Thursday, November 19, 2015

Where We Stand On Evil

I am no longer sure where America stands on the issue of terror, evil, and terrorism. Why? Though we have often been victims at home and abroad, we seem to mask our own special brand of terror and horror while acting like we hate the evil done by others. How?

As a people, our nation aborts (murders) well over a million innocent babies each year. We have legally murdered over 50 million of these precious fruits of the womb (God’s own) since Roe v. Wade. How dastardly and evil is that?

We have killed 7 times more people than Hitler did in concentration camps via legal abortions. It is astounding. Yet, few people apart from we “Right-Wingers” seem to care at all.

I agree 100% that we should hunt down the hiding places and staging areas of terrorists, and preemptively attack and kill these people before they kill us and/or innocent people worldwide. It is a matter of self-defense. BUT, why not do more?

Why not undo the evil law that allows our nation to slaughter its own babies before birth? Why not save more than a million people a year by simply changing an un-Godly law? Wouldn’t this be a great first step in fighting terror?

I fear that we as a people have lost our national conscience and true spirituality. We recognize gunfire and bombs and hijacked planes as terror, but not the actions of our very own doctors that violate their own Hippocratic Oath.

As a country, we need to pray for God to heal our land and our hearts. More than that, we need to demonstrate that we are serious about it by changing our evil ways. God will again bless our land if we return to God and honor His holy principles. Amen.

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