Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Christians Versus Muslims – Jimmy Hall

We hear an awful lot of ignorant talk about Islam, Muslims, immigration, peace and love, and everything else “politically correct.” In the past, even a Conservative like me has expressed a degree of tolerance for Muslims that are not “radicals.” No more. (Jesus said that He would cause division, even amid friends and families; He also stated that He did not come to bring peace, but rather a sword.)

Here is the problem; no matter how sweet and nice and helpful many seemingly nice Muslims may be in our everyday lives, their religion and basic beliefs are diametrically opposed to Jesus Christ, Christianity, Christians, and the Holy Bible. Get it? Let that sink in.

Muslims do not acknowledge our precious Lord and Savior. Not even the sweet ones do. Again, get it? To them Jesus was just another prophet/teacher. They deny God Himself, more so than other non-Christians that are simply ignorant of God and the Bible.

How can the Muslims really be “good people” then? You don’t need to be mean to everyday Muslims, but you are not to be unequally yoked in friendship with enemies of your God either. They do not just “not believe,” they believe in something else that is evil and blasphemy.

Worldwide, others more radical do need killing. Yes. It’s war. This is serious business, folks. Think hard about it. God slaughters and has His people slaughter millions in Scripture for adhering to the type of beliefs (and lack of belief) that the Muslims share. Should we coddle them?

Did God show compassion to the Midianites? Egyptians? Canaanites?
The blasphemers world-wide in Revelation? HARDLY. Those flooded? NOPE.

God ordered the execution of all of the Midianites (even women and children), and was angry with Israel when they spared some – and made them go back and kill all the little boys and non-virgin women. Then God killed many of His own Israelites as punishment for their initial mercy.

The Egyptians? How about the dozen or so plagues God cast upon them? These culminated in the slaughter of all of their first-born in the land by an act of God? God doesn’t play with blasphemers, friends. Should we?

Canaanites? God sent the Israelites to take-over all of these various tribes’ lands and kill them, and often slaughter even their animals and livestock along the way.

God specifically said that He gave His people the land not because the Israelites were good, but due to the evil and blasphemy of those already occupying it. The Israelites were not to convert them; they were to KILL them and plunder them.

There is a pattern here, and it started even in Genesis during the time of Noah, when God destroyed the Human Race and more, for evil. It continues until Revelation.

If you are really a Christian, you cannot deny the Word of God, and God’s wrath and hatred of those that are diametrically opposed to Him. As I have plainly and thoroughly demonstrated with the Holy Bible in this piece, God doesn’t play with blasphemers, nor should we as His chosen children.

This idea of “live and let live” is not Biblical. We are to live as peaceably as possible with other peoples, but not when they blaspheme God and kill all those that do not believe as they do. “As possible.”

Our God is the only God, and we should learn from His Bible how to deal with these other evil people. And no, this is not hypocritical – our God is the REAL God, the only God. He often orders us as a people/His people (Christians) to carry out His wrath and Hatred, just exactly as the Bible shows. Amen.

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