Sunday, September 27, 2015

JESUS CHRIST: Son Of God/God ~ by Jimmy Hall

I generally write what I know, and what I know is that Jesus Christ created the universe (John 1) and is the Son of God and God (1 John 5) and Savior of those of those of Mankind that believe upon Him correctly and truly (John 3, 1 John 4). This is a fact. Why and how is this so?

God made a wonderful world until Satan and the fallen angels and the first pure man and woman on Earth (Adam & Eve) also fell and corrupted the planet by continuing the rebellion from Heaven on Earth by sinning (Genesis 3, Isa 14, Ezek 28).

God the Father is perfectly holy and cannot be in the presence of sin, due to his holy and righteous nature (Lev 11, Lev 20, Isa 59, Eph 1, 1 John 4, Heb 12, 1 Peter 1). Therefore, to commune and be with God, or He in us, we must have our sins atoned for by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and Sacrifice for our sinful nature that separates us from God the Father (Matt 1, John 3, Acts 13, Matt 26, 1 John 3, Col 1, Rev 1, Col 3, Heb 8).

In essence, God sees Believers in and of Jesus Christ through the prism of Christ’s person, sacrifice, and perfection. He forever advocates (1 John 2) intercedes for His own (As Saint Paul demonstrates and teaches - Jesus’ torture, shed blood, execution on the Cross, and rising again from the dead took the place of sacrifices and rituals for Believers.

Now our election, calling, conviction, atonement, acceptance, confession, sanctification, and eventual glorification all rest in the work of Jesus Christ that was foreordained before the foundations of the world (Romans 8, Eph 1).

The bottom line is that mankind is tainted by sin, and cannot know God or be in His presence without a cleansing of this sin. From birth we are sinners (accountable from the time we know bad/evil from good) and therefore must be reborn or recreated via belief in Jesus Christ and what He has done and continues to do in other ways.

Eternal life in Heaven is dependent upon overcoming sin, and sin is overcome through Jesus Christ. Everyone is individually accountable to God. Rejection of Jesus Christ means eternal Hell for non-Believers, period. You will be alive forever somewhere, but it takes acceptance of Christ for that place to be Heaven.

~ Jimmy Hall is a professional business writer, crafting web content, business plans, resumes, letters, and other forms of written material for clients /404-580-1501.

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