” What?

First, my tent upset her. I had setup a small tent outside to read, study, write, and use the computer in during the summer months. I like the outdoors and fresh air. To her, that was awful. She asked me to take it down. (I simply let it down, but left it in place for future use, because it is almost winter.)

NEXT - Evidently, the 4 small plastic saw horses I set up evenly and nicely across my driveway (to separate the parking area from the top of the driveway) bother this nutjob. Why do I say this? She asked me about them a month ago, with a sigh or grimace on her face.

Either county code enforcement got the house number confused with the others she has reported, or else she has formally complained about my own driveway saw horses to the county! Is this woman crazy or what?

My first fleshly thought, upon finding out about this situation, was to get in her face and read her a riot act. Upon further contemplation, however, I elected to just do as the Apostle Paul says in the Bible – I simply took down and moved the saw horses so as not to offend her insanely sensitive eyes. (Paul states that though something is lawful, he would not do it if it offended others.)

In all honesty, I see why the neighbor man drinks and stays out of town about 3 weeks a month. If I had to live with such a crazy woman, I might do the exact same thing. Do you have a crazy and nosey neighbor lady in your midst, secretly or otherwise? You may not know!

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) is a local writing service owner and former columnist for numerous publications. . .

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Ignorant Christian Brethren

We Christians mean well, on balance, but the fact is that many Christians are as ignorant, or at times even more ignorant, than many non-Believers. That is right. Just because someone understands the most important truth of the universe does not make them otherwise smart or intelligent.

Case and point: I visited a “church” for two nights two weeks ago with my female roommate. Given her rather limited Bible knowledge and the brainwashing she has accepted from false tv preachers, I should have figured ahead of time what I might experience. I gave it a shot anyway.

The week in question was to be a “revival” for the church. There were wild and unsubstantiated stories of folks rising from the dead in Africa, crippled people walking, and all the other stuff that is possible but usually staged by these types of outfits (as exposed on numerous tv investigative programs).

The psychological ploy of “groupthink” was also used by this “church” (my roommate likely doesn’t even know what that is, or how she was being ‘played’). In addition, often business interests own a number of these small and even larger churches, and make good money at the expense of the unknowing members and visitors that contribute. (These folks reminded the attendees several times that they take credit cards.)

I gave the place a chance; I went twice, for around 2 ½ hours each time. I understood that it was a special week of services, so I was not all that alarmed when little traditional teaching or preaching occurred. I figured it was a special week of praise and worship. Well, I was somewhat wrong.

A handful of the men wore ball caps, despite what the Bible says about men’s heads not being covered at church; the women wore provocative tight jeans and unladylike tops, (Yes, I admit I looked) and there was little sense of order in the place. There was screaming and yelling and pure emotionalism – it was in no way orderly as God does things. It was NOT remotely Bible-based.

I have since found out that this outfit simply acts emotional and rarely ever teaches or preaches much Bible in their services. They confuse their emotionalism with following God. Sincere or not, they are ignorant, at least in the way they claim they believe. They have pep rallies, not church services. Sports bars are much more sincere, even at that.

Even most new Christians understand that The Bible is The Word of God, and should be taught and read and preached as the basis for church services. Not these people! (Jesus Himself always read or spoke Scripture when He taught, often Isaiah.)

Christ should be magnified in church and always, and the Cross preached. (Many of these folks did not even have Bibles with them.) This was all but missing.

I’d say that in almost 5 hours of time at this place, I saw on their screens or heard them teach or say maybe 8 Bible verses, or close to that number. I ask you, is this what God means by constantly being in His Word and gaining faith from the Word of God?

I can worship with all types, as it is both a personal and a group experience. I even read and studied my own Bible while these people danced and yelled and shook their bodies like they were in a bar or cabaret somewhere. However, when I find that an outfit ignores the very Word of God in favor of their own fleshly emotions, I must draw the line. Caution!

This was evidently NOT a special week of “worship” for them, but their ordinary idea of Christianity. Yikes! Don’t get me wrong, the people were and are nice – just off-base and off-Bible. Many do not even know it.

My unlearned roommate with her miniscule knowledge of God and the Bible enjoys it, for she thinks this is what God is all about – just FUN. I know better. Then again, she also believes this false tv “Prosperity Gospel” as well. Forget “Jesus wept,” or “I am lowly and meek,” these types of folks want fun and frolic and wealth!

For these kinds of rather mentally lazy “worshippers,” Christianity is all about themselves and what God can do for them. What the Bible says is of little importance to these “Christians.” They don’t even want to take the time and effort required to read and learn Scripture. Feelings matter more to them.

Regardless of what Jesus says negatively about excess wealth and money, the roommate and her kind crave to be prosperous and wealthy in this life. It sure seems like after ten years of believing these fake teachers and none of it happening for her that she would learn; but as I said, even many Christians are ignorant people.

If I err it is because I am not money-hungry enough; I feel like I need to be like the Disciples, Apostles, and Jesus Himself were in this life – not wealthy, but sufficient. Perhaps I need a little more of what these modern day frauds have, but in a Christian way? Hmmmm.

I am simply being truthful, based on what I know and saw. Amen.

Biblical Myths: We Were Often Taught The Bible Wrong As Children - Jimmy Hall

I am a Christian. Having said that, do you remember being a young child in Sunday School? I do. We all got a sweet and sugar-coated version about God and the Bible. We were told that He loved everyone, did not hate anyone, and was always sweet and nice. Remember? (Ask the Midianites, Giants, Canaanites, lost Sinners, and Egyptians how nice God can be!)

God’s Wrath & Hate

As children we were not smart or clever enough to realize how often God kills and destroys even large groups of people in the Bible (that deserved it). Nor did we know how He Himself spoke of hating so many people, some (like Esau) even before they were ever born. (We were never taught Revelation much either; that would totally have blown the cover story!)

Our parents and the other adults basically hid the wrath and hate of God from us all. I was never told the numerous groups He hates in Psalms, either. Why? Since whatever God does or did is righteous, why not tell us? No one has to cover for Him. God is righteous.

I suppose they did not think that our young minds could handle it; yet, they taught us many outright lies like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and other things that are diametrically opposite of Christian Beliefs and are damaging. Did they even know about God’s True character themselves?
What about Good Friday? December 25th? 1 Earth Age? Sunday Sabbaths? (You get the idea.)

Man has odd ideas, not always factually-based. We make things as we desire them to be ourselves. We do what we want to in The Name of God and Scripture, regardless of the facts.

Here is a hint: If God did not want His hate and wrath taught, it would not be in His Holy Word – the Bible. It is present from Genesis through Revelation for a reason. Nowhere does He say to sugarcoat or to neglect it.

Jesus Taught Only The Old Testament and His Fulfilling It

Keep in mind that on earth, Jesus Christ Himself taught ONLY the Old Testament – the judgment and wrath and future plans of our righteous God. There was no New Testament, and would not be for a long while. He revealed Himself as the Messiah of Scripture.

Slaughter Of Midianites, Egyptians, and Others

I do not recall my Sunday School class every studying God’s ordering of all Midianites, including women and children, to be slaughtered without mercy (Genocide) – nor God’s punishment (killing) of many of the Israelites when some of the Midianite women and children were initially spared. Do you?

We hardly heard about the Great Flood or the Egyptian Plagues either. Death was hidden. Wrath was denied. God loved everyone, even on earth! LOL.

God Never Changes

As we know even from the New Testament, God never changes. He was not of one character in the 4 or so Old Testament Covenants and a different one in the New Testament. In fact, in the Sermon on the Mount in the New Testament, Jesus teaches that the Law (Old Testament covenants) is to be obeyed as long as this world stands (unlike the belief that we were taught, that the Old Testament somehow no longer counts!).

No one taught us that each successive covenant was included in the next one progressively, and that only the sacrifices and related redemptive items were invalidated since Christ took the place of them.

God’s Dietary Laws

We were also taught that we could now eat ham and catfish and shrimp, and mushrooms – all likely untrue (though I used to eat and love them all). Peter’s vision was used to justify this, although the vision is clearly explained, and has nothing at all to do with food (but rather Gentiles and Jews). No one bothered to teach the next dozen or so verses.

In fact, the food in the vision went back up uneaten. Read it.
ONLY clean food is to be eaten with thanksgiving, without question, as well – NOT everything, as is so often taught. God made dietary rules for reasons; think about it. He gave food laws for our sake; it is all scientific.

The Rapture?

We were also taught what was called “The Rapture Doctrine.” This was developed in 1830 by a bizarre woman that did not know the proper Greek translation in I Thessalonians.

Two or three ministers heard her bizarre idea and by 1832 or 1833 were teaching it as the Gospel. The word “air” in I Thessalonians actually means “breath,” not atmospheric air! Check the Greek.

This idea or doctrine was NOT taught for the first 1800 years after Christ ascended back into Heaven, but you would never know it now! (In fact, the word “rapture” is not even found in the Bible.)

Parables of Jesus

Another incredibly naïve notion on our part were the reasons for the parables of Jesus. The adults told us that Jesus spoke in parables so that they would be easy to understand! We believed it. NOPE.

In fact, Jesus says JUST THE OPPOSITE. He tells the Disciples that He spoke in parables so that only they that are supposed to understand will, or else everyone that heard Him speak would be saved. He spoke in parables to restrict the understanding – by His own words. Google it. Read Scripture for yourselves! He explains it twice, in 2 of the Gospels.

Jesus Said He DID NOT Come To Bring Peace

Another interesting idea was taught to us, that Jesus came to bring peace and love. Again - not exactly so. He Himself says that He “did NOT come to bring peace, but rather a sword.” What?

Yes - Jesus said that He would cause division even amid families, and that family members and in-laws would hate each other for His sake.

Also, doesn’t He lead an army in Revelation that slaughters evil people? Isn’t most of mankind annihilated? The last book of the Holy Bible is not very peaceful, to say the least. Don’t ignore it; read it!

Forget Traditions of Men, Study Holy Scripture

The point to all of this is that traditions of men are not what Christianity is about. Christianity is all about God’s provision for us and our sin via the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross at Calvary. This is all found in the exact Word of God, and its true principles.

We take for granted many things as truths, that simply are not truths in the Bible. Investigate for yourselves. Read for yourselves; do not listen to the traditions you have been taught since childhood – when many are just plain wrong or unproven.

Christians Are Saved By Grace Through God’s Faith To Us

Jesus has carried out the prophecy of dying on the Cross and rising again to defeat death and sin and Satan. We are now saved by grace and through faith, which is not our own – but rather from God.

The Law and its sacrifices (solid holy principles) cannot save us, nor are they required to now; Jesus’ finished work has occurred, and is no longer a future event of the Law. IT HAPPENED.

Mankind no longer looks forward to the Cross (as future prophecy) but back at it (as history/prophecy that has been fulfilled). The Messiah has come.

Both Testaments Are Holy and Work Together

The Law demonstrates sins, and Jesus’ work destroys them through belief. The Law brings conviction when used by The Holy Spirit upon our hearts; Jesus brings redemption. The curse is repelled.

There is no old and new Bible – it is all God’s Word working together for us. Let no man deceive you, Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, and also Son of God amid the Holy Trinity. He created the Universe, as St. John proclaims.

Salvation & Eternal Life Come With Belief In Christ

As John and also Jesus explain, he that believeth in Jesus Christ as Savior shall not perish, but have everlasting life. He that believeth NOT is condemned already. We were all born wrong the first time. Amen.

Do you feel convicted and called by God? Are you one of His own?

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Paris Attacks: Terror In Paris, France – 11/13/15 - Jimmy Hall

Unfortunately, Paris was attacked in numerous places on Friday, November 13th. Whenever something horrific or bad happens there, I feel extra-sensitive and connected with the Parisians and the French in general. Why?

I love Paris, France, and almost everything about it - the people, buildings, history, monuments, museums, River Seine, literature, bridges, cafes, squares, gardens, lovely women, rues & boulevards, and even the tourist attractions. (Remember, if not for the French there would be no United States; the French Treasury & Navy basically won our American Revolution for us.)

Few people know that 4 American Presidents and numerous other famous American diplomats and politicians actually lived on the same street in Paris (rue du Richelieu). Amazing. Ben Franklin (who mainly lived in the Passy district) was like The Beatles in 18th Century France, unbelievably popular. Thomas Jefferson was also greatly admired.

Having said all of this, why is Paris under assault? I can tell you exactly why. You do not have to be someone like me that once visited the City regularly to understand. Please read-on.

Paris is the head of France, an ultra-centralized nation. The French have recently (in the past 6 or 8 years) realized the tremendous mistake they started making 25-30 years ago, allowing almost anyone and everyone through their borders. They have taken a new stand against Islam and its terrorists, reversing their decades of bad immigration policies.

France went from a 95% Catholic nation to about 12% Muslim in a matter of a few decades. Once the French Officials started remedying their folly and poor immigration policies, it was almost too late – and the terrorists have been, and now are, taking revenge upon the very nation that once kindly welcomed them in.

The burning of thousands cars and buildings by the young Muslims across France a handful of years ago was the beginning of the storm. Then came the Charlie Hebdo massacre, last year. (“Je suis Charlie.”)

The Muslims not only want to take-over spiritually, but also politically and socially (in France, and world-wide). They feel like scare tactics and open revolt will push France to give-in to their demands of a completely Liberal borders/immigration policy, even more so than decades ago. (To a great extent, the terrorists got what they wanted from France during the Iraq War period.)

There is a huge disconnect between the French people and their government. I know.
I vividly recall being in Harry’s New York Bar in Paris a couple of weeks after the Muslim’s 9/11 attacks on the United States. The Parisian people were still weeping for us, playing Sinatra and Martin songs, buying Americans drinks, singing to us, and generally showing all the love and support we could ever ask for from them. But…

The French Government, on the other hand, gave a good initial public image of support for us, before soon turning on America with a passion. Before long we were against them as a nation, because of their government’s lack of support for ours.

Through all of this, the French people (especially Parisians) were more akin to our American thoughts and views. Hence, the disconnect.

Paris and France are both resilient places and people. They always suffer (partly due to their own ignorance) and then somehow rebound (often with the help of others). A certain spirit thrives in the French, but is not always as operational as the French Resistance was in functions.

Whoever attacked Paris, whether ISIS or any other group, needs to be severely dealt with; and YES, America should help punish them. Close your eyes if you want to, at your own risk. This is a spiritual war against the Western way of life.

Writer Weekends: A Professional Writer’s Weekend Activities/ATLANTA

How do professional writers spend their weekends? What do we do? Given the fact that writing requires both marketing and functionally writing, the weekend for a writer in Atlanta or elsewhere is often no different than a Monday or Thursday – except for less pressure and fewer phone calls.

Many times there is work left over to write for clients by Monday (whether a business plan, resume, web content, business letter, paper, research info, etc.), but at least half of the weekend of a writer is spent blogging, perfecting the website, writing expert articles, and working social media to stir up additional clients. The life is not always glorious or fun!

If the scribbler works really hard and fast on the weekend’s marketing work, he or she might even have time left to craft some fictional literature, essays, personal blog pieces, or nonfiction material. Better yet, it might be possible to edit and send-out personal material that is already on file.

There is always something for us to do, even computer maintenance. (And, let’s not forget routine home chores and upkeep.) Day to day life continues. It doesn’t stop. Personal relationships must also be kept-up.

The point is that writing is a 7 day a week job, basically 24 hours per day (even a writer’s minimal sleep is often planned). Everything a good writer does is a part of his or her work, whether sitting in church, a bar, visiting downtown Atlanta, watching documentaries/history shows, shopping, dating, reading, studying, handling business matters, exercising, eating, or talking with friends – everything is fodder for either marketing or writing new material.

You must to a great extent LIVE in order to have something to write about – or at least use as a reference in written material. Education is wonderful, as are friends and family, but travel and interaction with varying kinds of people is also important. Life is a huge textbook of knowledge; the more a writer knows the better his or her writing will likely be.

Sometimes weekends are great for spending half a day or a day in the woods or on a lake or in the city, experiencing that which can be written about. Yes, writers are like sponges capturing life in every way they can, and using as much as possible in their work. We are an odd lot to others.

~ Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) or .

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I Need To Be Me, You Need To Be You

Are “You” really “You?” Think about it. Seriously, think hard. Do you practice everything you say and preach? Most of us do not.  As a person thinks in his or her heart is what will come to pass. We are our thoughts and words; the holy Bible declares it.

Our mindsets declare our future; we somewhat limit ourselves. I do; I admit it. Don’t you? It is human nature. The flesh…. I need to be me, the real me.

I know these things, yet I still allow negativity to sometimes destroy my life. Do you? Be honest. We are human; it happens.

Think about your dreams and desires in life. What is your purpose? If money and time were not limitations, what would you be doing? What is your mission in life?

I need to be me, and you need to be you; but, how do we do it? How do we be ourselves, really ourselves? Do you even know yourself, who you truly are?

Look, my point is that we say this and that, yet we live here and there without a plan or a purpose. Numerous talented human beings live their daily lives as mindless goats, not using their God-given talent and so-called beliefs. What?

We often categorize or think of ourselves in a certain manner or as being in a certain position, instead of looking ahead to our ultimate desires and lives.

If you are a day laborer with the mind of a poet or a manager, why do you not attempt to obtain your full calling in life? Do not let your day to day needs and practicality limit your life’s purpose and vision.

I am so guilty of this. I think of “rent” instead of “house payments.” Get it? In a great sense, I am writing for myself. I am writing both to you and myself. Please entertain me. I am almost done.

We are our thoughts and words, and our words come from the abundance of our hearts. Our talk exposes ourselves, our real selves. Get it?

We must change or transform from what we now are into what we are supposed to be in the end. It all starts with actions and changes, derived from our thoughts. We must practice what we preach. Thinking alone accomplishes little, just as faith is dead without works.

I hope that this piece speaks to you as much as writing it has to me…. Amen.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Executive Resumes: Professional Resume Services/ATLANTA-Macon, 404-580-1501

Resumes are important, but they do not get jobs. What???? Yes, resumes in Atlanta, Macon, Marietta, and other job centers are a key component of the job search, and are often mandatory, but in and of themselves they do not get you a job – THEY SECURE YOU AN INTERVIEW or MEETING. That is their function and mission. This is true for executive resumes and professional resumes as much as for basic ones.

Job Searches: Competition

You see, anywhere from 2 or 3 to 2,000 to 3,000 other candidates are after the position you are, and the resume is the means by which the potential employer narrows down the field, and selects potential worthy candidates to fill the job opening. Good resume writers/resume services in Atlanta and Macon know this, and how intense the job market is in Georgia.

Therefore, your executive resume/professional resume must standout immediately, and have relevant and somewhat specific content on it that is easily seen within 30 seconds. Even executive or formal position resumes are not looked at very long, usually 30 seconds to 1 minute each (initially).

Resumes: Snapshots

After a glance, your resume (a snapshot of you) is either deemed acceptable or denied consideration. That means that YOU are accepted or denied in no time at all, for the next step in the process. You are in an often scary and tough competition with others.

As a job candidate, you must not only present yourself well in a resume, but keep in mind that you are in this vast competition and must separate yourself from the pack, just to get the interview. (Of course, you would then need to know how to interview well prior to that upcoming stage.)

Your professional resume should not only demonstrate that you are qualified, but likely that you are possibly one of the most-qualified people available (and the impending interview should strive to prove it).

Your Resume: Your First Job Assignment

Your executive resume or professional resume is your first job assignment, and you do not even work for the organization yet. How? It is your first project for consideration, and you will be judged by what you present – whether you actually write it or not.

Even if the task is delegated, the final product (resume) is given by YOU. You got it done or had it done. Understand?

If you do a lousy job with something as important as your own resume for the job itself, why should the employer even consider hiring you to do work for them? Hmmmm. Think about it. Would you hire yourself if you turned-in a bad resume?

All of this means that it is often best if you hire/delegate the task of writing your resume to a professional resume writer. We know what employers expect and want to see on resumes, whether in Atlanta, New York, or Los Angeles. It is almost universal.

Resumes: Bridges For Futures

Your executive resume not only needs to give a work and education history, but also specifics of what you have done that indicate that you have something great to offer in the future. Don’t just list tasks and duties, but the underlying precepts and values and talent involved per them. Get it?

The professional resume (usually written by a professional resume service/writer) must serve as a bridge from the past to the future. Keep that in mind always. Demonstrate potential awaiting release.

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta-Macon (404-580-1501), I write executive and professional resumes at a reasonable price ($80-$125/per 2 page resume) and provide a quality 1-page cover letter for an additional $30-$40 if I craft your resume. Feel free to contact me soon. .