Saturday, December 26, 2015

Plumbing Demonstrates Christianity: Faith Like Water

In the past 6 months I have faced many plumbing difficulties, mainly with respect to the main line coming to the house and also the line leaving and going to the septic tank. In other words there have been difficulties with clean water coming-in and dirty water going out. What has this to do with Christianity? Everything.

I have worried about this and worked upon it, lost sleep over it, and wondered why God has allowed any and all of it. Worry is a sin, so my Faith is suffering. I suppose I cannot know for sure what the purpose of me experiencing this is, but I can learn from it. How?

Humans and our spirits need God and Faith in God just like our bodies need water for nourishment and the cleansing of ourselves and our interior environment. When the line of Faith and Belief is broken or clogged, our spirits are deprived of Faith and Belief just like our bodies and clothes are deprived of water when the line outside is broken. Understand?

What comes in to our spirits and minds controls, to a great extent, what happens in our daily lives. Just like the water supply determines what happens inside the home and body, our supply of Faith and Belief in God determines what happens inside our lives and spirits.

Thus, like the water supply must be fixed or I will continue to be deprived of much needed water and will pay more for what I use, our communications with God (to receive blessings and Faith) must be unclogged, sturdy, steady, and flowing.

Once I fix my water supply, I will have abundant water at a low price to perform daily household and bodily functions efficiently and effectively. Get it? Once we submit to God and ask Him sincerely to fix our flow of Faith and Belief in Him, we will have abundant blessings, grace, and mercy to walk a better Christian life and current physical life.

Water can be used physically, just like Faith and Belief are used spiritually. Each are required for life, and each must be continually replenished.

The other side of the plumbing equation is getting rid of the waste and used water, so that the plumbing system operates smoothly without messes, smells, or obstructions. No clean water can come in if it cannot also be processed and then expelled. Once the clean water becomes dirty it has to go to the septic tank or sewer.

In our spiritual lives, we must expel all sin and bad things that come about as a consequence of our bad or improper thoughts, so that we can receive much needed replenishments of Faith and Belief. If we do not, our Faith and Belief begin to whither and fade. This clogs our spiritual lifelines just like our home pipelines. Unless the bad is released, not enough good can enter.

The bottom line is that increasing Faith and Belief requires the outgoing of sin in our lives, and allowing God to continually supply us with incoming Faith and Belief.

Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501 or ) is a professional business and personal writer that crafts business plans, resumes, web content, letters, and other written projects.

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