Sunday, August 30, 2015

Principle Of Christianity: Why Be Saved?

Those not of the Christian Faith do not understand Christianity, because in their fleshly minds they cannot. They are unable. Why? Christianity and Salvation are Spiritual, NOT carnal or human-minded. The Unsaved are clueless about the Principles of Christianity and being Saved.

Being a Christian means accepting the Calling from God Himself to acknowledge being His Child, and understanding that you can Commune with Him if you Believe that Jesus Christ was sent to pay for your sins so that you can be Holy and Fellowship with our Holy God. (Otherwise, you cannot; His righteous character forbids it.) Why?

From the Fall of Eve and then Adam, mankind has been created/born wrong. In our natural Sinful State we cannot be worthy of our Lord; therefore we must be Born Again to be so. (Water and oil cannot mingle.) We must Repent/Turn-away from  our Sins and be cleansed.

Fortunately, God planned for this by sending His own Son (Jesus/Himself) to come to Earth in Human Form and bear our sins on a Cross, be tortured, die, and rise again from the dead to defeat Sin, Satan, Self, and Death so that we can have Eternal Life with God - as oppsed to everlasting Hell.

Belief in Jesus Christ and what He did Convicts us and Atones for our Sinful Nature, allowing us to be Children of God. He makes us righteous in God the Father's sight. He spiritually heals us, and sometimes physically - by His stripes. Jesus is the Advocate to God for those that believe! He is our substitute.

If you have not done so, consider what God has done by pre-planning and sending Jesus to conquer sin. It is a done deal if we accept it. Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of all, especially those that accept the gift of Belief upon Him. Amen.

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