Thursday, April 30, 2015

How To Have Fun Without Alcohol: Booze Free Contentment

Christian or not, I used to drink too much; I rarely had fun without alcohol. Why? I had, and to some extent still do have, a problem with shyness and self-confidence. (No one believes this, which further proves what alcohol can do to a personality!) To a degree, I am now learning how to have fun without alcohol or booze.

It is all a matter of being happy with yourself, and having a few meaningful things going on in your life. I won't feed you a line of crap here by saying that all things are always wonderful when you stop drinking, or anything like that. I am not a liar; but, overall things can sure be a lot better on balance. You can attain contentment without drinking.

One key is to figure why you drink... What is it changing about you? Then, if you feel like the change is worthwhile, substitute a non-drinking activity to naturally evoke that change as a permanent feature. Common Sense 101. (Think in reverse also. What bad traits does alcohol magnify for you?)

A great problem for people today is that society spends so much time telling folks how hard it is to stop drinking that everyone believes it, and because of this perception many folks just refuse to try! Think about it. We make it harder than it has to be, due to the psychological and even subconscious aspects involved.

Secondly, instead of making drinkers personally responsible for their drinking, they are told it is not their fault - that it is an addiction! (Even if it is at that point, guess who chose to get the addiction by drinking????) Even worse, our Liberal society then says that this addiction is a DISEASE! Yes it is, a disease called SIN, that we all choose or chose to have by repeatedly drinking.

The point is that if drinking alcohol causes problems, why not either stop drinking or taper back dramatically? If you do not buy it, 90% of your problem is solved. If you don't buy it and you disallow anyone from giving it to you, 100% of your usage problem is solved - then all that remains is the boredom or having to squarely face your TRUE SELF one on one.

What are the fill-in the blank activities that take the place of booze? Actually I just used the word "activities" in the context of individual things within a new lifestyle. The lifestyle is most important, and the activities are small components of it. Baby steps.

Think about the person you want to be in all respects, and see what changes need to be made. Instead of using booze to help you live with your faults and temporarily alleviate your dislike of them, be proactive and setup real changes to improve each fault or desire full-time. Do what you naturally enjoy, and are productive at.

You see, we can quickly deal with surface symptoms and immediate emotions, but the root problem is much deeper. Like it or not, believe me or not, drinkers (even happy ones) mask hidden core conditions. 

These surface things are symptoms of some degree of core spiritual ill-health. Even if you are a Christian that drinks too much, you have spiritual issues that need to be addressed while you are NOT DRINKING. 

If you are not a true Born-Again Christian, THAT is a great part of your problem... Quit being selfish and be humble and read the Bible and ask God for help. This not mystical; it is practical. So, while doing other things address everything, ok?????

~ Jimmy Hall operates Jimmy Hall Writing Services/Atlanta (404-580-1501), and writes business plans, resumes, web content, obits, letters, reports, and more....

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