Sunday, April 12, 2015

Putting "Memorial" Into Memorial Day: Celebrating Memorial Day Right - J Hall

Memorial Day is near, and Memorial Day should be celebrated properly with respect - in addition to the fun, bbq, and fireworks we add to the scene. Why? 

Folks gave their lives, limbs, faces, senses, and minds for we Americans to be able to pursue the freedoms we still can enjoy - and have enjoyed. These folks are called VETERANS, and we should especially honor dead veterans (and help their families/friends) for leaving "we the living" a better world.

As Americans, we can be a bit of a sentimental lot, but still not enough. No way. As citizens we should often focus on what those in our military have done and still do for us as a whole. 

While we sit on couches eating and playing on facebook and twittter, they are dying and under fire FOR US. Hundreds of thousands have died in our nations history. Get it? (Imagine the number injured.)

On this Memorial Day, we honor not just the veterans that died in the major batles and wars that everyone recalls, but also those that were killed in little remembered battles and skirmishes in unpopular and almost unknown operations and conflicts - AND those that gave their all in secret or covert operations. 

Friends, the military never sleeps, and something is always going-on whether you or I know about it or not. Some deaths must even be hidden or kept secret, for the sake of our nation's security. Those soldiers gave all and are unable to even be acknowledge for what they did or how they did it. How sad.

If you happen to know a widow or widower or anyone whose mate or loved-one or parent or child died in our nation's service, how about being kind to them on Memorial Day in honor of their fallen heroes. Let's put the MEMORIAL back into Memorial Day.

~ Jimmy Hall owns JIMMY HALL WRITING SERVICES (404-580-1501) and does all types of web content writing, resume writing, business plan writing, and virtually everything else except grants......

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