Friday, October 30, 2015

God's Love For His Own

We often write and talk and communicate about “God’s Love,” as well we should. The fact is that God IS LOVE. That’s right, Scripture teaches that He is Love (that is His character/nature/being). The subject is deep, just as God Himself is beyond our comprehension or understanding.

While God is Love, and God loves, it is important to remember that God is also righteous and holy. He is beyond reproach, unable to even abide near sin or sinners. This necessitates His judgment of, and separation from, anything unholy.

Therefore, God hates that which is unclean/unholy. He can have no fellowship with it. (God declared His hatred of Esau while he was yet in his mother’s womb, having done neither right nor wrong/via Romans 9. All because of His predetermined election and love for Jacob instead of Esau/ via grace and election.)

As such, God’s perfectly unconditional love (Agape Love), as described in  I Corinthians Chapter 13, is directed toward His children both before and after they are born-again; while the non-Elect get His vicious wrath and hatred in this life and the next (God states 14 groups of people or individuals that He hates in the first 50 Psalms alone!). They reap what they sow, just as we do apart from God’s grace.

Even so, God still treats non-elect far better than they deserve – because He is merciful. God allows everyone to fall into their own humanized traps, yet demonstrates levels of mercy that we ourselves never would!

To some, God’s hate and awful wrath seem contradictory to His love; but, this is not the case. In fact, His righteous hatred and wrath against non-believers makes His love toward His own perfect. He is righteous, and must behave in such a manner. Why?

All sinners deserve death, Hell, and eternal torture – even we Christians; it is only by God’s grace through the finished works of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary that we all do not get what He gives the unsaved/un-elected. God sees Christians through the prism of Christ’s sacrifice for them.

Jesus bore responsibility for our sins, and died and rose again as our sacrifice/Savior, if we believe upon Him and His holy name. In fact, He is Lord of all – especially those that believe. That is real love. That is Agape’. He who knew no sin became sin for those in particular that He loves and were chosen by the Father for Him.

Jesus Christ (Creator of the Universe, The Word) willingly accepted His role as Savior of all those that believe upon Him, to provide God the Father with a holy chosen family that was lured, convicted, and secured by the Holy Spirit. Again, that is real love.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Even Jimeny The Cat Uses Me!

It’s a conspiracy, plain and simple. Someone’s gotten to Jimeny the Cat, and I don’t like it. Yes, even the cat has begun to use me for various reasons - most involving treats, food, going outside, and/or kneading against me and then immediately leaving the room.

Evidently Jimeny considers it a favor to me to allow himself to be petted or associated with at all. However, when I stop brushing or massaging his chin or head, he then literally bites the Hell out of me. He treats me like the help. Then he runs.

The cat stuck me with his sharp claws while kneading the other night, and I was forced to take antibiotics for two weeks, having come down with an awful cat scratch fever infection with giant knots below the arm pit and whelps atop the skin surface. (All of this while dealing with the next door neighbor’s suicide by hanging.)

This was no laughing matter. Not at all. Ever spent a week or so with a larger than golf ball-sized knot under your arm – 2 inches across? How about having a few giant red whelps growing atop your skin on top of the smaller knots? A sunburn-looking rash from your underarm to your elbow?

The cat thought it was funny; he put his paws and claws against my underarms while they were healing! They are like hypodermic needles, maybe worse. He could not have cared much less. I was still supposed to let him knead and purr, regardless.

As I sit in front of the tv writing now, he is giving me the careful eye. Jimeny wants something. I am supposed to read his mind. If I do not figure out what he desires very soon, there will likely be a sneak attack initiated against yours truly. That is how he rolls.

He is a Russian Blue with a bit of Maine Coon. Figures. He has a number of lazy Communist tendencies!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Personal Church: My Home Christian Studies

No doubt it is good and directed by the Holy Bible that we should at times (as Christians) gather together in groups (such as on the first day of the week to give tithes and offerings), but in the modern world it is a tough proposition to find a local assembly that believes the Bible the way Jesus and the Apostles did – and that early Christians did after the New Testament was gathered together (remember that Jesus taught the Old Testament).

I am deep into Bible study and Bible doctrine, and in a sense this makes it difficult for me to be able to sit at any particular church assembly. When I do, it is simply to worship God and possibly meet a few fellow Christians.

21st Century Church Ignorance/False Bible Teaching

Scripturally, I prefer to be a loner – almost like a monk in a cave. Why? I simply cannot stand much of the ignorance that is taught and believed in 21st Century church assemblies. From childhood we all have been taught things that are simply not true, when checked in Scripture (particularly when we look at direct translations from the Greek and Hebrew).

How often do today’s preachers teach about God’s HATE? (It is throughout the Bible). What about His killing and slaughter of bad peoples and groups? (Again, it is cover to cover in the Bible). His chastising of His own people? His anger, wrath, and plagues? Not often.

False Seed Planting

No, modern preachers want cash, so they teach about “prosperity,” and “love,” and “happiness,” and what God can do for you. They want a growing audience that gives the church assembly money, with the hope of getting wealth back from God for what they give.

The preachers today call it “seed planting.” (That sounds nice and Scriptural, although it is anything but that!) God wants us to give with no thought of return, but does return and multiply gifts if given sincerely – not as an “investment!”

God’s Sovereignty

Modern churches have gotten-away from other issues also. Right up until 100 years ago God’s Sovereignty and Predestination and Foreknowledge were regular topics. The Book of Romans and Ephesians via Paul, the writings of Moses (1st 5 Books of the Bible), and the words of Jesus were commonly examined and taught. No longer.

People have decided to make God into the image they want, instead of vice-versa. No one wants to think about God allowing some sinners to continue on along to eternal Hell, while graciously choosing to save others as the Bible teaches.

Indeed, I rarely attend modern churches, because they are not truly churches. Two hours of solid reading and Bible study in my bathtub is more good Word than many of today’s modern church attendees get in several months of Sundays.

Church: Supposedly The Body Of Christ

And, why do these churches have “altar calls?” The Church is supposed to be the Body of Christ, SAVED BELIEVERS already. Does God need an altar call to save His own? NOPE.

Again, the Church is for saved people to be “separated from the world.” It is to strengthen the flock; evangelizing is done elsewhere and in other ways, people. Read the Bible and learn how.

My time (God’s time) is worth far more than that to me. As Paul says, I want meat not milk. I can fellowship at a local pub or bar or library or restaurant, 
without all the false teaching these clowns dish out from their pulpits. I can also evangelize while there, if I choose to stray from my home study or bathtub….

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Freelance Writing: Freelance Writer Life/Atlanta

Being a freelance writer in Atlanta, particularly focusing on business and web writing, is initially a tough trade. You have to be great at what you do in order to continue doing it! How so? Please read-on.

Writers have notoriously small budgets for advertising or anything else; thus, in the 21st Century we freelance writers must rely upon the World Wide Web (blogs, websites, expert articles, social media, etc) to garner visibility and business.

When a client needing web content or search engine optimization (seo) work contacts me, their locating me is my best endorsement! Of all the freelance writers around the nation and the world, I was able to stand-out and be found in their search via Google, Bing, or whatever search engine they used.

My standard line when asked if I am a good web content writer is, “You found me, didn’t you?” But, that is web writing. Often-times business writing or resume writing requires a bit more convincing.

In cases of potential clients needing samples, I basically direct them to my blogs, website, and social media pieces. Providing writing samples for business plans, business proposals, resumes, letters, and other somewhat sensitive projects is near-impossible. As writers, we cannot share confidential info and data. That would be a betrayal.

To a great extent, we freelancers spend our time finding clients. The writing is easy; even web writing and seo work. It comes natural. Indeed, constant marketing of ourselves to try and pay rent and bills is the main task, and killer of our time.

I am Jimmy Hall, and I am a freelance writer outside of Atlanta, Georgia (404-580-1501). Give me a call; I’d like to assist you or your organization with your writing projects. 

Business Plan? Resume? Web Content? Press Release? Obituary? Letter? Business Proposal? Paper? Expert Article? Social Media? Blogging? Report?

Monday, October 19, 2015

We Fraudulent Christians: Mimicker Christians

As Christians, we spend our lives trying to “be Christian,” and unknowingly living by basic “do” and “don’t” rules that have been implanted amid our hearts and minds. We read Scripture and ask ourselves, “What would Jesus do?” when events happen amid our modern lives. That is sometimes okay, but….

The fact is that we should not always have to think or be legalistic or make fleshly decisions; if we are truly Born-Again Christians we should allow Jesus Christ to live THROUGH us as we yield to God’s Holy Spirit. Understand?

Our lives should flow, and the decisions about do’s and don’ts should follow Scripture without much thought. The Bible/Word of God is written across the hearts of Believers, if we will only pray, read, and listen to our God inside us.

Our ongoing responsibility (which we rarely live-out properly) is simply to yield to, trust, and obey the Lord. Modern Christians would rather THINK and CALCULATE and COPYCAT what we think we should do on a daily basis. We are simply mimickers, or fraudulent Christians. Christian see; Christian do….

Only when you or I YIELD to the Holy Spirit and remain aware of His Presence constantly can we be natural and real Christians like the Christians of Old. Otherwise we are imitators (which is okay while learning, as a new Christian, even recommended by the Apostles), people acting like Christians as opposed to Christians being themselves and controlled by Christ.

Shouldn’t Christianity be second-nature to us if we are truly born-again, Bible-based, prayerful, and Spirit-led human beings? The answer is YES – apart from the inevitable occasional attacks from the Evil One. It is all-about Flesh versus Spirit.

The point is that if we have to constantly think about every move we make or thought we have something is very wrong. It might not even be real; our calling and election might not be sure. EXAMINIE YOURSELF!!

Even when early Christians watched Jesus (and later the Apostles/Disciples) to understand how to conduct themselves in those trying times, there was a base of belief inside them and God Himself was on and in them.

We all should examine ourselves regularly and determine if God lives through us, or we are just mimicking what we think a Christian should be and do….

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Confessions: How Dare We Sin?

It seems to me that human beings do wrong every few minutes or perhaps more often, even if they (we) do not realize they are doing so. How? Even wrong thoughts, if allowed willingly, are sins – as are improper physical actions and attitudes. Yet, how often do we confess our wrongdoing and sinful behavior?

The point is that it is very easy to sin, and we do it all the time, hardly thinking about it at all. Sure, we confess the “big sins” and “public sins” and “physical sins” seen or known by others, yet we rarely confess and repent of the dozens of sins we commit hourly just for being living and thinking human beings.

We have become numb and unemotional about sin – which is the act of disobeying God that created the universe, gave us life, and provided Jesus Christ for our salvation. How dare we sin? We are supposed to yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit and be dead to sin (Romans 6).

Each sin, all sin, is simply the action of disobeying God – the actual event or individual wrong is small when compared to our nerve and idiocy in disobeying the One that made us and can kill us at any moment.

Stealing a piece of bubble gum is only minutely less wrong than murdering someone in cold blood, when it is realized that it is the blatant disobeying of the God of the Universe. Again, how dare we sin? Think about it.

Sin is both different and the same as crime, in the respect that each wrong done amid society simply has earthly consequences of varying degrees – but doing things wrong amid society is also sinful in that it is a wrong against society and a slap in the face of God our Heavenly Father.

The point of this blog piece is that we are far worse people than we think we are, apart from Jesus Christ. Our own righteousness is like that of a filthy rag without Him.

It is time that we stop thinking about Jesus as “fire insurance against Hell,” and start living a holy life as we are called by God to do every second of every day we live.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Web Content: Finding Website Content/Blog Content – Atlanta/Nationwide

By now most business managers and company owners understand that web content is important, but not always exactly why web writing matters as much as it does. This is true around Atlanta and everywhere else. Why?

Web Content?

To a great extent web content is still a mystery to even managers, and the everyday layman still thinks of it in the same terms as standard or print writing. The truth is that when acquiring website content and blog content you must hire a solid writer that has experience writing for the Web.

The reason that online writing and web content writing experience is important is due to the fact that web writing has an extra dimension when compared to traditional writing. What might that be, you ask? Please read-on.

Website and blog content not only must inform and convert (like standard writing) but to a great degree must also ATTRACT its own readers (usually via search engine queries by seekers). In other words, GOOGLE, BING, and YAHOO are today’s “Yellow Pages.”

Search Engine Optimization?

Your website content, blog content, and expert articles must be written in SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZED FORM (SEO). The writer needs to know the principles of search engine optimization, as opposed to just good solid writing. Understand? The web-work needs to create its own demand.

This means that keywords must be used correctly, headings employed, titles, pages must be ordered for search engine digestion and ranking, and most of all the content must be extremely relevant – all while courting the search engines but making sense and pleasing the readers.

Web Competition

It is a competition between your web pages and your competitors for 1st page Google and Bing rankings and indexing. Think about it. If you need something, you usually Google the topic or keyword and look at the first page that comes-up, right? Other people (clients) do the same thing.

Web Content Writer/Atlanta

The better your web content is written for particular keywords and subjects, the higher it is listed in search engine queries, and the more potential clients you will obtain. The better the web writer, the better the content.

You need a great web content writer, period. So, again, you are in direct competition with everyone else that does what you do – or wants what you want. This requires a writer knowledgeable in seo techniques and relevance.

Jimmy Hall Writing Services (404-580-1501)

At Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta – Nationwide (404-580-1501), I can assist you with your website content, blog content, and expert article content. Please give me a call. Thanks.

Resume Writing - Resume Writers/Atlanta: Kinds Of Resumes

The basic function of a resume in Atlanta, New York, Chicago or anywhere else is to obtain its owner a job interview/meeting with management or human resources. Resume writing is important.

The resume puts you in play - providing a favorable snapshot of your background, experience, education, skills, and potential. You see, most resumes are seen for an extremely short period of time - under 30 seconds.

As such, a resume (thus, the resume writer/resume developer) must make an impression quickly to stand-out from the pack (and file 13). Your resume is your first project completed for your potential employer.

The completed job resume should be neat, crisp, concise, well-formatted/organized, informative, and persuasive – while displaying information specifically tailored to the open position(s).

There are many types of resumes. This info is true for all types: Basic Resumes, Student Resumes, Executive Resumes, and Federal Resumes.
Resume writers and resume developers understand that their work must have both a nice general appearance and a wealth of concisely shared specific information. I know, at Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501) I carefully craft and prepare them.

The job market in Atlanta and nationwide is fairly tight, and when applying for positions the competition is stiff. The better your resume, the greater the chance that you will be invited to meet and sell yourself to the organization(s) hiring. This goes for specific positions or general employment.

A good resume should include your exact name, contact info (phone/e-mail/address), skills/talents, work/professional experience, educational background, awards/achievements, position titles/duties-responsibilities, and specific info to prove your points – all presented in an orderly manner.

I’d like to assist you – Jimmy Hall, 404-580-1501.

Action Versus Faith – What Should We Generally Employ?

As Christians, we must have faith for God to do things, but we must also understand that God does things through us, as well. He gave us rational minds, knowledge, resources, and abilities to use as required.

When we are troubled or have problems, we must lean on God and realize that He is to be in control – BUT, we also must take action with the tools and means the Lord has already provided us.

In other words, working hard doesn’t have to mean “taking control yourself,” and leaving God out. You can work hard and long with Him as your partner. The key is to make sure He is in it with you.

Personally, I often panic and feel like I can work and control or repair bad circumstances myself. This is wrong, when my efforts are strictly fleshly, and not in partnership with God. So I will fail, despite all the hard work and long hours I perform. You will also, if you are a Christian. (God chastises His own.) Understand?

I guess the point of this blog piece is that our courses or means of doing things do not have to be faith exclusively or actions exclusively, it is proper for our faith to be supported by our works. In fact, our works in various matters can be a positive indication of our faith, as opposed to a denial of it…

Jimmy Hall is a business writer/web writer specializing in web content, business plans, resumes, and a wide range of other written projects (404-580-1501).

Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Will Of God: God's Sovereignty

It amazes me that some Christians (or so-called Christians) are so clueless and ignorant about God and His nature, even after they have supposedly been born-again for many years. 

It is obvious that Satan can even hinder fellow Christians and mislead those not sufficiently trained in the Word of God (Bible).

Even a cursory reading of Scripture demonstrates that our Holy Creator is All-KnowingEverywhereAll-powerful, and has Perfect Foreknowledge. Thus, as Jesus prays in the Lord’s Prayer (Model Prayer), God’s will is always done – even when sins and bad things are committed. What?

God certainly has the power to stop sinners and sins. He is right there, watches, and allows them! Does He not?

Even the Angels and entities in Heaven rebelled and 1/3 were cast out. However, God certainly preplanned and knew about it beforehand. As Jesus says, His will is done in Heaven and Earth. If what happened up there and what happens here is not His will; by definition, God is Not sovereign. Think about it.

Is your God sovereign or not? Is He all-powerful or not? Does Satan win and overpower Him and have people sin against God’s perfect will? There again, no; God controls everything just as Jesus and Paul and Moses say He does.

Bad things that happen (sins) are awful but necessary. God could/would never have had sin to even enter the universe if He did not want it to. The universe is His. He made it and rules it! Did He not? Does He not?

Everything was created from nothing, was it not? God the Creator (Jesus) simply could have stopped sin from coming about with a snap of His fingers, but He did NOT. It must serve a temporary purpose if it is around and God hates it, and could eliminate it COMPLETELY (even apart from Christ’s work that we accept). Common Sense 101.

Want a good example? Jesus said that it would have been better for Judas if Judas had NEVER been born; but, Judas was predestined and scheduled to betray Christ – whether he wanted to, or knew it, or liked it or not. Before he was born, he was doomed to sin against Christ.

Bad things are scheduled, but those that carry them out do so WILLINGLY and are accountable for their actions. Jesus says so in the Gospels.

Furthermore, Paul teaches us in Romans 9 that the non-Elect are still accountable for what they do, just as Pharaoh was, even though God thoroughly controlled and hardened and softened his heart like a robot.

In fact, when the Romans complained that God could not hold them responsible for the way He made them, Paul rebuked them and alluded to their personal responsibility in and for their acts. This, even though Paul, Moses, and God all said that they (everyone) were clay in the hands of the Potter (God) – some vessels made for HONOR and some for DISHONOR. (Not everyone was made for honor or salvation; some were made for what the Psalmist calls “the day of evil/destruction.”)

The whole point is that unsaved/lost people love to sin and do the bad things that God later turns into good things for His Elect, just as Romans 8:28 says. God watches people get raped and murdered, often without intervening at all. He could stop it all, but does NOT. Why?

EVERYTHING (good or bad/sin or no sin) is a part of God’s master plan, just as His predestination of a perfectly innocent man to be tortured and die on a Roman cross and later rise from the dead was scheduled to save real sinners and evil people that believe upon Christ’s work and actions.

God allows sin (which He hates) to happen for bigger purposes. Was it not a pre-planned prophetic event for the only perfectly innocent Man to be executed for crimes/sins He did not commit? HOWEVER, that evil action led to the salvation of millions, right?

God believes in “the ends justify the means.” If not, He would never have ordained and pre-planned ages ago for sinless Jesus to be wrongly executed for crimes and sins that others did, in their place. A fact is a fact is a fact.

Friday, October 9, 2015

My Life: I’m Everything, Yet Nothing

As a Christian, I sometimes contemplate my life. Though I am a saved born again Believer, my own vision of myself remains that of a filthy and dirty rag. Apart from the sacrifice and sanctification provided me by Jesus Christ, I am exactly that – just as Saint Paul says we all are from birth/accountability.

The great thing is that if my sins are truly covered by Christ’s betrayal by His own own people and dying on a Roman cross and rising again from death on the 3rd day (which they are if I honestly believe), I am as clean as virgin snow – no matter what I have thought or done in my life. In a sense, my life is everything (because of Jesus), yet nothing (because of me).

Accepting what Christ has done and is doing is so miraculous that it almost seems too good to be true. Still, God the Father did send His precious Holy Spirit to convict me of my sins and ignite my belief in the preordained function of My Savior (Jesus Christ). That is the living long and short of it.

On one hand I must live my day to day life and operate as I deem best, based on what I know; yet, I also must have faith and hope and trust in God and His invisible workings on my behalf – while fighting Satan and Hell by the acre.

It is sometimes difficult to figure out when I am operating physically and spiritually by Biblical principles and faith, versus my own understanding and need to be in control of all aspects of my own life.

In Romans Chapter 7, Saint Paul describes this inner struggle amid the Christian man he has become. He understands and explains how the original man’s evil flesh remains deep inside, suppressed but alive – though the Holy Spirit dominates it most of the time.

The problem is when we give Satan and the flesh temporary leave to control moments of our lives and others around us. We sometimes submit to the confusion present deep within our earthly bodies. I am as guilty as others, usually even more so than they… Again, I am everything yet nothing….

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Atlanta Falcons: Fair-Weather Falcons Fan

Okay, I admit it, I was skeptical about the 2015-16 Atlanta Falcons team. I was thinking "rebuilding year," yet again, given the hiring of a new coach. However, after starting the season with 4 straight wins, I am onboard. Go Falcons!

Yes, this fair-weather Falcons fan is finally all-in for the season. I wish this Falcons team would go undefeated and win the Super Bowl. I am being serious here. You never know. It could happen.

There is very little logic or rhyme or reason in professional sports anymore, no more than in the stock markets. Emotion rules. 

Mental attitude and personal situations seem to mean as much or more than talent or fitness - at least in the short-run. Especially more than coaching.

Given this, the Atlanta Falcons have as good a shot as any other NFL team to at least win their division. Go Dirty Birds!

Admittedly, I support the team and the players much more than the franchise and the owners, basically due to political stances and the fact that I am a Christian; however, I do not hate the management just because of their views - I simply do not like them. Understand?

I like having something to be excited about. I vividly recall the feelings and emotions in the sports bars around town that began with the '91 Atlanta Braves Season, and later the '98 Atlanta Falcons Season, and then some. 

That fan unity and bonding of Atlanta sports' fans is great. We need it again. The Braves have let us all down in recent years, as have the Georgia Bulldogs. 

The Atlanta Falcons can restore hope again. Atlanta is a football and baseball town; again, we need one or the other or both professional teams to produce wins for us again. 

Indeed, as long as the win, I am a fair-weather Falcons fan and not ashamed of it - despite their dismal franchise history. Who's with me?????   LOL.