There is some wisdom in dealing with the root cause of
many problems. Sometimes if you change the environment and or eliminate the causes
of a problem it will go away. Not always. Terrorism is such an exceptional case
and point. What?
Yes, terror in the modern world is not a traditional type
of problem, nor should it be handled by traditional law enforcement procedures
or societal norms. Why? It is a worldwide war, that’s why. WAR.
21st Century Terror is fueled by religious
hatred and zealous fervor by unreasonable human beings, if they can be called
such – given what they do to innocent human beings. They are in every nation,
unrestricted by borders and boundaries.
Trying to pacify terrorists is useless. It is almost as
stupid as laying down weapons when confronting a criminal with a gun held to
someone else’s head. Pacification leads to further terror in the future.
We all are in agreement that rare is the case that a
child molester or rapist is genuinely changed and cured. Why then do we think
we can cure or change terrorists?
Isn’t bloodthirsty terror upon women and children and
innocent people for one’s false God just as incurable – except in the rare
cases of God’s own intervention? Think hard about it. They are fueled by a
zealous religious fervor that cannot be dealt with rationally.
So, what is the solution to this terror problem? Simple.
DEATH. Elimination of the participants is the answer. While we will always have
a degree of terror, due to vengeful people and martyrs, the death of terrorists
prohibits each from repeating the offense or from ever doing it to begin with
if we can kill them first.
Killing terrorists also sends a clear message to their
cohorts and serves as a deterrent, just as the Bible teaches. Preemptive
strikes against evil human beings save the lives of good human beings, and are
acts of self-defense.
as God ordered the Israelites to kill their enemies, not convert them, our
nation needs to kill vicious terrorists.
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