Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Saying "I'm Sorry": Taking The Wrong

Life is full of miscommunications, altercations, misunderstandings, and outright disagreements. They will always happen between we everyday humans. As I am learning of late, the problem is not that these things happen, but how to effectively and properly deal with them when they do. What?

Saying "I'm sorry," and taking the wrong for the greater good are not easy - but are often the right thing to do. No, you do not need to outright lie and say you were completely wrong, but rather apologize for the disagreement AND your part in it - and then drop it.

No less authority than the Apostle Paul stated that people should often humble themselves and allow themselves to "not win," for the greater good (I Corinthians, Chapter 6). Instead, most of us argue until we are blue in the face to prove we are right about a particular thought or action, without regard for the long-run or the future. Me, me, me....

An extreme example might be related to holy matrimony. It has been said many times, "You can win an argument while losing a marriage." Is it more important to be acknowledged as being right, or for the best overall outcome to occur? The answer is a no-brainer, but we rarely apply it!

I guess the whole point to this blog piece is that anytime we are in a disagreement, we should flash forward to the big picture. Even for a know-it-all like me, every argument does not have to be won - nor does the principle always have to be proven!

~ Jimmy is owner of JIMMY HALL WRITING SERVICES (404-580-1501) and writes just about every type of business and corporate writing & personal writing (resumes, business plans, web content, blog material, letters, papers, etc).

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