Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Why I Am A Conservative Republican/Christian

I am a pretty lousy person. My thoughts and actions do not always match by beliefs. Why? I have a terrible temper. For an opinionated person and editorialist this is not always a good thing. This is especially true for someone that is completely honest, never lies, and writes only what he knows to be correct - or or else states opinions as such. HOWEVER: I am also a Conservative Republican/ Christian. Why?

As a Christian, I base my ideals and guiding principles on the Holy Bible, God's Word. Though I have just demonstrated how imperfect I am, I still do my best to allow Christ to live through me. I also defend His Precepts vigorously, even to the point of being angry while doing it. 

But, what are these precepts and principles in relation to American Politics? The Bible is steadfastly against certain things; not because God wants to make our lives difficult, no, just the opposite. He made the world and knows how things work best. Here are a few examples:

ABORTION: The fruit of the womb is the Lord's, and He even numbers our bodyparts while we are yet in the womb. To think that human beings can take it upon themselves to kill/murder God's precious and innocent creations is ludicrous. Besides, two human beings have relations to make an embryo/fetus/baby, so it is human. This thing made by two humans is growing so it must be alive. Therefore abortion is the killing of a living and growing human being - another word for this is MURDER. 

God is against Abortion. Liberals and the Democratic Party Platform are all for Abortion, and defending a woman's right to murder her own babies.

HOMOSEXUALITY: In numerous places God states in the Bible that homosexuality is a capital offense, a sin/offense that is to be punishable by death. Why? It goes against God's natural order and arrangement, where He stated that He created males and females for marriage and reproduction. Besides these facts, it is unhealthy, and also a horrid way to transmit deadly diseases due to the unnnatural activities particpants engage in. 

God is against Homosexuality. Liberals and the Democratic Party Platform are all for Homosexuality and personal fredom to engage in this sinful behavior.

COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM: In Holy Scripture, God grants mankind the freedom to work and socialize and participate in free trade for both personal and the common good. The Bible states that those that don't work should not eat (if able to work). It also states that someone that doesn't provide for his/her family is worse than a nonbeliever. God/Jesus uses the parable of the talents (money) to display God's desire that we multiply our resources and wealth individually in order to live. The government should not interfere, and the caring for those less fortunate is done by the Church - not government. The only time people are blessed in Socialistic behavior is when it is done as a private mutual agreement between themselves, not mandated by government. 

God is against Communism/Socialism. Liberals and the Democratic Party Platform have moved to a Socialistic-Communist Economic system, even right down to health and medical care.

I AM A CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN/CHRISTIAN because to be otherwise would be to go against God and the Holy Bible on these and most other major issues. 

The very words Liberal Christian or Democrat Christian are oxymorons. You simply cannot be against God and the Bible and be a Christian at the same time. Liberals and Democrats are not Christians unless they are very much ignorant of the Holy Bible, the Democratic Party Platform, or both. 

Maybe we Christians have done a poor job of

sharing our Christian beliefs?

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