Our God often hardens and softens hearts of leaders, to both bless and punish His people. We reap what we sow. Even these unGodly leaders against His Word (in the United States - Democrats/Liberals) have their uses to our Heavenly Father. Children that are loved are chastised for their own good at times, and public officials and their policies are used or this purpose.
Just as the Israelites and ancient Israel were sometimes punished with and by God's use of evil leaders to correct them, and were led into virtual slavery in Egypt and captivity in Babylon, God works the same way today. The Book of Hebrews declares that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So, what point am I making?
The United States of America is under horrid and wicked leadership today, more than likely due to our Liberal leanings over the past half of a century, particularly with respect to the murder of 54 million innocent babies/embryos (which God declares are His own in the womb) via abortion, our unBiblical permissiveness of homosexuality (named a capital punishment offense by God in Scripture), and our overall man-centered ways (Humanism) as opposed to living to serve our Creatior as a holy nation (America was founded on Christian Principles; all the Founding Fathers agreed upion this point in their private and public writings - except for one covert action with respect to a war with pirates!).
We should all pray for President Ob*ma, not because we like him but because it is our duty and responsibility as Christians to pray for those in authority. We certainly do not have to pray in a supportive manner, promoting further evil, but rather that his own heart is touched or changed so that he can make wise decisions. God will lift the curse He seems to have placed upon us if we start obeying Him by faith.
God states in Scripture that if His people, called by His name, will pray to Him and turn from their wicked ways, He will heal their land. Amen! The point is, you may righteously hate the President, and with good reason as a Christian, but you are still obligated to pray for and about Him to God. There is no way out; we are wrong if we do not do so - we sin. I am as guilty as anyone on this matter at times....
Jimmy Hall operates a professional writing service (404-580-1501) and carefully designs and writes resumes, business plans, letters, and web content of many types....
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