Sunday, April 19, 2015

Church At Chapel Hill/Douglasville: Praying, Praising, Learning, and Worshipping God

My date (Cindy) and I worshipped and praised God at Church at Chapel Hill in Douglasville today. Pastor Dave Divine conducted a wonderful service (including The Lord's Supper) that served to glorify God, edify His people, allow us to rejoice in our salvation, yet taught how we as a holy people should maintain our Christian values in an ever-changing secularly-governed society that does NOT appreciate God's Principles.

Unlike many modern churches, Church at Chapel Hill is balanced, the pastor teaches standards and against sin, and our obligations to God - but he also presents the other side (what God can do for us) as well, without going overboard like Revs Osteen, Copeland, Murdock, Wommack, and others so often do (the false "prosperity Gospel).

Pastor Divine, the church staff, and the church's genuinely God-loving members combine to always create a true worshipping experience (I have attended about 5 or 6 times, as a non-member) simply by being themselves. The assistant pastor, speakers, and musical ensemble are all extremely ediying also - as are the messages on the big screens!

I am a solid 5-Point Calvinist that loves to study Bible Doctrine and Theology, but even a stubborn stick-in-the mud like me "gets" what is going-on at Church at Chapel Hill. It's all about Jesus Christ and the Christian life in everyday practice. The church has a good thing going on..... Amen.

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