Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Worry: Set Aside Worry Time/Zig Ziglar

As a 15 year-old teen, I once went to a Zig Ziglar seminar in Atlanta, Georgia - and my parents and I stayed on the 52cnd floor of the near-new Peachtree Plaza Hotel for the seminar. The year was 1976, and I had never heard Ziglar before. I learned immediately that he did not like WORRY or WORRYING, nor does God.

The meetings were primarilly for sales people (my dad was selling a product for a company on the side). However, Zig Ziglar (may he rest in peace) was a Christian man, and said things for the entire family to benefit from. It was unique.

One thing that Mr. Ziglar said has stuck with me all these years, and I honestly have implemented it many times - BUT, not enough. He mentioned how Jesus said that worrying did not accomplish anything, and could only make things worse. He went the whole nine yards speaking against worry. Then he said something else, kind of shocking.

Zig said that if you were a natural worrier by nature, though you should resist it, if you were bound and detrmined to continue being apprehensive - you should take a specific action. The action was to setup one single hour each week to do nothing but WORRY!

Think about it. If you are worried about not taking time to think all options and problems over during your week, he said to pencil-in 1 hour a week for worry to allow the other 167 to be productive and unhindered!

Now, this statement by him did 2 things. For some it did free-up 167 hours weekly for productive work and peace - and made 1 hour for anxiety. For others, it made them feel absolutely stupid for ever worrying to begin with, and the notion of 1 hour of it on schedule highlighted the folly.

Either way, Zig Ziglar gave good advice, whichever way any of us chooses to take it.

I am Jimmy Hall (404-580-1501) and I write business plans, resumes, web content, and other written projects. Feel free to discuss your writing needs with me..

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