Monday, September 21, 2015

Sunday: What Is Sunday Today, A Sabbath?

What is the day of the week that we call SUNDAY? Is it the modern day Sabbath? A rest day? The Lord’s Day? The first day of the week? How do we define it?

Traditionally, Sunday is the first day of the week – the day God began Creation on. Somehow, following the ascension of Jesus Christ back into Heaven, we have changed it to the Sabbath (simply because the Apostles/Disciples decided that first day of the week was the best time to meet and give tithes and offerings to the local storehouses.

Keep in mind that (later) the Catholic Church thought It would combine the functions of giving and worshipping, and change the Sabbath to Sunday. In reality, the Sabbath is a day of rest FOR MAN, by God’s example. Jesus Christ said it was; so, that settles it.

We confuse the resting and the functional things, and have combined them. (Remember, people tithed thousands of years before Christ, and still had a separate Sabbath.) We do and change many things in the Name of God, don’t we? People like convenience.

Our Seventh Day Adventist friends are correct that Sunday is not the actual Sabbath. The Sabbath is/was the seventh day of the week, as originally instituted by God (Saturday). But, it is a little more complicated than that. How?

To Jesus Christ and the Jews, the various days of the week begin at SUNDOWN, not midnight or sunrise. For many people around the globe, this is still true. Who is to say they are wrong? (Again, we often take it upon ourselves to change God’s Original Laws, especially with respect to food, holidays, and the Sabbath – despite His eternal Biblical decrees.)

Maybe worst of all, there is little difference between Sundays (our so-called Sabbath) and any other day of the week. God originally set a Sabbath day apart for rest and worship of Him. Today it is football day, grass-cutting day, shopping day, etc. Is this what God intended? NOPE.

What is the solution to the Christian dilemma of the Sabbath? Since we cannot individually change the collective day of the Sabbath, we should at least make sure that as individuals we have one day a week set apart for It – no matter what day It is. Each of us can be directly responsible to God for having a personal or family Sabbath, right?

Every single day should be holy, but God does want an extra special day for His acknowledgment and our rest. Remember, we are taught in Hebrews that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What He wanted then, He wants now. Get it?

We might be unable to change the world in an instant, but we can change ourselves and have a true Sabbath on an individual and family level, can’t we?

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