Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I Need To Be Me, You Need To Be You

Are “You” really “You?” Think about it. Seriously, think hard. Do you practice everything you say and preach? Most of us do not.  As a person thinks in his or her heart is what will come to pass. We are our thoughts and words; the holy Bible declares it.

Our mindsets declare our future; we somewhat limit ourselves. I do; I admit it. Don’t you? It is human nature. The flesh…. I need to be me, the real me.

I know these things, yet I still allow negativity to sometimes destroy my life. Do you? Be honest. We are human; it happens.

Think about your dreams and desires in life. What is your purpose? If money and time were not limitations, what would you be doing? What is your mission in life?

I need to be me, and you need to be you; but, how do we do it? How do we be ourselves, really ourselves? Do you even know yourself, who you truly are?

Look, my point is that we say this and that, yet we live here and there without a plan or a purpose. Numerous talented human beings live their daily lives as mindless goats, not using their God-given talent and so-called beliefs. What?

We often categorize or think of ourselves in a certain manner or as being in a certain position, instead of looking ahead to our ultimate desires and lives.

If you are a day laborer with the mind of a poet or a manager, why do you not attempt to obtain your full calling in life? Do not let your day to day needs and practicality limit your life’s purpose and vision.

I am so guilty of this. I think of “rent” instead of “house payments.” Get it? In a great sense, I am writing for myself. I am writing both to you and myself. Please entertain me. I am almost done.

We are our thoughts and words, and our words come from the abundance of our hearts. Our talk exposes ourselves, our real selves. Get it?

We must change or transform from what we now are into what we are supposed to be in the end. It all starts with actions and changes, derived from our thoughts. We must practice what we preach. Thinking alone accomplishes little, just as faith is dead without works.

I hope that this piece speaks to you as much as writing it has to me…. Amen.

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