Yes, according to The Word Of God (The Holy Bible) every person that has ever lived will live forever somewhere after dying. That is right. Life apart from God for eternity (Non-Christians) is considered death, even a second death.
Based on Scripture, we can thus say that death is never-ending life APART from God - a life of constant misery, heat, and discomfort. The death we are accustomed to seeing, the stoppage of the earthly body, is only the beginning!
Contraily, Believers of and in Jesus Christ are granted what is termed true "eternal life," as they will be with the Lord in Heaven. In this sense, bodily death is a great thing! Understand?
To a great extent, this current life is like a speck of sand on a great beach. What has been and will be is astronomically larger and longer than our human lifespans. But, what occurs in this life prior to earthly death determines if a human soul/spirit will have an eternal second death apart from God OR an eternal new life with God.
Ours is not to know or question exactly why God designed His universe and those made in His Image to participate in such a system - ours is to obey God while living on the earth amid it. Amen. Jesus Christ is The Way, The Truth, and The Life...... Amen again!
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