By Jimmy W.Hall / Douglasville, Ga. ( )
Welcome... Christianity Is NOT So Hard To Understand. Jesus Believes In Simplicity....
My intent is to provide Christians and non-Christians alike with a simple yet thorough expose' explaining Christianity, one that is easily understandable to anyone over the age of 13. I hope to present it pleasantly, without the usual barrage of citations, references, and quotes, which other more scholarly (often boring) works seem to pride themselves in.
Christianity is God's gracious gift to the universe and our world, and most of all - its inhabitants. Acknowledging the Creator is exciting, not saddening or burdensome. I hope that He blesses you and your family immensely before, during, and after you read through this labor of love and hope. The truths within are necessary knowledge and information for every human on Earth now, and in the future.
Here is the short, single-paragraph summary which should be read immediately: Jesus Christ, the Son of God and a part of the Holy Trinity, fulfilled the prophesies, sacrifices, ordinances, laws, and rituals of the Old Testament, and gave His life as the payment for the sins of mankind, so that humans who believe upon Him can have forgiveness and be reconciled to God. Furthermore, after being crucified on a cross, He then rose again from the dead on the third day, thereby forever defeating death, and currently sits at the right hand of God the Father at this very moment, interceding for all believers... Anyone who truly believes in Jesus and freely accepts this life-changing rebirth shall have everlasting life in Heaven later & a fulfilling life while still surviving in this world... Indeed, Christians are saved from sin, Satan, and self by grace and through faith - which is the substance of things hoped for, but not yet seen... May the Holy Spirit of God continually fill us all.
(That's as complicated & formal as this work will get... The rest is SIMPLE.)
A Brief Preface
Due to God's will and design, the Christian Faith is simple to understand. "Christianity" has been this way since even before the term came into common usage (after the 1st century crucifixion/ rise from the dead of Jesus Christ). It is often forgotten that there were pre-A.D believers from the beginning of time who dealt personally (by voice) with their Creator, and anticipated a future Messiah.
In other words, this true, unadulterated religion existed in another form and phase from the beginning of eternity; it is not some relatively recent two millennium-old phenomena dating only from the earthly time of Jesus Christ. Today's Christians share a common linkage with the first humans, later with the Jews in particular, and eventually other peoples from past ages until now.
The Body or Church of Christ (Christendom) consists of a mass of numerous individual believers worldwide, possessing "personal," one-on-one relationships between God and themselves. These believers are bound to God and each other by a mutual faith, love, and commitment. "Personal" is the key word here. It is central for discernment.
You see, Christians do not think of God in general terms, as some abstract philosophical concept or high-minded old man on a throne; they relate to Him "individually." Nor do Followers simply know about God; no, they know Him intimately just as they do friends, loved ones, and each other. The Holy Spirit actually lives inside the hearts of believers, not just vaguely in the atmosphere surrounding them. Now, without further adieu, we shall explore the importance of the matter at hand...
The history of Christianity (and salvation) started with God the Father, The Word (Jesus, His Son) and The Holy Spirit residing together as one Holy Trinity amid a heavenly home - before, during, and after the Earth, its life, and other heavens were created by Them as One. It is a love story.
Indeed, Jesus Christ existed in a well-defined spiritual form well before ever entering and fully experiencing this earthly life among people. He forever "has been" and always "will be" 100% Deity AND 100% man, despite how confounding this precept may seem - given mankind's mental, scientific, and mathematical limitations.
God initially populated the Earth with a man named Adam (made from dirt/ clay) and then added his female partner (formed from Adam's rib) called Eve. (Adult humans and chickens came before babies and eggs, to answer that age-old dispute!!) The duo lived among the many Godly-created animals, plants, trees, insects, hills, waters, and other features which inhabit and make-up our planet. (It was created in six days; God rested upon the seventh, which is to be our example.)
These first humans resided in an idyllic area or paradise situated near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, in present-day Iraq. This lovely birthplace of mankind is referred to as The Garden Of Eden.
The first couple had a plentiful supply of everything they needed, and initially lived in "ignorant bliss." In some undefined way, they were married, and Eve was called Adam's "wife." God gave them much freedom, but pointedly directed them not to eat the fruit of one particularly pretty tree (for it would give them knowledge of right and wrong like God, in whose image they were created).
Unfortunately, Eve was deceived by a cunning, evil serpent and purposely coaxed Adam into temptation and disobedience. Both ate the banned fruit. (She bit first.) As a consequence, the couple's eyes were opened to misery, and the human condition. More importantly, they now knew good and evil, and therefore "sin" as we know it (mental or physical disobedience to the Will of God) entered mankind via this episode. For the most part, ignorance was no longer an excuse for disobeying God.
With sin and its physical consequences, came the inevitability of eventual death. As such, the Creator banned the couple from the garden so they could not provide themselves with the everlasting remedy, fruit from another special plant, "The Tree Of Life." (Then, as now, humans were to be dependent upon their Maker.)
As Godly punishment, Adam and Eve then embarked upon a tough life, which involved difficult farming and painful childbirths. Sin and iniquity has since been passed down from generation to generation. We human beings are a race tainted from birth. Every single person ever born, apart from Christ Himself, is a born-sinner. Even newborn babies possess a sinful nature, no exceptions. (Fortunately, we are only accountable for sin when our mind is mature enough to understand right versus wrong.)
To complicate matters, it can be readily seen that Satan (the Devil, Lucifer?) actively pried into mankind's business and made it a point to get between humankind and God, its Creator. He still does. Sin had first reared its ugly head in the Heavens when one or more rebellious, jealous angels and their admirers attempted to cause trouble, turbulence. God banished the violators, led by Lucifer, casting them away.
Sadly enough, the fallen chose to visit our planet and reek havoc. Their evil presence remains. It is often subtle, enchanting, and alluring. Many people are fooled into believing their ideas and false theology.
While the advent of Jesus Christ's coming to Earth, teaching, and sacrificing His life for our sins will be the main point later discussed and explained; it should be noted that early humans, prior to this, took great efforts to cleanse themselves at God's direction. In many ways these efforts were the key foreshadowing of Christ, Who was to come. (The blood of sheep and animals was poured upon altars, and burnt offerings were sacrificed in God's honor to pay a price for sin.)
Sin was and is intolerable to our Creator. He is holy, just, completely righteous, and perfect; therefore, He has "chosen" to be incapable of being in or around the presence of sin. As might well be imagined, this has always placed a barrier between our God and us. (The dilemma is unending throughout this Earthly age, but other eras will one day arrive.)
Naturally, following "the fall" from grace, this new awareness of wicked pleasures, thoughts, and tendencies caused problems for Adam and Eve. They foolishly tried hiding from God, to no avail. That cannot be done. (Much, much later, at one point God even flooded the world to destroy sin, allowing only Noah and his family to survive with select sets of animals. The story is well known.)
Further complicating mankind's dire situation is the fact that human life is a spirit. When the physical body housing it stops functioning,(dies) this spirit leaves to spend eternity elsewhere, preferably in the presence of its Creator. However, as earlier stated, whether the body be alive or dead, a sinful spirit cannot be around God. Therefore, it is impossible for a human soul to fellowship with God without being redeemed or cleansed of its evil nature. This is extremely serious with respect to death.
The only other option outside of the glorious Heaven that God has created for His redeemed children during the afterlife is HELL. Yes, Hell. Damnation.
Hell is an utterly miserable place and state of being which is designated for the punishment of souls disobedient to God during their Earthly lives. Even worse, it entails eternal separation from our Heavenly Father, His love, care, and affection.
The mental and physical pain of Hell is unimaginable. Though an Earthly life in sin is horrid due to a degree of separation from God, this discomfort is minimal when compared to never-ending Hell, and its perpetual torments.
The obvious question arises: What can be done to reconcile our in-born sinful natures with God, Who’s Spirit is infinite, eternal, holy, and righteous? We need Him while living on this planet and afterwards, yet His purity disallows a compatible relationship with an unrepentant sinner, still owned and ruled by evil desires and transgressions. Alas, human nature is not generally a good thing. Natural man is bad, horrendous. So, is there an answer?
YES, though we were and are born an evil people, God has been merciful, graciously providing one way for His children to be cleansed and to fellowship with Him. Whereas in olden times mankind (particularly God's specially Chosen People, the Jewish Race) was dependent solely upon taking instructions from Him, practicing God's Laws (The Old Testament, especially The Ten Commandments), or performing sacrificial rituals and offerings - in approximately the year 5 or 6 B.C., Jesus Christ left His Heavenly Father and came down to Earth as a baby, in the body of The Virgin Mary, to eventually pay for our sin. He is the Savior.
The Lord Jesus was then born (probably in mid-Spring or early Autumn) just the same as every other precious baby, but in a humble manger in Bethlehem, amid Israel. (His birth is celebrated worldwide as Christmas, on December 25th) This was specifically foretold and foreshadowed centuries earlier in the words of the holy prophets and writers. (Yet, Jesus remains pure; He was not formed by sexual conception, so He has no strictly human biological father. Young Mary, who was probably 16 years-old or less, had never been "known" by any man, not even her own much-older companion, Joseph.)
The historical record of Jesus experiencing life as a human being is well known and documented. (No less than the historian Josephus wrote extensively about Him.) The Holy Bible (The Word Of God) centers upon His person. The Old Testament looks ahead, prophesying Christ's arrival and redemptive work; The New Testament provides a record of this work, His life, ministry, and amazing sacrifice for the payment of our sins. (To be explained later)
From an early age, Jesus was extremely inquisitive, often baffling and authoritatively correcting spiritual elders. He was a natural teacher who loved to use parables, and from the position of birth a cousin to John The Baptist, who later preached about Him as the anticipated Messiah.
As the Gospels happily but reverently relate, Jesus Christ was also a carpenter by trade, in Nazareth. In the beginning of His adult life it was important to be a regular, hardworking person in addition to a wise teacher. He made and formed things with His hands. Consequently, in His late twenties or at age thirty when the Savior began concentrating full-time on His impending teaching ministry and mission, most of the disciples and apostles chosen were of a similar working ilk.
The pious scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees of the day viewed these “common” men and their simple yet ingenious leader disparagingly. These and other groups of great scholars considered themselves worthy to be served, as opposed to properly serving others. Why did this new teacher associate with such typical and often poor individuals? Why did He always care for others?
Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, and those present viewed the Spirit of God upon Him. Jesus then faced the temptation of Satan, while in the desert fasting and praying. He endured and defeated "the evil one" mentally, and then began His earthly ministry in absolute earnest.
As predicted, friction mounted between the professional religious men and Jesus's true band of believers. By this time the prevailing religion of the region was very theoretical, regimented, and an increasingly fraudulent or legalistic game of do's and don'ts - for the Jewish people had been waiting for the Messiah for many, many centuries. (When He finally arrived, not a large percentage of Jews recognized and accepted Him.)
The synagogue elders and priests often deemed Christ and company as blasphemers and false ministers, men who were oblivious and blinded to the truth themselves. They'd never heard any man speak with the before mentioned authority of Jesus. No, never. And, He actually performed REAL MIRACLES.
The Messiah taught the virtually un-teachable masses and personal individuals; healed the sick; brought the dead Lazarus back to life; restored vision to the blind; fed a multitude with five loaves of bread and two fish; walked on water, and performed numerous other seemingly impossible acts. (The weather even obeyed his commands.)
This ministry and "seemingly new" religion was scary to the Jewish leadership, and the Roman rulers of the region. (Most people assumed that the Messiah, or a fake one, would also lead a political uprising & upheaval.) Other followers also did amazing things through the power of their faith in the Messiah. Still, Jesus always gave the credit and thanks to His Heavenly Father. He was fulfilling what had been foretold, against all mathematical odds, probability, and human reasoning.
However, knowing most of mankind to be weak as far as faith was (is) concerned, the miracles of Christ served several purposes. They physically demonstrated the Diety of Christ; taught followers to be used of God likewise via true faith; provided a testimony to others, and provided the actual visible actions or healings needed or required. (Some of these ventures did not directly involve human beings, similar to Moses' actions thousands of years earlier.)
Jesus made such incredible statements that He had to be exactly who He claimed to be (The Son of God, and a part of the Holy Trinity), or else an absolute zealous nutcase. Almost needless to say, He was and is in fact the Christ and Savior of the world. Let there be no doubt about that. No person with such knowledge and wisdom would willfully go to His death for a lie or untruth, nor would His rational, respected followers do the same. These men were initially skeptical, but even their fearful doubts were completely resolved, first-hand. (Many early followers, and some later ones, willingly died for Him. Some still do today.) Amen.
God's plan was for Jesus to live a simple life for about three decades, prior to then completing three years of holy teaching before providing Himself as the ultimate sacrifice. He willingly did this, all the while making it clear that He was acting upon His Father's behalf, stating that if you'd seen Him you had in fact seen The Father.
His practical teachings were many times contrary to accepted beliefs: Love, don't hate, your enemies as individuals... Do unto others, as you would have them to do unto you... Flee adultery; even to contemplate it is a sin... You have committed murder in your heart if you think of unjustly killing a fellow human being... Love God the Father with all of your heart & soul... It means more to give a lot of the little you have than to give much from an abundance...
These are but a few of the world-changing concepts, which Jesus Christ explained to mankind; others are readily available amid everyday life and historical material. (Even discounting Jesus Christ from being Lord & Savior, the Michael Hart book, The 100, still ranks Him as the 3rd most influential "human being" to ever live... Of course, He should be #1, anyway.)
Still, the earthly focus of Jesus' Ministry was God the Father, and offering others the Kingdom of God in this life, and thereafter. As might be supposed by now, Jesus was remarkably successful in sharing His message. Still, it came with a kind of cost for the hearers. It was controversial, setting families at odds within themselves, but providing mankind with its single eternal hope and answer. This was GOD and the Son of GOD in the flesh, and after so many thousands of years it was hard for doubters to believe and accept Him.
After completing the rest of his work and ministry, Jesus eventually had a "Last Supper" with His apostles. This was both symbolic and practical. To this day we Christians take this Communion, drinking fruit of the vine as a representation of the blood of Christ, and bread as His body.
At the original meal, Jesus shared the news that one of his followers would betray Him, as scripture foretold. It was Judas that played this role. For 30 pieces of silver, he gave away the location of Jesus and His followers hours later. The Lord also revealed that the faith of the apostles was not as strong as they believed. (He stated that Peter would deny Him 3 times before sunrise, and it happened as he said, much to Peter's dismay.)
Anyway, while Jesus prayed in a garden and the others tried to stand watch (but were very sleepy) soldiers came and roughly took the Lord, following a kiss of identification from Judas. He was arrested and questioned, then found to be a common blasphemer by the Jews themselves and their wicked council. However, Roman Law ruled the land, so Jesus was led to a place of Judgment. Pilate initially found no fault in Him, but compromised and kept the Lord bound to be presented to the people after a long night of suffering. The Son of God was humble throughout.
The citizens were allowed to free one prisoner from among Jesus and several others. It was not Jesus. No, He was scheduled to go to a hill near town, at Calvary (Golgotha) and be crucified. (Pilate literally washed his hands of the matter.)
After being scorned, tortured, and mocked, Jesus was given a heavy wooden cross to bear to the appointed place. He had just a little help. The scene was heart breaking, to say the least, as he trod through the city streets.
He reached the Hill, and was painfully nailed to the cross, then raised-up between the two others. ("Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" had been inscribed upon the top of the cross; this was meant to be further humiliating.) His mother (Mary) and some friends and family watched helplessly. Dying upon a cross is among the most agonizing and slowest of deaths.
While suffering immensely, Jesus Christ asked that the people be forgiven for surrendering Him to this fate. He said that they knew not what they were doing or had done. Then, after a number of hours, the Lord gave up the ghost, and died prior to the other victims. As such, His legs were not broken (as scripture accurately prophesied) to hasten death, like the other two. Instead, as a precaution to verify His demise, a spear was stuck into His side, and blood and water flowed from the wound (again, as prophesied).
Next, Joseph of Arimathaea was given the body of Jesus Christ to entomb. Nicodemus joined him in applying about most of 100 pounds of various myrrh and aloes to the corpse, and then they wrapped and placed It in a new tomb near the site of His horrid execution.
The unbelieving Jewish leadership, fearing that some followers of Jesus might steal His body to purport that He rose from the dead, got the authorities to place one or more guards at the tomb's opening, and a giant stone was also put into place to close the opening.
Lo and behold, before sunrise upon the first day of the week Mary Magdalene, a forgiven woman who served Christ vigorously but was earlier a well-to-do woman of questionable character, came to the tomb. The stone was no longer blocking it. In addition, she did not see the Lord! He was not laid-out anymore. Amazing!
Mary immediately ran to bring back Peter and John (probably) to see for themselves. All three were stunned, not knowing precisely about this part of the Holy Scripture's fulfillment. As such, the two men left in wonder. She stayed at the scene.
Moments later Miss Magdalene saw two blessed angels in white sitting where the body of Christ had been. They asked her why she was so sorrowful. Just as she answered their rhetorical question, the Lord Jesus Himself walked-up and asked her why she was weeping! He had in fact risen from the dead. (Christians memorialize this event yearly, as Easter.) The payment and sacrifice for mankind had occurred!
Because of her state of mind, Mary did not initially recognize Jesus. Then she did, and soon followed His instructions to relay the news of His rising to the other disciples. This somewhat prepared them for a visit from Him that night. Of the initial 12, Thomas was not present that night when Jesus breathed the Holy Ghost into many of them. (Other followers and disciples would later receive the Spirit on a wonderful day of Pentecost.)
Thomas was informed of the events, and doubted the situation. In fact, 8 days later Jesus specifically proved Himself to Thomas, using him as an example of someone who believed things he saw; but, Christ stated how blessed it was that many others who had not seen nonetheless believed also, through pure faith.
The fact is that Jesus did everything He did so that all human beings would know that He was and is the Christ, the Son of God, and that we might have life through His name.
Our basic task is to believe in Christ, and what His purpose was and is. As a consequence, should we ask for forgiveness of our sins, we will be reborn and regenerated like young children, and lead new lives led by the Spirit which enters each of us upon redemption. (Upon believing upon the Savior, a public acknowledgement, particularly baptism, is in order.) This places us in good standing with God, our Creator.
Jesus would later leave His band of believers somewhere near Bethany, and be carried up into Heaven to physically return to God the Father. I will now quote from the Gospel of John:
...there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen (21:25).
From that point the history of the spread of God's New Covenant with mankind is well known.
With the help of the Spirit of the Lord, the apostles, disciples, and all other followers and believers would risk and give lives and limbs to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to the still tainted world, and its naturally sinful inhabitants. (to cleanse them)
Indeed, St. Paul, St. Peter, St. John, and numerous others from around the time that Jesus walked the Earth, set in motion the modern precepts of Christianity. Empires have risen and fallen, holding or rejecting these concepts. Still, almost two billion people today can be categorized as being somewhat Christian; although, by Biblical definition only a small percentage of general followers are true believers.
There is a huge difference between employing moral and ethical principles versus actually accepting Christ as one's Lord and Savior. Worshipping the one true God means separating yourself from "the world" and its basically sinful ways, and inviting Christ into your heart. Christians strive for personal holiness, and to be led by the Holy Spirit. They cannot help but do so.
Perhaps most importantly, select early followers of Christ were used by God to write-down the events of the era, and teach the basic precepts of the faith, and God's agreement with His creations. These inspired writings (The New Testament) are also a part of the Holy Bible ("Word Of God") just as The Old Testament continues to be. The two covenants compliment one another perfectly. The laws and history of the old agreement are like a schoolmaster, which prepared and led mankind to accept the new one.
Through the ages, many wonderful preachers, teachers, priests, writers, speakers, and scholars (amongst others) have strived to present these eternal truths to the world, and have succeeded in varying degrees. (Catholics and Protestants alike have shared the glory of God.) Just as significantly, the Gospel has been shared continuously by the word of mouth of common, everyday believers with friends, relatives, and total strangers. In any true form, God blesses the communication of His real message.
For the people of the world today, the message is that this ever-present Lord and Savior is just as alive and real today as He was in days gone by. Jesus has provided the means of salvation to those of us who will accept them, and Him. This deal doesn't expire in this Earthly era.
Some day in the future, no one knows precisely when, the Lord Jesus Christ in all of His Heavenly glory and splendor will return (The Second Coming) to our planet. Various scenarios are held sacred by differing Christians, as to what exactly will happen, and in what order. Regardless, the important thing is that He will collect the people and souls who are His, and they shall reside with Him and God the Father in Heaven, forever. The fate of non-believers and deniers is eternity apart from God, a never-ending time of torment and pain.
Just as hundreds of Biblical prophecies have been fulfilled against all human odds, rationality, and probability, this Second Coming shall also come to pass. All of God's children will one day reside together in an unimaginable place of worship, love, and security. There will be no wants or needs left un-provided. The light and love of the Creator will provide everything.
Our life now is but a vapor compared to the open-ended future. The question is: WHERE WILL YOU, THE READER OR LISTENER, SPEND IT?
It is imperative that individuals each personally understand the holiness and righteousness of God our Heavenly Father, and that without a cleansing it is impossible for a person to fellowship with Him. Even the best of humans are sinful, dirty specimens by comparison.
Jesus Christ laid down His life as a payment and sacrifice for our sins. He died and then rose again for us, and sits beside God the Father today to intervene on our behalf. His blood covers our sins, and makes fellowship with God possible. He is the only hope.
Without believing in Christ and his actions, a human being is doomed. On a personal level, I ask that you pray and investigate the incredible story I have revealed in this simple paper. Do accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. There is not a more important decision to be made in this lifetime. Please refer to the Holy Scripture, John 3: 16-21.
May God bless all of you. Amen…
Goodbye... Jimmy
Jimmy Hall Writing Services
Mail Address, 4679 Bedford Pl Douglasville, GA 30135 US