Friday, December 18, 2015

SUPREME COURT: A Republican MUST Be Elected Prez - Daniel Fouts & Jimmy Hall

From the standpoint of prosperity and morality, the United States has severely fallen in the course of the past 6 or 7 years. We have deposed our once strong Christian values, and are facing the consequences of it. Enter the United States Supreme Court.

The next Presidential election is VITAL for us as a people to get back on track. A Republican simply has to be elected. Why? The next President will likely be able to nominate several Supreme Court Justices. This is HUGE.

These Justices determine the extent of the laws of our land (Constitutional or Unconstitutional, etc) and the basic policies of our nation. As a people, God is judging us for our permissiveness of abortion, homosexuality/gay marriage, and our country's Democrat-led stance against God & Christianity in general. 

A Republican President would certainly nominate Conservative Justices that favor Christian Principles and gun rights. Get it? This is incredibly important, not just a set of idle words.

Indeed, this is particularly relevant due to the fact that a Democratic President could likely change the makeup and balance of the current court to a completely Liberal one - further going against Traditional American and Christian values.

If you think America is unethical and immoral now, imagine if 2 or 3 seats changed from Conservative to Liberal upon the High Court. (You would no longer recognize America in 10 years.) Furthermore, this change could last for decades.

It is time for Traditional Americans and Christians to band together against Democrats & Liberals and reclaim our once Christian nation, and demonstrate to God that we want our land to be healed and once again tremendously blessed by Him. 


  1. Agree 1,000% with Everything Except the Word Republican. Because Republicans have historically and Especially Recently caved & acted more like Democrats & Heathens. This is Why we often call them RINOs [Republican In Name Only] The Establishment Republicans are the worst & the REASON we have been unable to get anywhere in the fights against Obamacare, Govt Spying, Amnesty, Border Security, Govt Intrusion, Violations of the Constitution by the Administration, Courts & Much of Congress; Nor have we made progress in the Fights FOR Keystone Pipeline, Fracking, Drilling, Balanced Budget, and Refugee Status for CHRISTIANS & JEWS, rather than the very Terrorist-Loving Muslims we have to thank for the Instability of the World. Please do be more specific. It is BECAUSE we focused TOO MUCH on getting a Republican Majority in Congress & NOT enough on getting SOLID CONSERVATIVES over RINOs.

    1. Real Republicans are Christians, the others are fake. We cannot categorize all Republicans by Liberals like Abe Lincoln.
