Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Even Jimeny The Cat Uses Me!

It’s a conspiracy, plain and simple. Someone’s gotten to Jimeny the Cat, and I don’t like it. Yes, even the cat has begun to use me for various reasons - most involving treats, food, going outside, and/or kneading against me and then immediately leaving the room.

Evidently Jimeny considers it a favor to me to allow himself to be petted or associated with at all. However, when I stop brushing or massaging his chin or head, he then literally bites the Hell out of me. He treats me like the help. Then he runs.

The cat stuck me with his sharp claws while kneading the other night, and I was forced to take antibiotics for two weeks, having come down with an awful cat scratch fever infection with giant knots below the arm pit and whelps atop the skin surface. (All of this while dealing with the next door neighbor’s suicide by hanging.)

This was no laughing matter. Not at all. Ever spent a week or so with a larger than golf ball-sized knot under your arm – 2 inches across? How about having a few giant red whelps growing atop your skin on top of the smaller knots? A sunburn-looking rash from your underarm to your elbow?

The cat thought it was funny; he put his paws and claws against my underarms while they were healing! They are like hypodermic needles, maybe worse. He could not have cared much less. I was still supposed to let him knead and purr, regardless.

As I sit in front of the tv writing now, he is giving me the careful eye. Jimeny wants something. I am supposed to read his mind. If I do not figure out what he desires very soon, there will likely be a sneak attack initiated against yours truly. That is how he rolls.

He is a Russian Blue with a bit of Maine Coon. Figures. He has a number of lazy Communist tendencies!

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