Hello, thanks for visiting this piece about search engine
optimized (SEO) content writing/web content writers. I hope that it will be of
some practical use to you and your organization. Seo content writing is both a
talent and a practical matter, best done after much experience and training.
Like everything else, it can be acquired in time, but
certain writers will always be naturally better at content writing than others.
Find someone like that! A natural organic seo writer is a great find for you or
your organization. Web traffic and authoritative respect and reputation are
important online. Expert articles build authority.
Search engine optimization requires understanding titles,
headings, sub-headings, keywords, length, order, and many other things. Most of
all, unique and relevant content written in a good manner is required. Nobody
wants to read a bunch of space-filling junk. Nor do search engine
spiders/crawlers. How so?
Seo web content needs to attract its own audience, inform
that audience, and then convert the same audience. Regular or traditional
writing only requires informing and converting readers via words and a call to
action. Content writing demands much, much more. Being a good writer is not
enough when writing for the World Wide Web.
It also doesn’t hurt to be a well-rounded and educated
person either. Why? When doing the actual writing it is also great to know the
subject you are writing about, because clients likely will only provide the
bare basics. The writer must then fill-in the rest, and it must make sense to
score with the search engines.
Content writers should write first and foremost for the
readers they hope to attract, but secondly with the search engines in mind –
particularly Google and Bing. Relevance is of the utmost importance, no matter
who or what someone may be writing for or about.
Search engines are becoming more and more specific and
are almost human now in 2015-2016. They like solid web content that is organized
and easily digested by their crawlers. People also like well-written web
material that is directly related to their search engine queries. They do not
want black hat tricks or non-relevant content.
I am Jimmy Hall
/Atlanta (404-580-1501) and I write
web content. I’d like to assist you or your organization. HJimmy577@aol.com .
Give me a call or send an e-mail to discuss obtaining credible expert articles,
web page content, or blog content that will attract interested readers.
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