Friday, September 25, 2015

Prosperity Gospel: 4 Errors Of The Prosperity Gospel Of Copeland, DuPlantis, Murdock, and Others

Tv preachers such as Copeland, DuPlantis, Murdock, and others may be enjoyable to watch, because many unlearned Christians and new converts feel a need to be a part of something or some group. This bunch truly can be funny. But, fun is not always good for unlearned Christians or Non-Believers/Seekers.

A 60-70% Gospel is not all that pleasing to God – though it can be useful at times. (Knowing the truth, I sometimes watch, preferring bad Christian programming to good secular stuff.)

Sadly, even some longtime Christians are fooled by this New Age “Prosperity Gospel,” that focuses on false wealth as opposed to Jesus Christ.

Generally, these tv cash-making machines err in 4 principle ways:

1st: Jesus Christ said that we are NOT to store up and gather wealth and possessions on Earth (Sermon on the Mount). Our treasures and wealth are to be in Heaven, via the next life. The prosperity gang says exactly opposite, claiming that wealth and possessions are great for us, and also lure the lost world to us. How convenient! Are they correct or is Jesus right?

2cnd: In a well-known Biblical story, Jesus was asked what to do to be His follower, by a person that already knew Scripture and kept the Commandments. Jesus told the guy to get rid of all of his possessions (give them away) and follow Him . Does this sound like Jesus wants Christians to be wealthy to you? NOPE.  (Jesus once also said that following Him might mean not even having a place to lay your head.) Again, the prosperity gang doesn’t teach this part of the Gospel either!

3rd: Jesus actually said that we are to take no extraordinary thought about food and clothing or making money for it, that our Heavenly Father will provide if we just have faith and use common sense. God even takes care of birds.

The tv preachers again contradict Jesus by telling us to “sow seeds” into their ministries to be multiplied to make cash for ourselves! True, Jesus says that we will get back more (not necessarily in money) than what we give, but it must be given with a pure heart without the expectation of a return. 

Copeland and company again pervert the Gospel of Christ on this. They present giving as an investment, like the stock market! (DuPlantis asks for ministry money, while bragging about his huge mansion and $100,000 gold paperweight on his desk!)

4th and lastly, if God wanted Christians wealthy, wouldn’t Jesus’ own family and His closest followers have been wealthy and prosperous? Did Jesus, His followers, and friends do it all wrong!

We know Jesus’ family was NOT well-off, because they gave the smallest temple offering (birds, instead of beasts). You won’t hear the prosperity preachers talk about this fact either! Maybe they think Jesus’ family lied and withheld offerings?

The bottom line is that The Gospel is about the person of Jesus Christ (Christ Jesus) and His suffering, death, and resurrection from the dead to defeat sin, death, and Satan for His Elect Believers. That is what should be focused on, instead of false prosperity doctrines and perverted lies by tv preachers with a good gimmick (even if some mean well).

The lure of potential wealth never saved anyone, only Christ and the Holy Spirit do that by atoning for & convicting those called by God the Father….In fact, wealth is generally (not always, depending upon its use) spurned in Scripture.  AMEN. Hint: $100,000 paperweights and mansions are not a good use of God’s wealth, especially when you are begging for folks to send your ministry cash for “God’s Work”!!!

Choose ye this day whom you will serve, God or mammon….. 

By Jimmy Hall

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